Interesting facts about the film "Only old men go to battle" - shooting, 1974, actors, author, director


The popularity of the musical drama of the director Leonid Bykov brought the song "Darkovanka" and quickly went into the people of the phrase "We will live!". The history of veterans pilots recognized truthful, which is not by chance, as real events of the military years served as inspiration for the plot. Other interesting facts about the film "Only old men go into battle" - in the material 24cm.


In 1974, Kinokarttina was in the top five rolled leaders, although the military theme was already beaten, and the audience interest in the drama of the country's hard for the country of the Pugas period. Yes, and the film criticism himself was perceived as a frivolous history, which was sent to the shelf.

However, the decoration of the film was the believability of the plot that repeats almost exactly the events of the military years, which influenced the rolling destiny of the project. For each hero in the film stood non-psychic stories, and the sayings of the characters were accurately moved to the frame.

So, the prototype of the charming maestro was the two heroes of the Soviet Union Vitaly Popkov and Ivan Lajeckin. By the way, both the fascist planes both Hero were shot down under the call sign "Maestro." And even the surname was borrowed from the pilot Dmitry Titarenko.

The grasshoppers also saw in the memoirs of Vitaly Popkov, who did not immediately replenished the ranks of the "old men." The future hero was first removed for the turns at a small height, which he discharged, wanting to paint. And the phrase "from flights to remove, one hundred grams not to give, to be appointed by duty, eternal duty officer" is borrowed from the memories of the twice Hero of the USSR Sergey Lugansk.

But about who served as a prototype of the romantic heroes of Mask Bovkov and Rustam, there are still discussions. According to one version, the Love History of Nadezhda Popova and Seeds Harlamov, who got married on May 10, 1945 and lived together for 45 years. On the other, Gali Tubelidze and the pilot Marisaeva became inspiration. The beloved was killed with the bombing of the military unit, and Romeo was killed in air combat.

The Evgeny Bykovsky became the prototype, who accepted an unequal battle with 34 by German aircraft. There is also a version that the prototum became a friend of the director Viktor Schevenok, who served in the infantry and died in 1945.

And in the way, Zoe Molchanova, who struck the male squadron by the number of awards, which is also true, stood Nadezhda Popova, one of the "night witches" and the spouse of the consultant of the seeds of Harlamov.

Hints of bosses

In interesting facts about the film "Only old people go to battle" should add that the preparatory stage caused difficulties.

The director proposed on the role of Skvortsova Leonid Filatov. However, the leadership of the film studio donatedly hinted that they should be used in the roles of not Moscow actors, and Kiev. Meanwhile, Bykov was one criterion: the performer is suitable or not.

The grasshopper was to be Vladimir Konkin, who approved the leadership, but the actor turned out to be engaged in the role of the mouth of Korchagin, and the "gloomy" performed Sergey Ivanov.

Casus happened and with actor Rustam Sagdullayev, who performed Romeo. The Contractor had to combine two projects at once, so the part of the episodes were filmed in the headset to achieve reliability and not embarrassment of the audience with the long hair of the artist, which were necessary in the plot of the parallel project.

Officials also refused to approve the role of Alexey Smirnov, motivating their decision by the fact that this is a "actor with a stupid face" and comedy amplua. However, the bulls defended the artist, told that the artist returned from the front with five awards, two of whom were the Order of Glory. It is rumored that the bull had to even put forward the ultimatum to the authorities and declare that without Smirnov and the film would not. Only then the artist was approved for the role.

Help General

This is today the legendary music drama is one of the best films of domestic cinema. And then in the success of the project dedicated to the singing squadron, few people believed. Officials of the Ministry of Culture recognized the scenario, whose co-author of Leonid Bykov, "non-degenerate".

To somehow affect the decision of the authorities, the bulls began to read individual pieces of the script during the tour. And finally convinced the correctness of the decision taken by the leadership of the film studio, the authoritative opinion of General Alexander Pokshkinina, "swallowed" scenario for the night and ordered to give the film crew of five aircraft decorated in front form.

Breakdowns on the set

In interesting facts about the film "Only old people go to battle" should include the fact that Leonid Bykov did not recognize the doubles and preferred to work independently. During the filming, he managed to explore the control of the aircraft, but the car did not rise into the air. When creating one of the episodes of bulls, it was injured in the pit, and the plane nodded the nose, breaking the propeller and damaging the rear rack.

It took the repair to which a lot of time would leave. Recruited the foresight of the mechanic "Iron Bird", grabbed additional blades. And to boil the chassis rack, the film operator went to Chernigov, to the station of young technicians to friends who had to pull out of the warm bed for art.

Color film

Initially, the film about the singing squadron was planned to be removed on the color film, however, the studio Dovzhenko refused the director of this, since the newcomer films were issued to socially owned projects. Bykov even offered to make a film about tractor drivers to reveal as an artist in a color film, but he refused. As a result, in the cinemas they saw the premiere on August 12, 1974 in black and white format.

Meanwhile, the idea of ​​the director still turned out to be embodied in life, and on May 9, 2009, the audience saw a colorized version of the film. Over the "coloring" and restoration worked in the United States and India.

To repeat historical colors, the colorars had to ride at the places of filming and explore the museum materials. The artists were afraid of unnecessarily bright shades and even initially made a mistake in color, which forced to remake 60% of the work performed. Meanwhile, it is believed that the artists-colorars managed to get into the atmosphere of the 70s of the last century.

Real stories

Leonid Bykov worked on a scenario so as to maintain the grains of memories of veterans and in the almost unchanged form to transfer these parts on the screen.

Singing squadron really existed. In the same place, Vitaly Popkov served, who became the prototype of the heroes of the film. The truth was that the pilots created their own choir and gave concerts to raise the moral spirit of people on liberated territories.

Not a fiction and a drawing with a tiny mill on the attack aircraft, which was conquered on the battle Il-2 pilot of Vasily Emelyanenko.

It turned out to be true and the hit of Titarenko captured to his own, as well as a strong fist of infantry in response to prove that they were fighting on one side of the barricades. And it is quite reliably, contrary to the Soviet traditions, the habit of the mechanic "bless" the aircraft in front of the fighting departure looked.

The episode with the return of the pilot on a horse with the wording "waved without looking" was borrowed. Frames with the coppers of the Sayna, who disguised the enemy disguised under German tanks.

Yes, and the name of the film was not randomly born. According to the memoirs of military pilots, they did not immediately be allowed for the steering wheel of the Gloomy combat vehicle. So, the Consultant of the project Vitaly Popkov said that after arriving at the front in 1941, he was allowed in 1942 to battle departure in 1942.

In a selection of interesting facts about the film "Only old people go," one should add that the creators wanted to show the highest wisdom in the picture, which was to care about the future, expressing in the upbringing of the younger generation, ready to stand on shift. "And the best reward for us - when they [Veterans] say:" Yes, it was so "," Leonid Bykov emphasized in an interview.

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