Lydia Yermoshina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Chairman of the CEC Belarus 2021



Lydia Ermoshin has been headed by the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Republic of Belarus. In this post, she accompanied four presidential campaigns. The upcoming elections of 2020 will become the last for the official - working longer allows age. Colleagues Lydia Mikhailovna say that she is a Soviet model of Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher - straight, decisive and cold-blooded.

Childhood and youth

Maiden name Lydia Yermoshina - Gorkovovenko. She was born on January 29, 1953 in Slutsk, the city of the Minsk region, during the time of prosperity of the Soviet Union.

Lydia Yermoshina in youth

The CEC Chairman was brought up in a family of a serviceman. It is because of this in his youth, she developed allergies to people with chains. Yermoshina recalled that living in a person's family who had served until Colonel, and during the Second World War he commanded the battery, very hard. After all, even his homely he managed like soldiers.

Therefore, Lydia and distanced himself from parents. Being from childhood Volve, she desired to live according to his own rules and independently dispose of the fate. In 1975, the official graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Kaliningrad State University (now the Baltic Federal University. Immanuel Kant) and married. Began "adult" stage of her biography.

Personal life

Lydia Yermoshin does not hide his personal life, with understanding refers to the interest of journalists and citizens of Belarus. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, she told that he was married twice. Peaceful relations have been preserved with husbands, but the official does not work with friends:

"These are strangers, talking to them about what."

The initiator of divorces was Yermoshin. She acutely felt the difference of interests and social status.

"When a woman reaches certain heights in politics or business, she sooner or later becomes nothing to talk about her husband, which was 10 years ago, for example, workers, so it remained. I felt it on myself, so I know what I'm talking about, "once noted the chairman of the CEC.

Without anything husbands Lydia, however, did not leave. On the ether of the "Exit" program on the television channel "Belarus-1" she told that both provided apartments.

Divorces Chairman of the CEC regarded as a holiday. In 1996, swaying with Dmitry Yermoshin, she arranged a party. By the way, it was from this her husband that the son of Alexey was born in 1977.

Lydia Yermoshina and son Alexey

Being a woman practical and ambitious, she did not want to have children, but Alexei loved the flame and sincerely. He had no own family, and all concerns about a man took Lydia Yermoshin. In an interview, she told that he regularly rides the son of washing the floors and prepares dinner for him.

In June 2017, an event occurred, forced Lydia Mikhailovna to change bright costumes on Mourning-black: Alexey did not. According to the sources close to the family, the son of the Chairman of the CEC for natural reasons died: he had serious problems with overweight and did not get alcohol. Alexei Yermoshina and news about the death in May 2017, with whom he was very close.

"We [with sister] we consider our children alive. They did not leave us. I don't even perceive it somehow differently. For me, this is a temporary separation. My son Alexey is a bright man, "said Lydia Yermoshin in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The cause of death, she never commented.


Immediately after the University of Lydia began to apply in practice the knowledge gained. Until 1987, she worked as a legal adviser at Kaliningrad and Bobruisk industrial enterprises, which in Belarus. Then he conducted a year in submission of the prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Kaliningrad, and before the 1996 she worked on the legal service of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee.

The appointment of the chairman of the Central Commission for the election and holding of republican referendums of the Republic of Belarus has become for an Ermoshina surprise. In October 1996, Viktor Gonchara was removed from this post, because he openly opposed the current head of state Alexander Lukashenko. Temporarily executed the responsibilities asked Lydia. A regular referendum was preparing.

With the tasks set before the CEC, Yermoshin's voting challenges looked perfectly and in December 1996 was approved for the position. Although his "ceiling" considered the post of managing cases of the Bobruian City Executive Committee. She even stood in the reserve and waited until the chief retires.

"I believed that it was not worthy of such a high position [Chairman of the CEC], believed, this is a temporary substitution. I was afraid of the word to say in front of the camera, it was difficult to order. It was so modest and a delicate person that he could not dismiss the driver who did Hamil and did not suit me for several years, "the woman recalls.

Over time, the character of the chairman of the CEC hardened, officials and even rigor appeared in behavior. The reason for this is the complex elections of 2001, the results of which did not recognize the USA and the countries of the European Union, the subsequent presidential campaigns whose winner invariably became Alexander Lukashenko.

The change in Yermoshina is especially felt by its interviews and appearances on television. Now she does not give herself offense.

For example, in December 2010, the official left the TV show "Choice", which was broadcast live in the TV channel OTT. In her opinion, leading Sergey Dorofeyev did not show enough clock, commenting on protests in Minsk.

"Nation shuddered, a journalist at these moments should empathize," Lydia Mikhailovna explained to the Sexus magazine.

Alexander Lukashenko rose on the side of the chairman of the CEC. After that, Dorofeyev was sent to forced leave, and the "Choice" closed the program.

Lydia Yermoshina now

According to the laws of Belarus, women are retired at 57 years old, but Lydia Yermoshin, by order of Alexander Lukashenko, will lead the CEC until the end of its term of office - until spring 2021. By the time the official will celebrate the 58th birthday.

Now Lydia Mikhailovna simultaneously with a salary of 17 million local rubles per year receives a pension. And not as a civil servant, but as an ordinary resident - 400 rubles. monthly. Plus the allowance for the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus". It turns out about 500 rubles. After dismissal from the post of Chairman of the CEC, the amount of the pension will increase to 1000 local rubles per month.

For a comfortable transition to pension, Yermoshina plans to draw up a day mode.

"I'll probably feel unhappy if I sleep as much as I want and watch TV in the evenings," she said to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

In his schedule, the official will take place for walking and charging, home affairs and long-awaited holidays.

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