Karl Rans Rogers - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, psychologist



Karl Rans Rogers stood at the origins of humanistic psychology, considered the identity of a person in the context of the social environment. Customer-centered therapy applied in medical practice was devoted to monographs and research works.

Childhood and youth

Karl Rans Rogers was born in America at the beginning of the 20th century, his biography began in a suburb of the largest industrial cities. The village of Ok-Park, located near Chicago, appeared on the map in the middle of the 1830s.

The ancestors of the future psychologist did not have a lack of funds and were considered a religious bladded family. Father, construction company engineer, and mother, professional housewife, made the view that they are satisfied with the world around the world.

In fact, in the house where Rogers grew up, sister and four brothers, a tense atmosphere reigned due to the rigor of adults. Children were not allowed to participate in entertainment events, so they did not have acquaintances and close friends.

The forced loneliness of Karl Rans compensated for reading fiction, this passion was organized by the educated chapter of the family. Getting acquainted with the work of novelists and popular science works, the boy has established contacts with imaginary people.

In the early 1910s, the parents became the owners of the farm, the younger generation had a lot of worries after that. Rogers at the age of 12 began to help at the farm, he was attracted to the implementation of agricultural work.

Study in public school has changed little in the life of a child, in the company of classmates and classmates, he has always been considered a stranger. Dreams of society, in which it would be possible to self-realize, during this period swept and dissolved soon.

Despite this, the boy knew the general educational items perfectly, regularly honored the heading reviews of teachers. In three different educational institutions, located far from the house, Karl Rans was perfectly mastered English on the materials of books and articles.

In the summer, the teenager worked hard on a farm belonging to parents, scientific methods of labor examined in his spare time. Of interest was the life of plants, insects, small animals, as well as everything that was included in the concept of the environment.

After graduating from the educational institution, Rogers and brothers planned to engage in agriculture in the family estate. At Wisconsin University, at the Faculty of Agriculture, the young man communicated with teachers and knowledgeable people in this matter.

At a certain stage of the biography, he remembered the religious past and joined the organization of American Christians. A diligent student visited the conference in the capital of the People's Republic of China, where the fundamental life plan began to form.

The traditions of the Asian state changed the views on society, returning to their homeland, Karl Rans was transferred to the historical faculty. In parallel, he listened to the Optional course of psychology, which swallowed all the attention in subsequent decades.

A new stage of education was college at Columbia University. There Rogers became interested in working with problematic disadvantages. Having received a master's degree and defending his doctoral dissertation, the American finally came out of the power of the family.

Personal life

In Wisconsin University, Karl Rans fell in love with the coarteremonium Helen Eliot, a girl who became familiar with childhood, brought happiness in his personal life. After she agreed to become a wife of a young man, he had a sense of satisfaction.

Having married, newlyweds left the territory of Alma Mater and settled in New York in the society of intelligent people. The spouse immediately became a source of scientific inspiration for Rogers, developed and represented a number of brilliant ideas.

Scientific activity

At the initial stage of scientific activity, Karl Rans worked as a full-time psychologist in the department consulted by disadvantaged children. Having moved to Rochester, he became director of the Center for Help and engaged in writing debut scientific articles.

At the end of the 30s, work appeared on the characteristics of the clinical treatment of a child with antisocial behavior, alien to the social environment. The success of the publication brought Karl Ransome at the Department of Academic Psychology, which made it possible to help people who were in terrible misfortune.

As a current professor, the famous Columbia University Rogers brought up graduate students who have separated a scientific approach. In the 40s, the teacher of the foundations of clinical psychology issued a dozen popular narrow-grades.

In 1945, the American topped the advisory center in Chicago, the position gave the original experimental material. He accepted the ideas of the I-Concept and the theory of motivation, which foreign researchers predicted a complete failure.

Becoming a like-minded man of the founder of humanistic psychology, Rogers appreciated the contribution to the science of Jew Abraham Maslu. He published a number of monographs on client-centered therapy and a survey for social adaptation in the mid-50s.

In the center of the works of a native of Chicago, there was a question of the formation of a person, awareness, understanding and interaction with the medium. The concept of "congruence" as an equilibrium of experience, empathy and communications has become new in modern science.

The scientific achievements were considered books entitled "Freedom to learn", "Marriage and His alternatives" and collections of existential articles. Phenomenological theory as an innovation in psychotherapy rated colleagues and dozens of interested people.

The methods proposed by the Americans within the framework of developed areas were taken by representatives of the profession of dozens of developed countries. Based on the bibliography of a native of the suburbs of Chicago, a number of successful practically existing programs were developed.

Group psychotherapy - a common phenomenon of modern science, was widely used by Rogers in the 1950s. True, the experimental study of the collective consciousness of schizophrenicians was at first not accepted in public and cultural circles.

For the contribution to the development of psychology, subsequently estimated on dignity, Karl Rans was awarded a number of thematic premiums and awards. In the solemn ceremonies, few people talked about the fact that on the way to glory the scientist overcame hundreds of obstacles.


In the mid-1980s, American traveled around the world, lectured in the capitals of Asian and European countries. People who adopted practical experience gained books with photographs to help patients free from mental injuries.

In February 1987, the media reported the death of a scientist Karl Ransom Rogers from inevitable natural reasons. The news stoically adopted by the psychological community has seal hundreds of thousands of followers.


  • "Numerous problems arise when we are trying to justify the expectations of others, instead of identifying our own."
  • "Each of us consists of two separate parts, desperately trying to connect to one integrated intate, in which the differences between the soul and body, feelings and intelligence would be erased."
  • "People who do not believe in human kindness are rarely faced with its manifestations."
  • "Why did you think that someone should love you? Where is that written?!"
  • "Errors can be in theories of authorities."


  • 1939 - "Clinical treatment of a problem child"
  • 1942 - "Consultation and psychotherapy. The newest approaches in psychological practice "
  • 1949 - "Coordinated study in psychotherapy"
  • 1951 - "Customer-centered psychotherapy"
  • 1957 - "Required and sufficient conditions for therapeutic identity change"
  • 1959 - "Humanistic psychology. Theory and practice"
  • 1961 - "The formation of a person. A look at psychotherapy "
  • 1969 - "Freedom to learn"
  • 1970 - "Group Psychotherapy"
  • 1980 - "Method of Genesis"
  • 1967 - "Fully functioning person"

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