Interesting Facts about the film "Ballad about Soldiers" - shooting, 1959, actors, author, director


The film "Ballada about a soldier", created by film director Gregory Chukhray, and published on the wide screens on December 1, 1959, reiterated the Soviet audience about the horrors of war. However, the plot was deprived of the battle scenes, and the authors of the film shifts showed ordinary people, tired and exhausted, but continuing to survive and resist circumstances.

Interesting facts about the film "Ballad about a soldier" - in material 24cm.


The resistance of Chukhray's officials and Writer Valentin Ezhov was met at the preparation stage. Frontoviki have begun to work with the desire to convey the peer history that did not return home, "without loud phrases, simply, sad and honest."

Yezhov and Chukhray, who knew about the burden of war, quickly found themselves on the same wave. Over the storyline worked together, dividing film into episodes, and then describing the passage liked. Finished texts gave each other to edit.

Initially, the plot was devoted to the employees of the rear, women and children. In the plot, Shura was supposed to die in the bombing, but did not like the idea in the master.

Then hedes left the heroine alive and removed the shots of hard work in the rear. The script again returned to the refinement and demanded coordination with the director. I did not approve the idea and Mikhail Romm, however, Chukhray convinced the mentor, which would still work and everything will work out.

By the way, the director seemed to be lacking the initial episode. The idea came at night when the fact came as a fact as one soldier got two tanks, and then admitted that he made a feud from fright.

However, in the advanced form of the script in the master did not like. Chukhray began to discourage, calling the film "Melkotmem", but the director began to insist on his own, and the picture was taken into production.

Later, Chukhray admits that he turned out to be important to show ordinary people, such as Alyosha Skvortsov.

"They are the same as others, it was scary, hurt and difficult, but, contrary to all this, they fulfilled their duty, for the feeling of human dignity, the feeling of love for people turned out to be stronger than fear and death," explained the director.

Injury and insight

The shooting immediately stalled, and the work was suspended for 4 months, which can also be attributed to interesting facts about the film "Ballad about a soldier." During the creation of an episode, where Alyosha rides from the front, the director falls from the hood of the car, which was led by the play of actors, and finds himself in the hospital with broken ribs and bones of the legs.

During the treatment to Chukhray, there was an insight that the actors should be changed because they do not look like age. Restating after injury, the director goes with a request to replace the performers, which causes a scandal. Agreed that if approved artists refuse roles, it is possible to replace.

Oleg Strizhenov, approved for the role of Alesh, quickly agreed with the arguments of the director that he looks at the age of 23, and in the story of the hero of 17 years. Chukhraya faithfully picked up the words and argued his position in that at 17 years old to ask for mom to repair the roof - it looks convincing, and from the mouth of the man a similar wording in 23 years later sounds differently.

The search for the debutant on the main role was delayed. Chukhray in despair wants to leave an idea with the film, because candidates were far from the ideal painted in the plans. Colleagues on the workshop began to resent the behavior of chuckray and the lack of speakers in the filming. As a result, the choice fell on the student of the 2nd year year Vladimir Ivashov.

It remained to choose an actress on the role of Shurki. Lilia Aleshina, approved earlier, initially appreciated the choice of a new partner. But then Chukhray noted that in the car Ivashov and Aleshina will look like a mother with her son. It convinced the performer also to refuse role.

First Frysnznitsa Zhanna Prokhorenko The producer saw in samples on the extras. He was required "face from the people," and the students of the Studio Studio MCAT just turned out to be such an appearance. To emphasize individuality, the heroine even left long hair woven into the braid, although initially planned to make actress haircut in the spirit of the 40s.

However, after the start of the filming of Kindergarten, Chukhray did not fit into the departmental aesthetics of Soviet cinema. And during the shooting process, the film operator Era Savelyeva initiated a meeting and set the question that the concept of the film is incomprehensible: Shurka does not make a heroic act, and the love between young people flashes just like that.

Chukhray had to defend episodes, once again argue the position and as a result to say goodbye to Savelieva. The second part of the project was already filmed by the film operator Vladimir Nikolaev, and Grigory Naumovich continued to do what he considered it.

Historical inaccuracies

When the film was prepared for the show, then questions about individual episodes arose at the project. Frames about the Soviet wife, who did not wait for a soldier from the front, considered the wrong and demanded to cut. I indignant the scene, where soap is given as a gift. The leadership saw in this a hint of the uncleanness of fighters.

Outmunted officials and historical unreliability that Chukhray made intentionally. The plot carries the viewer in the 1942th, and the hero on the shoulders shoulders appear instead of the looper later. According to the director, the inaccuracy was designed for foreign rental, so that the audience learned the liberator's soldier in the form, which is visible in the frame.

Another inaccuracy was the vacation of Alesh, who were not given in the 42nd. Meanwhile, the film would not take place without this detail. As a result, the picture is published with restrictions on viewing in large cities and capitals, and the director falls into opal.

In the situation, the son-in-law of Khrushchev Alexey Ajubey, who became interested in the project, received good reviews in the outback. He looks at the film himself and shows the test, and the film is sent to Cannes.

Abroad, the project adopted favorably, recognizing the leadership for him in 1960-1961, the film earned more than 100 kinonagrad and came to the nomination for the Oscar.

Foreign fans

Foreign celebrities and novice stars turned out to be in the list of fans of kinocarthines. In an interview with each other, Lisy Minnelli said that the teenager legendary actress looked at the film in one day five times.

And Marlene Dietrich admitted that her movie rarely touches, but she looked at Eight of Chukhray and was under a strong impression from Antonina Maximova, who performed the mother of Alyosha.

I saw the advantage of the film and Charlie Chaplin, who touched an episode with a frightened boyfriend running away from the tank. In interesting facts about the film "Ballada about a soldier" it is worth adding that the actor saw in this scene the confrontation between a little man and a soulless strength, which often traced in the short films of Chaplin. Pierre Paolo Pasolini, who saw Chukhray's unique motives in the film of the Military Drama.

US meat

By the way, in the frame of Grigory Chukhray did not go to a deal with the conscience and tried to tell the truthful story about the soldier. So, in one of the episodes, the guard train eats the Allied stew, which is honestly written "US Meat". This fact would be reliable because during the war years I worked the program of Land Liza and the Allies helped by the Soviet troops of food and clothing.

Firstborn, Ivashova

The film "Ballada of Soldiers" affected the fate of actors who performed the main roles. Prokhorenko expelled from the school. Transfer to VGIK and agree on early exams helped Artist Grigory Chukhray, who patted for the girl. However, the role of Shurki was the only memorable job in the creative biography of the actress. She failed to repeat success.

And Vladimir Ivashov, in many respects similar in those years on his hero in simpleness and immediacy, returned to an educational institution for a course below, where he met Svetlana Svetlin's future wife.

In interesting facts about the film "Ballad about Soldier" it is worth noting that the spouses decided to call the firstborn of Alesh in honor of the Hero of the film. Today, the son of the artist works by a dentist, and Alexey Ivashov's heir called Vladimir in honor of Grandfather.

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