Iblis (character) - photo, in Islam, Quran, Genn, Shaitan, names


Character History

Iblis (emphasis on the second syllable) - the Supreme Demon Evil, the King of Ginnov, who drew the anger of Allah and was overthrown on Earth to the terrible court. Researchers and today argue about the true nature of this mythological character, building theories based on sacred texts.

History of character creation

In Islam Ginny - part of the universe, coexist with people and angels from the very beginning of history. Iblis is often called the Shayan (evil spirit), in Christianity its analogue is the devil himself, or Satan.

In the Muslim tradition, the name of Aduvv Allah also entrenched him, which sounds like "enemy of Allah". In some legends, he appears azazl or Haris. In the book, Enha is found azazel - Desert Desert, who opposed God. Obviously, we are talking about one character - the fallen angel who has been ingenected and went against the Creator.

This image was known in Christianity, Judaism and paganism on the Arabian Peninsula in the VII century. And his appearance in the world became a certain attempt to explain the cause of the evil in people, disbelief and other sinful trends.

The controversial point remains the question whether I can identify Iblis with the Shayan. Translated from the Arabic language, the name of the latter corresponds to such concepts as "distance" and "inconsistency". The meaning of the name Iblis is "The one who hurts despair." Although some sources argue that the etymology of the name is related to the ancient Greek epithets of the "ilter" and "lucous."

According to Islamic mythology, evil spirits are much. All of them exist in order to tempt a person: prevent reading prayers, encourage unfavorable acts. However, in the sacred texts it is said that the Supreme Demon of Evil was originally Shaytan, moreover, wore another name and was approaching God. And only after the expulsion received such status by starting to finish the dark affairs on Earth.

Anyway, the image of the character is similar in its characteristics with the Devil - the Lord of Hell, who speaks in opposition to the Creator. In the conditional hierarchy, it stands above evil spirits, is considered their lord.

Most researchers agree on: the king of hell is prepared by the fate to burn on fire after the day will come. Others believe that God will forgive the exile, and treat the sin of the fallen angel from an unexpected side.

Image and biography of Iblis

According to the text of Imam Ali Ibn Musa Ar-Reed, Ginnes was originally called Haris, which means "worker". God created him out of the fire, and that Eastovo served the creator. Allah noticed his efforts and decided to rank with celestials.

When the Most High created the first person, Adam, then she commanded the angels to fall in front of him. But Haris refused to worship, explaining this by the fact that he himself came out of a powerful fire, while Adam was stuck out of clay.

This was outraged God, and he rendered a genie back to the ground, giving the new name with the pride full of pride - Iblis (it is mentioned in the Quran 11 times). He, in turn, asked the Creator to delay the punishment to the Judgment Day and allow him to show the true righteous people who would not be tempted. The Most High agreed, and since then the fallen angel in the world of the human world, every day, suturing people on the bad deeds and checking their faith for strength.

Such a legend became the subject of study of researchers. There are theories that after the occurrence of a terrible court, the demon will go to hell and will endlessly to be in the flour next to their minions - the Shaitans. Other hypotheses interpret the biography of mythological character from a different point of view.

So, according to the opinion of Islamic Theologian Ibn Arab, the denial of Ginn to worship a person contacted a violation of true monotheism. Therefore, the tempter will be forgiven from the Most High, and today he helps Allah in finding true righteous, worthy of eternal life next to him.

One way or another, becoming Shaytan, the Supreme Demon corresponded to the destination. And with the first thing I managed to easily - Send Adam and Eve to try the forbidden fruit, which later led to the expulsion of the first people from Paradise.

There was a division of everything in the world on the righteous and wicked, kind and evil. The fallen angel succeeded in the craft of temptation, proving Allah, how imperfects of his creations. Such success was explained by the fact that he possessed wisdom and insight, knew how to confuse pious. Promising wealth, strength or power, dismissed a person from faith.

Meanwhile, he grew up and his army - he created Shaitanov, Sulley to every encouragement, if they are subdivided as much people as possible. Soon there was so much that, from each person there was a tempter, pushing to the accomplice of sin. As a result, the favorite creations of God learned to deceive, swear, killing; We commit adultery and forgot about prayers. And pleased Ginn sent sinners directly to hell.

According to legends, the demon prefers to be in abandoned buildings, unclean places and in cemeteries. His appearance remains a secret, because the Most High did not consider it necessary to show the true face of the fallen angel. However, on the images in the books, it appears as a man in dark clothes, with hooves and horns. Also in the legends it is indicated that the king of Hell's wave seem in any kind. Or remain invisible.

Iblis in culture

The image of the devil penetrated the culture of many countries of the world. On the Islamic paintings of the main shitana depicted a disgusting person with a black face and body. Later, such a feature has become associated with a satanic figure revealing damaged nature. An interesting fact: the demon on the illustrations wears a special headdress, which differs from the traditional turban. Much spread in painting received a scene of the expulsion of Ginna from the Paradise Garden.

This mythological character was mentioned in Shakhnama - the epic poem of the Persian poet Firdusi, who became the national epic.

In 1924, the premiere of the play "Iblis" Husein Javid took place in the State Turkic Theater, and the author of the genie played the author. In a sense, this work has become revolutionary. The Azerbaijani poet and the playwright denied the current opinion that the devil remains the source of the troubles on Earth. According to a quotation from an interview, Huseyn noticed that the real enemies of humanity were "ruthless kings", "Emirs, Shahi, kings and Becks of any country."

And in 2007, Ramiz Gasanoglu removed the film "Life of David", where the description of the tragic fate of the poet was demonstrated against the background of his works. The image of the daemon, on the idea of ​​the director, was presented in several forms. So, the ruler of hell became a gangster, then the priest, then the investigator of the NKVD. Played such an ambiguous character, symbol and the embodiment of the universal evil, the actor Mamed Safa.

Interesting Facts

  • In Sufism, the description of the evil spirit differs significantly from the image of the Christian devil. The latter, according to religious views, acts on their own will. Iblis is tempting people with permission to be allah.
  • Russian Imams put forward a proposal to call ISIS "IBRSSKOVYE State". Such a phrase-definition regarding the terrorist organization was met in the speeches of the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
  • The religious character appeared in the Franchise about Sonic. So, in the Sonic The Hedgehog game, he appeared part of the Solaris along with Meformis.
  • The Islamic Devil is also mentioned in the animation film "The Snow Queen 3. Fire and Ice" in the form of a fiery spirit.


"I am painted in the baths with such ugly, because a brush is in my palm of my enemy"


  • 1010 - Shakhnam


  • 2007 - "Life of David"
  • 2016 - "Snow Queen 3. Fire and Loda"

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