Zero Igoreky Star - Looks like, how does it live, now, career, personal life, children


Stars differ from each other. Some years continue to delight fans, despite the replacing the popular trends. Others, brightly flashed, as if supernovable, soon disappearing without a trace. Leaving a couple of bright hits after himself, which people are not averse to listening from time to time, as a rule, nostalging at the departed youth. Among the second - the star "zero" Igorek.

The fact that the celebrity is still doing and how the celebrity is now being engaged in and how it lives.

Peak popularity

The star "Zero" Igorek (Igor Sorokin) is a person, the popularity of which came suddenly, forcing millions of Russians and residents of the post-Soviet space in a new way to take a rap, admit that this musical genre is capable of attracting the most different audience.

The compositions of the artist, such as "holding no more forces", "finished-got him", "Girl Marina", "Krcchi-Krcchi" and others, cling to listeners in good rhymes and rustic, but adultery music. However, it is hardly among them there is another hit, like the song "Let's wait", actually, and who discovered the celebrities to folk love and glory.

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Thanks to this composition, Igorek from who came to master the capital of Russia with 10 rubles in the pocket of the pet visitors of discos, whose half-haziness, like all the other works of the musician, the song My Love Natasha conquered the dance floors of Siberia, turned into a real star. In a person who in November 2000 opened the Golden Gramophone awards ceremony, offering gathering guests to wait for the mother who prepares cool.

The main song of Igorka, according to which he still remembers the majority of listeners, according to the celebrity, appeared almost by chance. Even before the singer's arrival at Moscow, in Novosibirsk, Sorokin often experienced difficulties with finance, because of which it periodically did not even have money, so I had to be taken from friends.

And once, walking around the city, the future star of "zero" Igorek drew attention to the charming girl behind the wheel of the jeep "Grand Cherokee". The hungry guy at that moment about the moment she took the idea that this delightful beauty, with such confidence, torque a powerful car, not able to cook at all. So the idea of ​​the song "Let's wait", the text of which the artist wrote and at all over a tet of minutes.

Moreover, working on verses and music, Igorek, as he subsequently claimed, was firmly sure that the composition would surely enter the top 10 charts of Russia. And there was a lot of surprised outcome - after all, Sorokin did not count at the first places, trying to more or less realistically assess their own forces and not to build unnecessary illusions.

Be that as it may, the result exceeded all the most bold expectations and ascended the singer on the peak of popularity. Actively working, in the period from 2001 to 2008, the artist managed to record eight studio albums, who used great success in the audience: songs from them were invariably conquered in the first positions of the chait parades of leading Russian radio stations. The singer acquired an apartment and finally moved to Moscow.

After glory

According to the artist, the metropolitan life with its temptations invariably adversely affects the provinces. Fair it was and in relation to Igor. True, the artist claims that he was happily managed to "relent" with all sorts of dependencies: the forbidden substances were originally impossible, and Siberian's strong alcoholic beverages were afraid to be afraid - without damaging, Sorokin continued to control the allowable doses.

But Igor sat down another disease, which will not give way to danger or drug addiction, nor alcoholism, - star. Looking back in the past, Igorek is aware of: a relatively easy way to glory, which reminded the children's fairy tale about the oven, who became a prince, relaxed the artist. Forced to believe in his own infallibility. Why a commended singer began to periodically enter.

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The artist ugly led himself with familiar and not very people, refused to listen to the opinion of others, could easily break in a conversation and shouting on the interlocutor if the words of the last did not suit the performer. Fortunately, lovers helped to cope with the problem, who were periodically wounded the singer's chance, instructed on the path, for which they were immensely grateful.

Finally deal with the mania of the greatness of Igorka helped awareness that he no longer understands what he wants from life. For dense touring schedule, concerts and parties with fans, the own "I" Sorokina was lost. And then the singer decided to leave the pop on time.

According to the performer, for five years he practically lived her own hermit, occasionally leaving his apartment in order to alone walk through the Phileus Park, and once every six months calling me with friends to finally do not go crazy from longing and misunderstanding life. At that period, the artist was also fascinated by theology and spiritual practitioners, which helped in the end to collect his thoughts and understand what he was waiting for himself from the future.

And although for a long time, the celebrity converted to the recovery, the celebrity persuaded to return to the stage, felt that the star "zero" Igorec is not yet forgotten and needed fans, the final decision again helped to accept the case. The artist saw during another walking a 15-year-old teenage girl, who under the nose sfed his song. And I understood it - it's time to reiterate for your favorite job.

Of course, a loud "restart" career did not work, however, the "Remix" and Super Stars released in 2013, which included hits of past years in new processing, found their listeners. After all, it turned out that many fans of Igor's creativity throughout the lack of last on stage continued to remember the artist, waiting for the return of the idol.

Personal life

Igor Sorokin often poses on photos placed in social networks with their fans and fans. But the family pictures of the artist there can not find. Because of what many fans make up the impression that the singer is alone.

However, Igor himself says that there were enough novels in his life with the most different representatives of the finest floor: he got acquainted with the Internet, with others - during performances in all sorts of events. They met among his passions as simple girls and models. But the personal space, the performer always defended from the attention of the press representatives.

According to Sorokina, he doesn't like the excitement at all, which will certainly inflate the media around weddings and divorces of other stars, their novels and parting. So the artist does not survive at all that his personal life remains outside the lenses of the camera and pages of yellow publications and portals. He is nothing to him.

It is known that by the 50th anniversary, which Igorek celebrated in February 2021, the performer did not get a family - he has no wife and children. A tight working schedule, filled with roadborns around the country and beyond its borders, does not make it possible to think about serious relationships. However, in the future, the singer is sure, everything can still change. In the meantime, the best support for the artist receives from parents who do not listen to the son of anyone and sang what he liked.

Career now

Following parents' instructions, Sorokin and works, creating such music that he likes himself. And therefore does not understand how those celebrities are capable of acting, which their own her own hits have long been standing across her throat. After all, Igor, his work still gives pleasure.

While the artist is in a hurry with the release of new albums, continuing to delight fans with old material. The singer has become an unchanged participant in all sorts of retroconcerts, periodically conducted by diverse television channels and radio stations. The Contractor has no need to complain about the lack of attention - he has an extremely tight touring schedule: many of his old fans are happy to listen to the songs of the idol of their youth and gladly attend Igor's concerts.

Also in the plans of Sorokina - in a short time, fully return to the raep, from which the Contractor in recent years before a break in the career became gradually to move away. The artist is going to take a step towards the origins, from which the once star "zero" Igoreky began, and savs strength. The singer is confident that when it collected with thoughts, then a lot will delight his old fans. And the artist had an idea to make a film about the show-business of the 90s, however, until the incarnation of her in life is far away.

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