Galina Morozova - Photo, biography, personal life, news, killed Son 2021



At the end of June 2020, shocking news from Astrakhan came. The son of a political figure, socialist and ex-candidate for governors of the region of Galina Morozova, who disappeared several months ago, was killed and closed in concrete. The horror of this story was added that the mother of the deceased was the main suspect in the crime, which participated in search, confused, gave false testimony and allegedly worried about what happened.

Childhood and youth

Galina Morozova was born on December 25, 1963 in Astrakhan, on the last time he went to the secondary school number 74 named after Gabdulla Tuquet. In the future, the girl became a student of the local accounting and credit institution and the Financial and Economic Faculty of the Moscow Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, there is no additional comprehensive information about the personal biography of a woman. Most of the above laconic facts listed above was indicated on its personal page in VKontakte, which the customer periodically removed due to the negative reaction of the public after the publication of the crime details.

Personal life

About the personal life of Galina Vladimirovna information a little. It is known that, in addition to the deceased 12-year-old Alexander Parachnyakov, there were still three children in the family - two daughters and son Denis, which appeared on April 22, 1984, for Easter. The heiress named Natalia communicated with volunteers who participated in the search for a younger brother, and after what happened to the post in Instagram:"I always believed that I had the best family, the most wonderful mother and the most ideal life before this fateful day. About what happened, none of my family knew, including the Father. I sincerely believed that with our boy everything is good, that he is alive and well, which just happened and that he will return home. "

Sasha was born in 2007, he studied at school, played the piano and did progress in sports - according to a number of publications, he is the champion of the Southern Federal District in Taekwondo. It was also reported that he, like all adolescents, experienced a puberty period, manifested itself a heavy hooliganic character at this age. Therefore, Morozova gave a written permission to ensure that the investigating authorities and the members of the search detachment applied force during the child's detention.

Career and politics

Morozova led an active public and political life. For a long time, it consisted in the local department of "Fair Russia", repeatedly put forward the elections (in 2018, for example, methyl as the mayor of the city) and participated in the promotions and projects of the party. Plus, he was the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Astrakhan Region, and now he is a member of the Licensed Commission of the Region.

In 2019, Galina Vladimirovna ran to the post of governor of the Astrakhan region, and therefore misunderstanding with Oleg Sheene arose. And in the summer, his ex-associate replenished the ranks of the movement "For New Socialism". By the way, she had stretched relationships not only with colleagues, but also with neighbors around the house. It was also reported that the woman collaborated with the deputy from the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Communist Party.


The statement about the disappearance of the Son Parents filed March 6, 2020: On March 4, he allegedly went to school and did not return. After that, large-scale searches were launched in Astrakhan, in which volunteers and volunteers of the Liza Alert squad, and even the relatives of the boy were participating. The latter then identified it on video surveillance cameras in different parts of the city, they reported that the child was seen near the place of residence.

Galina herself argued that shortly before the disappearance, the heir contacted a 19-year-old guy, a former drug addict, who was sitting for the distribution of prohibited substances. The missing was looking for a little more than three months. During this time, Morozova did not cease to publish sad posts on social networks, accompanied by photos, about the tragedy in the family.

All would be nothing, but many of them ended with political agitation, for which the author was criticized by journalists and the public:

"My situation forced me to think about how I could protect other families from the same grief as mine. I can not sit back, I can not calmly look at the destruction of the best human qualities that we received during the Soviet Union. That is why I entered into motion "For the new Socialism".

On June 19, Alexander's body was found concreted in the floor in the house of the Senior Son of Publics. The suspicion of the murder fell on the woman was not confirmed at first, but during the interrogation gave confessions. According to the investigation, Sasha left the apartment on March 4 and returned only in the morning, a quarrel with waiting for his enjoyed mother.

During the scandal, Morozov hit the heir to the head of the dumbbell - as a result of the injuries, the teenager died in place. After the deed criminal, he decided to check the traces, hiding the corpse and throwing the instrument of crime and the phone of the died in the river.

Galina Morozova now

June 20, 2020 it turned out that by the decision of the court, Morozov entered into custody for 2 months. In a criminal case (paragraph "B" of Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) appointed a number of examinations and carried out investigative actions to find out the nuances of the crime.

It is also known that the husband, having learned that the spouse killed his son, fell into a hospital in serious condition. By the way, not everyone believe that the murder made Galina, believing that she covers the senior heir to Denis.

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