Viktor Lukashenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Alexander Lukashenko 2021



Unlike colleagues in the CIS Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev, Alexander Lukashenko has sons. If the peasant from the fairy tale of Peter Yershova "Konk-Gorbok" called the "smart kids" of the senior sibling, then the President of Belarus does not infuse the intellect of the younger heir to Nicholas, who in incomplete 16 years surpassed the parent. However, the firstborn of Alexander Grigorievich Viktor Lukashenko, similar to Father Tsami and a tendency to baldness, does not remain in his homeland without affairs and posts.

Childhood and youth

Victor was born on November 28, 1975, when his father was 21 years old, and Mother Galina Rodionov is 20 years old. Parents met while studying at school.

With the birthplace of the firstborn of the spouses Lukashenko clarity is less than with the date of appearance. According to one source, Victor issued the first cry in the city of Shklov of the Mogilev region, in others - in the native village of Grandma in the father's line, Ekaterina Trofimovna, Alexandria Shklovsky district, on the third - in the regional capital.

Victor, now a magnificent health man, in his youth served in a special unit, in infancy often and heavily sick. To strengthen the first-mention immunity, Lukashenko's family moved from a removable apartment in Mogilev to a rural wooden house. For the sake of the health of the eldest son, Galina Rodionov sacrificed to the highest education and settled to work in Vititin kindergarten first a nurse, and then as an educator.

Victor himself, after graduation, learned at the faculty of international relations BSU. The eldest son Lukashenko freely owns German and a little worse English, but in Russian, like his father, speaks with Belarusian pronunciation. The institute was the military department, but the guy followed the example of the head of the family and served in the border troops.

Personal life

Personal life of the President of the President can serve as a model for imitating any citizen of Belarus. The man is proud of the beautiful wife, marriage stability and four children.

The wife of Viktor Liliya Lukashenko, who became the first time in his mother in 19 years old, is now managing the Art Chaos feature interior, located in one of the shopping and entertainment complexes of Minsk. Earlier, the woman was headed by the Belarusian representative office of the Cyprus company, which belonged to Vladimir Pephyushe, who began the capital on business in the arms trade.

Viktor Lukashenko with family

The wife and children of the senior son of the President of Belarus are seen annually in the New Year's Eve television news, and the photo is in newspapers going on the eve of the main winter holiday: the family brings gifts to children's homes. Sometimes Victor, like the middle brother Dmitry, is found in the pictures placed in "Instagram" by Lukashenko.

Like all men in the family, the eldest son of the president is fond of hockey. But not less hobbies Viktor Aleksandrovich are motorcycles. Every year Alexander Grigorievich's firstborn opens the biker season in the capital of Belarus.

With Mother Viktor Lukashenko seems now a couple of times a year, when a woman needs help on plowing the earth or harvesting. Galina Rodionovna lives in the village of Ryzhkovichi Mogilev region and in the secular life of the presidential family does not participate.


Career of the firstborn of the Belarusian leader developed rapidly. Having worked for 2 years after the urgent service to the third secretary in the Belarusian Foreign Ministry and as much as the head of the external relations of the Agat Research Institute, in incomplete 30 years, Viktor Aleksandrovich became an assistant to the President of Belarus on national security. Recently, the man also holds the position of vice president of the Belarusian Olympic Committee.

Under the leadership of the eldest son, Alexander Grigorievich, the power unit was reorganized - an operational-analytical center appeared for informational security, the role of the presidential security service has increased. Sometimes he performs delicate instructions of the Father. So, June 2018, Victor flew to the Chechen Republic and exchanged experience in the preparation of special forces with its leader Ramzan Kadyrov.

Career takeoff did not prevent compromising - in the student years, Vitya Lukashenko attended with a shootout in a nightclub. According to opponents of Alexander Grigorievich, the guy not only was there, but also injured the hockey specialist Mikhail Zakharov.

Viktor Lukashenko now

In connection with the pre-election race in Belarus, rumors about financial abuses in the presidential family will crawl. The state of Viktor Lukashenko opposition was assessed in the amount of more than $ 800 million. The statement of the criticism of the regime was accompanied by the screenshots of money transfers to Swiss accounts.

Dmitry Lukashenko and brother Viktor Lukashenko

Opponents of the current authority argue that Alexander Grigorievich, elected to the presidents on the wave of combating corruption in the administration of Stanislav Shushkevich, presented the plane to the firstborn. Thanks to the father's gift in Property, Viktor allegedly is "Superjet", standing without taking into account the internal finish of $ 60 million.

On June 26, 2020, representatives of the Swiss Bank, which allegedly is the expense of a senior presidential son, said that the financial institution has no client Viktor Lukashenko, and the screenshot of the bank statement is a fake. 2 days before the banks of the Alpine country of the Alpine country, Faika Alexander Grigorievich, and his brothers, and brothers attended the parade dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victory and transferred to June because of a pandemic of coronavirus infection.

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