Movie "Challenge" - Estimated Release Date, Actors, Preparation, Shooting


The domestic media designer agrees the new decision of Russian cinematographers. Who considered what nothing to do on Earth is already nothing to do, and therefore they decided to go into space to be already there, under the energic radiance of silent distant stars, calmly shoot the movie "Call", information about the plot and the date of the output of which is still held in secret.

Nevertheless, some details of the preparation for the implementation of the new idea managed to clarify. This is in the material 24cm.

What a picture is about

As mentioned above, the film "Call" The creators preferred to enhance such a thick veil of the mystery, which even at least to say something, what will be discussed in the picture is difficult. As far as possible to judge the Casta, which will be discussed later, the ribbon is dedicated to the adventures of a woman in space. Moreover, the film will be artistic.

Last refinement is especially important. After all, according to the official report, the picture will become part of a large-scale scientific and educational project, properly include the cycle of films taken in the genre of documentary cinema and dedicated to Russian enterprises of the space industry engaged in the construction of carrier missiles, ships, as well as the ground infrastructure of this sphere as a whole .

The authors of the plan assure that their initiative will demonstrate to the audience the changes that occurred in the development of the near-earth space: now the flights into orbit cease to be the lot of real pros and become accessible to ordinary people. Let from the latter and need to have a strong health and correspond to certain growth-weight parameters.

By the way, the name itself is "Call" - is only a working version. It is likely that the creators will make a decision to choose to choose a headline for their work.


The fact that Russian filmmakers in conjunction with Roskosmos planned to remove the feature film in the near-earth space, it became known even at the end of the 2020. Then the head of the main Space State Corporation Dmitry Rogozin published on his page on Twitter a video, which said that the start of the work on the creation of a picture in an airless space was scheduled for October 2021.

Considering the said, it is worth expecting that the date of the picture will be prescribed on the second half of the 2022th.

Yellow, Black and White is responsible for the creation of the tape, familiar to the Russian audiences on such projects as "plant", "Superbobrov", "Last Bogatyr", "Vampires of the Central Strus" and "Kitchen". Channel and Roskosmos support are supported by hatmeakers.

Denis Zhalinsky (Ivanov-Ivanov "," Boomerang "," Hotel Eleon ""), Eduard Iloyan ("directly kaha", "Nadezhda", "War of Family"), Sergey Tititkov ("Diversant. Crimea", "Andreyevsky Flag," Mata Hari "), Alexey Trotsyuk (Tobol," Storm ") and Vitaly Hatppo (" Mediator "," Sherlock in Russia "," Passengers "). The general director of the first channel Konstantin Ernst ("Ugryum-River", "Union of salvation", "Viking", etc.) also joined.

Above the plot, the details of which the creators are stubbornly held secretly, Bakur Bakuradze works, noted as a screenwriter also in the production of the "Hunter" paintings, Brother Deyan and Salute-7, who helps the director's chair Klim Shipenko, famous for the Khopnko ", Which became the most cash register of the Russian comedy, gathering at the box office that exceeded 3 billion rubles.

Among the main difficulties, at the start of the project, the need for the need to choose those actresses and directors who are not only able to demonstrate non-hearth talent on the screen, but also ready to withstand space travel burials.

The selection involved about 3000 girls who were presented with very specific requirements, starting with the need to comply with the stated standards for a number of physiological parameters, including growth, weight, age, width of the hips, chest coverage, and the size of the feet, and ending with good sports training. So, candidates were obliged to jump into the water from a 3-meter tower, run a kilometer in 3 minutes and go on skis 5 in 24.5.

Of course, the possession of a hypocrite talent was included in the list of mandatory skills, which potential character heroines were obliged to possess.

However, after passing tests and approval of candidates, representatives of the film industry (as, however, and filmmakers who need to go to the flight as directories) will not be able to relax. After all, in the summer of 2021, they are expected to prepare, mandatory for those who gathered on a journey to the space vacuum of tourists.


As a result of careful selection, Actress Julia Peresild, familiar to the audience on the projects of "Battle for Sevastopol" and "Zulikha opens eyes", and the director Klim Shipenko ("Text", "Pregnancy Test").

Dubler, which will go into space in the event of problems at the first team, were appointed Alain Mordovin, which Russian audiences know on "Zhuks", "Trigger" and "Izkanka", and Alexey Dudina ("Time of First", "Movement Up", "T -34 ").

Also, Galina Kairova will fly to orbit, which is never an artist, but the most real pilot. Despite the lack of acting, the girl will also be involved in the project. In what capacity, however, until the end is understandable.

Interesting Facts

1. The Russian film "Challenge" will not be the first project that plan to shoot on board the ISS. So, in 2008, the Space Tourist and the developer of the computer game Ultima Online Richard Garryot took off the 8-minute short-facing tape in the Scientific Fiction genre of Apogee of Fear, being at the Space Station. The premiere of the picture took place in 2012.

2. Americans in May 2020 declared their intentions to shoot a film in space, the main character of which the Cruise was played. However, still confirmed confirmed information that the famous Hollywood actor will leave his relative planet in the near future, in order to go to the stars, and did not appear.

3. For Klim Shipenko, the film "Call" will not be the first experience of filming in the interstellar space. After all, Salute-7, the director of whom the cinematographer was also partially starred in orbit. It is noteworthy that in parallel, the Klim works over another serious project - the December ribbon, telling the life of Sergei Yesenin, whose role was taken by Alexander Petrov.

4. Passing the selection, Julia Peresilde was not in a hurry to share the impressions of the writing brother. According to the actress, the approval of her candidacy significantly raised her mood, but this is not a reason to boast, because a serious way is waiting ahead, including the stages of preparation and directly flight. So now for the actress, the main thing is to overcome the upcoming difficulties, "not a splash" at the same time a positive attitude.

5. In December 2020, it became known that the film "Challenge", the shooting of which will be held in orbit, will remain without government finance. This was stated by Vice Prime Minister Yuri Borisov. According to the official, the support of the ribbon will create an unhealthy excitement, causing questions from both regulatory bodies and taxpayers. So the cinematographers were advised to search for sponsors on the side, and Roskosmos recommended to take advantage of income from orbital tourists.

6. Enteriorly, the audience interested in the preparation for filming actually support the decision of the State University. For often express doubts that the film "Call" will be released on the screens. Commentators are confident that with a large share of probability at the final stage, something will not go wrong and the project will eventually cancel. Against this background, the fears of Borisov look quite justified.

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