The series "Despite everything" (2021) - the release date, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The premiere of the series "Despite everything" took place on the Ukrainian TV channel STB in February 2021. The release date of the melodramatic 16-serial film on the channel "Russia-1" - May 17, 2021. The main heroine of the picture of Fate throws one challenge after another, a light strip and hope for the future replaces the gloomy reality of the 90s. The daughters of the professor will survive in a foreign world, not to lose themselves and to defend the right to be happy.

In the material 24cm - more about the plot line of the painting, interesting facts about the actors and roles in it.

Plot and shooting

The production of the series was engaged in the "His" film company. The director's chair in the project went to Yuri Osipov. The author of the script was Nina Abrikosov, who used to work on the ribbons "for everything paid", "Paradise knows everything!", "The only joy", "choice". Father and son Anatoly and Egor Zubkov became authors of musical accompanying tape. Valentine opalov and Pavel Karwan were chosen by producers.

According to the plot of the film, the three girlfriends of Zhenya, Lena and Olya were born and grew up in families of scientists and professors. On the life path of the girls did not meet serious obstacles and adversity, and the road was waiting for them to science and secured future. However, the harsh reality of the 90s overnight destroyed all the plans and dreams. Each of the heroin had to learn to adapt to unfamiliar and cruel conditions of existence in the world of chaos, instability and lawlessness. Girls try to support each other and help in difficult situations, but still gradually distinguish and focus each on their problems.

The most difficult path fate prepared for Vinogradovaya Zhenya: the girl will have to meet in a life road with dangerous traps, to withstand numerous tests and tests for strength. Zhenya is waiting for betrayal of a loved one, a prosecution of a crime that other people committed. But, in spite of everything, the heroine will be able to defend the right to be happy.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Despite everything" played the actors:

  • Alena Colimary - Zhenya Vinogradova;
  • Evgenia Osipova - Olya;
  • Inna Kolyada - Lena.

The characters of the second plan played:

  • Sergey Assovsky - Head of the Colony;
  • Dmitry Paleev-Barmansky - Businessman;
  • Lyudmila Kratrava - the smokeman;
  • Vladimir Khokhlov - Senior Lieutenant;
  • Sergey Anashkin is a foreign seller;
  • Nadezhda Marinka - Valentine.

Also in the tape were filmed: Vakhtang Beridze, Alexey Zubkov, Vadim Andreev, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Valery Skovronsky, Oscar Kuchet, Anton Zatresin and other movie stars.

Interesting Facts

1. The second name of the series is "happy contrary to".

2. Director Yuri Osipova Viewers also know as a scenario, actor and producer. Osipov remembered the audience in the roles of roles in films and TV shows: "Private detective", "Albanian's pseudonym", "SpecialGroup", "Forester", "Storm's specialties", "Smered". He also removed the series "Baghogih", "Diamond Crown", and in total, in the account of Yuri Osipov more than 120 film projects.

3. The shooting of melodramas took place in Ukraine in 2020 and lasted 4 months.

4. Actress Alena Colimary told in an interview about his role in the series. Her heroine Zhenya Vinogradov was not ready for complex tests, but thanks to the resistance managed to withstand them. The actress believes that Zhenya is similar to it in nature: they are united by natural optimism, courage and pride.

Alena Colimary noted that the theme of the 90s is only interested in movies, as it is bright characters, interesting outfits, people's behavior. This time remains in the memory of the actresses as a happy childhood, but it would not want to return to reality in reality again.

Also, the performer of the leading role told about an unusual gift that the director prepared for her at the final stage of filming. Since the event occurs in the 90s, when the grandmother traded in the grandmother markets fried with seeds, the actors could not resist the temptation so as not to try forgotten delicacy. Yuri Osipov decided to please Kolomine and gave her a whole bag of seeds.

5. Actress Inna Kolyada said that for her this project is primarily about love. Her heroine is close to Inn in character. The actress believes that her Lena is a "absolute woman", which can forgive, take both due and loving truly. Inna also noted that the wonderful friendly atmosphere was developed on the set, mutual understanding and a good mood reigned.

6. The actors involved in the series "Despite everything", with nostalgia remember those times, atmosphere and outfits. For many, the 90s are associated with childhood and adolescence, a time of fantastic, interesting, beautiful, bright and memorable for life.

7. After the premiere of the series "in spite of everything" in Ukraine, the audience shared their impressions from viewing at the film films. Among the advantages of the tape commentators noted the realism and dynamism of the plot, the star cast, the presence of intrigues. The disadvantages of criticism took a light protractedness and an unfair attitude of the screenwriters to the main heroine: too much tests fell on its share.

The series "Despite everything" - a trailer:

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