Interesting Facts about Alexander Rybak - "Eurovision", Violin, "Tale", Relationship, Health


This musician and singer became known to the general public in 2009, under the accompaniment of the violin won the love of the audience and the title of the winner of the Eurovision contest. The memorable melody and bright manner of execution deservedly ascended the artist to the first place, chanting the attention of spectators and press from Norway to the person of the Person.

Interesting facts about Alexander Rybak, who was 35 years old on May 13, 2021, in the editorial date 24cm.


Studying entertaining facts from the life of Alexander Rybaka, in 2009, conquered Europe and Russia with his "fairy tale" (FairyTale), no way to bypass such a moment as the refusal of a young artist to participate in the show of the famous American Oprah Winfrey.

By itself, this episode is more curious about the fact that an invitation to an interview from the TV host known in the United States, to get to the program of which many stars are dreaming, indicates a considerable interest in Person Norwegian with Belarusian roots from representatives of Western show business.

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According to the musician, he himself would not have neglected a similar chance to chat with Winsfrey, because for a long time he was a Yarym fan of the African American show. But circumstances were different.

In the first place for Alexander, it was not the desire to "light up" once again before lenses in the transfer of tesedyl influential in the United States, but the fulfillment of obligations assigned to themselves. After all, at the time when the artist was invited to the States, the artist had two concerts in a guy from Belarus of their norway. And the Ukrainian fans were waiting for the singer - a tour of the cities of the former Soviet Republic was scheduled for the fisherman for September 2009.

So the "show of Oprah Winfrey" remained without a curious guest, but the Norwegians and Ukrainians fully enjoyed the talent of the winner of Eurovision 2009.

Duet with Bilan.

In an interview with various publications, the winner of the main European musical competition and before and after his triumph was repeatedly argued that he would like to perform a duet with Dima Bilan, who ranked first on Eurovision a year before Alexander Rybak.

The musician, the singer and the composer assured that he was amazed and inspired by the energy that the Russian performer would give listeners during the speech. And they were amazed, as the latter it is possible to be so laid out every time.

The words of the Norwegian Belarusian were not in vain - shortly after his statements seriously rose the question of joint speech Alexander Rybak with Dima Bilan. Initially, the stumbling block was the composition that the likely partners on the scene had to be fulfilled. Fisherman, of course, promoted his triumphal "fairy tale", while Bilan stubbornly kept for his own victory Believe.

The performance of the duet was previously planned at the beginning of June 2009: the singers were to enter the scene at the presentation of the MUZ-TV award. In the newspapers even appeared the information that Alexander managed to convince the BELIEVE song for a joint number, in which the Norwegian was proposed to take the violin batch, which Hungarian Edwin Marton was played.

But all the plans went as shruh: Alexander abandoned the duet with Dima Bilan, referring to excessive employment. In any case, his managers told all publications about such a version of events. Although the mass of magazines, newspapers and Internet portals led to a true cause completely different: the fisherman seemed too small a fee proposed for a joint performance.


An interesting fact about Alexander Fisherman: the performer is not alien to superstition. At the very least, the artist tries not to part with his happy cufflinks, made in the form of a violin. He considers these fasteners, which a gift to him presented one familiar Norwegian journalist three days before the final of the Eurovision contest, with his talismans, invariably bring good luck.

Another subject that happiness brings him, Alexander calls his violin. To considerably, because he considers himself primarily a musician and composer, and only then - a singer.

By the way, just because of such views, the artist, when Glory came to him, making the Melody of "Fairy Tales" for a while the most popular ringtone on the planet, claimed: for him, as for the writer, the greatest joy will be created hit. Such who remains in the memory of the listeners for a long time, for decades. So the prospect of becoming those who will subsequently name the author of one song, it is not afraid of him - if only the work itself is not forgotten.

Gay scandal

It is worth noting such an interesting fact about Alexander Fisherman: a member of Eurovision 2009 a year after his victory at the music competition was in the center of gay scandal. The reason was the fact that at the party in honor of the next competition of young European performers, the artist allegedly stated that he himself belongs to the number of people with unconventional sexual orientation. And then this information appeared on the personal page of the singer on Facebook.

The musician himself, like his managers, subsequently refuted the information that appeared on the Internet and the information, who dissuade the fact that he was misunderstood.

According to the fisherman, he only noted that he was well referred to the gays, because otherwise it would not take part in the competition in 2009, since half the constant audience of Eurovision falls on representatives of sexual minorities. While the artist himself prefers to raise relations exclusively with the girls and does not plan to change the orientation.

But after allegedly recognizing the singer, the interest of the LGBT community to him, and earlier the former is very high, only increased. Alexander Rybak began to receive the mountains of letters, in which he was confirmed in love oriented non-traditionally men, which only forced a young man again and again deny her belonging to minorities.

By the way, immediately after the victory on Eurovision, the artist jokingly called the competition with the biggest legal gay parade of the continent.


The singer confessed that the requirements caused by high expectations that were constantly imposed on him from fans and producers, as a result of health. Due to excessive physical and psychological workloads associated with a tense schedule of performances and permanent rehearsals, Alexander for a long time was forced to take potent drugs to cope with their overcomes.

Back in 2010, the fisherman happened due to the overvoltage of the nerve breakdowns - during one such an artist chose his own violin, and then locked in his dressing room. After that, the position only worsened.

However, later, Alexander took his health and preferred to refuse painkillers, which, according to the violinist, simply destroyed it, did not allow working. Although such a solution was not difficult, and even withstanding periodic attacks without drugs turned out to be a difficult task.

By the way, precisely because of regular pain Alexander Rybak in 2019 broke up with his beloved girl, with which he had met for several years. I realized that because of physical ailments it is not capable of being in close contact with people. And first of all, it does not please when it sees those who artist roads in a similar condition.

Completing the conversation about interesting facts about Alexander Rybak, it is worth adding that with a girl with whom the artist met in Tinder and which he dedicated in 2017 the instrumental composition, the musician managed to maintain friendly relationships even after parting.

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