Interesting facts about Sergey Zhukov - "Hands up", Wife, Children, Speeches, Business


On May 22, 2021, Sergey Zhukov celebrated the 45th anniversary. He considers the group "Hands up!" A small time machine that transfers adults and successful people in the 90s. And although the musician himself has already become a large father and businessman, he continues to tour in the country and gives more than 120 concerts per year. Other interesting facts about Sergei Zhukov - in material 24cm.

Quarrel with father

Sergey Zhukov will be heard as an artist, in whose biography there are no dark spots and sensational exposures. Meanwhile, the path to the musical Olympus celebrity was not easy.

As it turned out, the singer honors family traditions and respects the parents who supported Sergey and his younger brother Mikhail. Mom worked as a music teacher, and dad worked as a mechanic. However, disagreements, as it happens in ordinary families, did not bypass and the bugs.

When the question of the choice of life, Dad dreamed of a "male profession" and the work of the radio engineer for the heir. And my mother turned out to be faithful, and to save the Son from the "Surk Day", who was waiting for him in the case of a career at the factory, offered music classes. "That's what she is mom to do the right choice sometimes for her son," says later Sergey.

Wishing the Son of Better Life, the parent laid in Sergey love for music. By the way, Mom turned out to be a wise woman and advised the heir to engage professionally, and not just a branding on the guitar.

Hearing the promise, Zhukov entered the vocal department of the Samara Academy of Culture and Arts, contrary to the will of the Pope. And when the first popularity came to the group "Hands up!", Then the parents were satisfied with the success of the heir, and there was a reconciliation with his father. In interesting facts about Sergey Zhukov, it is worth adding that the artist refers to respect and to the parents of its elect, and the test in the interview calls "dads."

Victim of Ritual

The repertoire of the group "Hands up!" Always caused criticism from the press. Meanwhile, Sergey Zhukov believes that it is the songs that have become a symbol of popularity, since the team compositions turned out to be clear to everyone. "I was not born a pop, but I am not ashamed of any song, nor for one soul of a person who listened to our music," the soloist of the group will later say later.

Then the concerts created a sense of presence on the stage "Guys from a neighboring entrance" in the same T-shirts and jeans, and negative responses only added popularity. In the month, the group gave up 50 concerts, that by virtue of employment helped to avoid starry disease.

Everyone wanted to touch the idol from the scene. And at one of the concerts of Zhukov, even the victim of the ritual, when the fan of the blade cut the arm of the soloist, and then hurriedly retired. The incomprehensible effect caused a suspicion of Sergey that he was trying to be awesome. In horror, the singer asked the administrator to invite grandmother or fortune tune.

And the required woman, fortunately, was found. She explained the singer that the blood that the fan was mined, harm him would not be delivered to him, because he would not go for a strong person for another. And he should not believe in the love spell.

It was in the creative biography of the singer and a truly dangerous situation when the fan brought a poisoned dessert for the participants, made by their own hands. Sergey took offense with sincere gratitude, and later I learned from the attached letter that the cake was poisoned, and in time I managed to prevent the members of the group members.

Feerar from "Brother"

In interesting facts about Sergei Zhukov, add the fact that the first fees group "Hands up!" He earned at the concert from "brothers". It was in 1997. The concert took place on the turbase. Only before the start of the performance, it turned out that it would be to sing for criminal authorities of Bashkiria and Tatarstan, and under the musical rhythms, the thieves planned to dive together. Anatura also turned out to be unusual and constituted vodka boxes, placed around the hall for convenience.

The artists were asked to sing the only song "Bandito", which the musicians performed after very extravagant toasts of the type "To the bullet did not take" or "so that the house is alive to get there." Suddenly, the audience got up in the hall and left, leaving the team in bewilderment on stage. And then explained that there are plows now and in the signal should sing "Bandito" again.

Nostalgic bars

"For someone, I probably, Dumbledore - the old, gray-haired," old-fashioned "," says Sergei Zhukov in an interview to himself, hinting on what continues to treat music as well as a quarter of a century ago. Meanwhile, despite new flows and musical directions, the popularity of the group "Hands up!" It is preserved, and the echoes of the hits of the team, according to Sergey Zhukov, can be heard in the works of the Tims of Belarusian and the song Niletto "favorite".

"I like that youth draws inspiration from the old songs of the group. This is great!" - recognized Sergey. However, this fact from life made Zhukov think about the future. According to celebrities, any creative process is not eternal, and the entertainment industry, where "bread and spectacles" is required, remains in demand.

Having learned to hurt the right strings of the soul, the beetles today gives people what they do not have enough, in the restaurant business, where he created a network of confectionery, "Hands up bars" and the point of fast food with Shawarma.

By the way, the public in the bars turned out to be the most solvent, because more often the institution visits people who are nostalgic to the 90s and youth, and the middle check for vacation starts from 2.5 thousand rubles. To transfer people to the atmosphere of those years, Sergey thought the conceptual design of institutions, where visitors can see cassettes, pagers, tamagochki and game consoles. And the foam is served on the table in cellophane packages or a three-liter bank.

Today, "Hands up the bar" can be found in several cities of Russia. Business develops on a franchise, where the outlet is connected to the design, marketing and art program, and the opening is accompanied by the performance of Sergey Zhukov.

The work of the bars of the beetles is controlling during the tour "Hands up!" Group. "For guests who did not like the food, the guard heated the guard, the waiter Nahamil, bad - beetles. They will write that Zhukov is bad in the club. I can't allow it to happen, "Celebrity confesses in an interview.


As a child, the future vocalist was fond of sports. There was even a period when Sergey was engaged in a "rocking chair" and on the recommendation of the "benevolers" began to take pills than the health undermined. The completeness of the star binds with the passion of bodybuilding, where the set of muscular mass was swiftly. Today, Zhukov regrets what happened and confident that if he knew about the consequences, such an error did not allow.

Fans of the group "Hands up!" Do not remember that the singer differ in harmony, and the problems for Zhukov did not make up. However, with the age of the artist began to torment swelling and sword. In interesting facts about Sergei Zhukov, it is worth adding that in 2017 the artist gathered the will in the fist and lost 24 kg in two months. And the motivation to change was children. "After all, nothing is better than healthy dad and mom, which so much good and happiness can bring in their families!" - He admits a singer.

The secret of the food style Sergey Zhukov - in the daily cone products, which should not exceed 2000 kcal. With this approach, the slimming of prohibited products turned out to be a bit. The only thing that the celebrity refused is animal fats. And in order not to overload the stomach with an excess of food, the beetles began to have breakfast, dinner and dinner on the clock. Thanks to fractional nutrition, the musician managed to achieve an excellent result, and even self-insulation in the 2020th did not affect the singer's forms.


By the way, the family was in the life priorities of Sergei Zhukov in the first place. Finding happiness with the beloved managed from the second attempt. The singer's wife became an ex-soloist VIA "Cream" Regina Bourge. Couple raises three children.

Today, the artist is rarely at home due to touring activities, but grateful to the spouse for having taken care of the heirs and business management at the moments while dad tours to his fragile shoulders. For the sake of Family, Sergey Zhukov refuses to work on holidays and dates of family celebrations, and in his free time is chosen with relatives to nature.

Two years ago, Sergey suffered a heavy operation that made reconsider the views on a healthy lifestyle. The singer made a touring chart freely, refused cigarettes and alcohol and pays more attention to his relatives. "Family is my rear. The spouse and children make me confident. For the sake of family, I try to make every day better than the previous one, "says in an interview with Zhukov.


Today, spectator interest in creativity "Hands up!" It remains, and the sincere hits of the past 90s have not lost the relevance, collecting concert halls and bars with nostalgic themes. In interesting facts about Sergey Zhukov, it is worth adding that the singer does not hide the use of the phonogram at the dawn of the career.

And at the concert dedicated to the 20-year anniversary of the team, the singer forgot the line of the song and lowered the microphone. Noticing Casus, Sergey Zhukov was not confused and pleased with the audience dance under his own hit.

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