Frederick Taylor - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Engineer, Scientific Management



Frederick Taylor is a mechanical engineer from the United States who has worked on an increase in efficiency in the industrial sphere. The author of the book "Principles of Scientific Management" stood at the origins of leaning production. He used innovative management techniques that played an important role in the field of mechanical engineering. In addition, Taylor was engaged in engineering developments and became the owner of several patents.

Childhood and youth

Frederick Winslow Taylor was born on March 20, 1856 in the city of Jermantown, located in Philadelphia. His family was secured, so the child spent the boy in the equipped cottage. Father worked as a lawyer and made a state to mortgages, and the mother advocated the abolition of slavery. Having received a home education, Frederick 2 years studied in Germany and France, and then traveled another year and a half over Europe.

In 1872, he became a student of the Academy of Phillips in Exeter and planned the subsequent admission to Harvard and the legal career. Two years later, the young man entered this university, but health problems forced to revise priorities.

Taylor became an apprentice of the fashion designer and the driver and got a job in Enterprise Hydraulic Works, which produces pumps. The guy did not confuse that its origin does not correspond to the field of activity. Already six months later, a promising engineer represented the manufacturers of English machines at a central exhibition in Philadelphia.

In 1878, Frederick entered the workers on the Midway steel mill. The specialist quickly climbed the career ladder and combined the post of Master of the mechanical workshop and the main engineer of the enterprise. This was caused by the talents of a young technique and the fact that Taylor's sister was the wife of the co-owner of the plant. In 1883, he studed at the correspondence department of the Technological Institute of Stevens, the engineer received a degree in engineering.

Personal life

On May 3, 1884, Frederick Taylor was married to Louise Spoon, a girl from Philadelphia. The personal life of the pair has developed successfully. The spouse gave birth to an engineer a daughter, which Elizabeth called.

Scientific activity

Starting to work in Midwale, Toror understood that the performance of workers at the factory is not so great, as it could be, and the costs of labor resources are extremely high. Having received the post of brigadier, Frederick began to analyze the effectiveness of employees, not forgetting the human component.

From 1890 for three years, he served as a general manager and an engineering consultant at Manufacturing Investment Company of Philadelphia. Frederick Taylor was also director of a paper plant in Maine, and in 1893 he began a consulting practice in Philadelphia. Consultations that the specialist began to give, allowed to modernize the author's management theory.

In 1898, Taylor was invited to Bethlehem Steel to deal with the performance of expensive equipment. After 3 years, due to disagreements with colleagues, the engineer left the enterprise. In 1906, the University of Pennsylvania assigned the manager of the doctor of science, and soon Frederick became a professor of a business school in Dartmouth College.

From 1906 to 1907, the American was the President of the American Society of ASME Mechanical Engineers, where he tried to implement the management system. Resistance from subordinates made it possible to reorganize only the publishing department.

By this time, the engineer has already earned a state, therefore he allowed himself to tie the biography not with the work at the factory, but with the promotion of his own theory. The case "Eastrn-Rate" made Taylor's scientific methods to famous peace. During the proceedings, the railways managed by the rules of scientific management do not need additional costs.

In 1911, the theorist published the monograph "Principles of Scientific Management". He also united several copyright articles to the manuscript that ASME presented to publication. A specially convened commission got acquainted with the texts and referred to the editorial office of the American Machinist. Editor of the edition of Leon Prett Elford, the opponent of Taylorism, refused to print. Frederick published a work independently.

After becoming the author of the idea of ​​improving efficiency in enterprises, Taylor made a contribution to the management, which appreciated his followers. The author of scientific management has developed a system that helped thousands of people to improve well-being and raised the standard of living of workers. The engineer became the first one who decided to analyze work, systematically observing him and studying.

He offered to replace the empirica in the work of the scientific research of the tasks set, recommended to carefully select, teach and develop employees, and not trust self-education. The man considered it in detail to explain the employee's task and follow it. The American also spoke for the separation of work between managers and workers, recommending the first to apply scientific approaches, and the second to directly perform the tasks.

Frederick Taylor offered to introduce standardization of processes and use the best labor instrument, organizing comfortable working conditions and cooperation in production. The duty to ensure this lay on managers - strongly trained professionals. The managers had to select employees for each specific task, to work out in detail the action plan and convey them to staff.

Innovations did not like the workers who have used, protesting against Taylor's methods. The theorist believed that every employee deserves hiring, and wages must comply with performance.

His company employees earned more than company staff with a conservative management approach. Therefore, the School of Scientific Agency appeared unfriendly among the leaders of the factory, where the administrative part worked on the old manner. The campaign "Universal contempt" from the trade union leaders was putting pressure on the engineer. The capitalists did not like that the manager proposes to give most of the income of the enterprise workers.


The founder of the new managerial model for enterprises died on March 21, 1915. The cause of death was the inflammation of the lungs. The grave of Frederica Taylor is located in Bala-Svida, in Pennsylvania. On the monument there is an inscription "Father of scientific management".


  • "The main task of enterprise management should be ensuring maximum profit for the entrepreneur, in conjunction with the maximum welfare for everyone busy in the employee's enterprise."
  • "In a few months, we sent a tact to the line, and the number of working hours was forced procedure reduced in a known graduality to 10 hours, 9.5.9 and 8.5 (while maintaining the continued level of the remedy). And with each new reduction in the working day, the production increased, instead of decreasing. "
  • "You must also forget that at the head of the Office should stand an optimistic, decisive and hardworking director who knows how to patiently wait for the same as much as much."
  • "We are all adult children."


  • 1903 - "Factory Management"
  • 1911 - "Principles of Scientific Management"

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