Catherine Mizulina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Elena Mizulina Daughter 2021



Ekaterina Mizulina - a Russian public figure, a well-known audience as a daughter of Helena Mizulina. The woman headed the capital Foundation "Legal Capital", and also stood at the head of the Association "League of Safe Internet". In addition, she collaborated with Moscow publishers and engaged in advertising campaigns.

Childhood and youth

There are few children's and youthful years in the biography of Catherine. Mizulina was born in 1984. Six years earlier, the son of Nicholas appeared in the family. In childhood, Catherine was a modest and quiet child-introvert, and now the public figure does not like cameras and excessive attention to his person. After graduating from school, the girl became a student of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.


Having received a brilliant education, owning Chinese, in 2008 Catherine went along with the Russian delegation to Beijing Olympic Games as a translator. In addition to translation, she was engaged in consulting politicians on media interaction.

Ekaterina Mizulina - Elena Mizulina's daughter

Mizulina was headed by the Foundation for Social and Legal Initiatives "Legal Capital", working with a wide range of tasks. On the basis of the center, marketing studies were conducted, magazines and other periodic publications were published, problems of education for adults and others were solved.

In 2018, Catherine organized the National Center, whose activities were associated with search and rescue operations of children and adolescents. In the implementation of the project, Ramzan Kadyrov and the Russian University of Special Forces helped, who proposed the volunteer training program.

From April of the same year, Elena took the position of director in the "League of Safe Internet". This company was formed in 2011 in Russia at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and other organizations. The main tasks of the new center began to oppose the dissemination of Internet content, which does not comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Experts and analysts involved in the assistance of state structures in the fight against the designated problem were connected to work. The target audience of the company became children and adolescents, affected, directly or indirectly, from the Internet influence. Initially, the organization was headed by Denis Davydov.

After the arrival of Mizulina, the man left the director's place, but retained the post at the board of the center. Under the auspices of the new leader, several significant projects were created. So, in 2019, employees developed a "Safe Internet" tutorial addressed to children of different age categories.

In addition, given that network resources are used during school lessons, created special recommendations for teachers. The developers of the League offered to the educational institutions of the designer, with the help of which representatives of schools were able to create sites. Also, the company presented video tutorials on the Internet, according to which members of the "UNARMIA" movement began.

In the same year, the Association conducted work to remove prohibited content. 3945 Internet pages with child pornography and 3227 pages related to the manufacture and propagation of narcotic drugs were closed. The realities of the time opened a number of serious problems in front of the center.

It concerned the involvement of minors in groups promoting extremism. It was noted an increase in the number of organizations aimed at training Skulshting (attacks on schools), cyberbulling (etchs in social networks) and other methods of negative impact on the rapid children's and adolescent consciousness.

In order to combat these legal violations of the League, a number of proposals aimed at the legislative level aimed at combating listed issues. Another direction of the organization was the opposition to the publication of fake news on the Internet.

In 2020, in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, the issue with the appearance of a disorientating audience of information was especially acute. In early April, the League staff revealed 8.5 thousand false reports on the disease.

Complexity in the fight against these information was that, according to the director of the organization, the social networks carried out the blocking of false materials slowly. In this regard, Catherine suggested introducing additional responsibilities for social networks and messengers. Failure to comply with laws will be threatened with fines. An example for the introduction of such measures was Europe - now there are large sums for violations of cybersecurity rules.

Fake news touched the family of a public figure. At the beginning of 2020, her mother, Senator Elena Mizulul, sent a request to the General Prosecutor's Office. The paper contained a request to check on the dissemination of false information about the presence of dual citizenship.

In June, Catherine became a member of the Public Chamber. Here she continued to develop the direction of cyber security, sharing the news in the instagram account. There, a wrestler for Internet security placed the post that the National Center was the winner of the Competition of the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Mizulina prefers hide from the press. It is not known whether she is married and whether she has children. On social networks, the photos covers only its social activities, the family archives are not available.

Ekaterina Mizulina now

In 2021, in the Yutiub-channel Ksenia Sobchak, an interview with the liberated Viktor Mokhov was published. The video, as the head of the "League of Safe Internet" spoke, "a visual example of cyberbulling". Ekaterina Mikhailovna said that the statements of Skopinsky Maniac aroused indignation in the audience, including his words about one of the victims, Elena Samokhin. The hot lines of the Mizulina organization turned out to be paralyzed due to the appeals of non-indifferent citizens.

Elena Borisovna's daughter also noted that the interview was placed on American hosting. And this already means the fact of violation of the US legislation, because in America, the law crossed the law is not allowed in any way to make a profit from publicity of the details of the crime.

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Another Russian blogger who fell under the close attention of the Main Directorate of Drug Control Department - Yuri Dwell. Volunteers revealed: one of his rollers contained the propaganda of prohibited substances. By the way, Ekaterina Mikhailovna did not report on what issue is we talking about, as it can also be regarded as a violation of the law.

Creativity of Rapper Alisher Morgen Sherther also attracted the attention of volunteers - the musician will have to check the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. In the text of the songs, it may be contained phrases that can be interpreted as a call for drug use.

In connection with these events, the head of the "Secure Internet League" once again applied to media personnel who have a multitude of an audience on the network. A wrestler for Internet security emphasized the importance of awareness of responsibility for visual content and words that have been told on the air.

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