Robert Owen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Philosopher, Reformer



English philosopher, teacher and Socialist Robert Owen was destined to become one of the first social reformers in the 19th century. A man organized industrial production, but before the benefits took care that his employees would have decent working conditions. Owen tried to prove with his example that the human attitude towards the hired worker would not simply motivate to work more efficiently, but also forms a more perfect nature in it.

Childhood and youth

Robert was born in 1771 in the Wales Town Newtown and since childhood was distinguished by energetic and curiosity. His father contained a post office and was engaged in the manufacture of saddles. The man stood firmly on his feet and lacked the stars from the sky, but his son allowed himself to be bold dreams, for which she later walked as a utopian. The child was the youngest of the seven children who raised the mother, the daughter of a local farmer. Owen's primary education received in the parish school, but soon realized that he wants to comprehend life through labor.

At the age of 10, he left his hometown and went to look at large industrial centers, where he tried to find the use of his talents. The first point of the stop was London, where the elder brother lived, after the father who mined her bread craft of a saddler. The child began to work as an assistant at the owner of the textile store and has served before the clerk. Over time, he changed the place, but the employers parted with a terminated young man with regret.

At the age of 14, Owen considered himself a rich, receiving a solid salary, which did not even have spent, since the employee lived on everything ready. The owners, owners of the wholesale warehouse of Sutterfield woolen products in Manchester, appreciated the young Claudist, who was distinguished by realness, dexterity and energetic, while remaining a modest, open and honest person.

Despite the fact that the classic education guy did not receive, he always found the time reading books, which at first absorbed thoughtlessly. As a child, he read everything in the libraries of the pastor, a doctor and a rifle Newtown, from adventure novels to theological treatises. Service in manufactory shops did not interfere with communicating with intelligent society, fond of philosophy and literature.

Personal life

Personal life of a man settled while traveling to Scotland, during which Robert fell in love with Ann Caroline Dale, daughter David Dale, Philanthrop of Glasgow and the owner of textile factories in New Lanarka. After registration of marriage on September 30, 1799, Owen settled in New Lanarka, but later moved to Brexfield, Scotland.

Eight children were born in marriage, but the firstborn died in infancy. Four sons and one daughter moved along with his father in the United States, where the roots were launched, becoming indian residents. Together with the parent, they tried to build a "New Harmony" commune, but the project, absorbing almost all the cost of OUTNA, failed. A spouse with two daughters remained to live in the UK.


The first independent business Robert began when he was not 20 years old, the initial capital taking loose from his brother. He settled spinning production and engaged in the treatment of cotton, first working independently with the assistance of two or three hired workers. Soon the young man became co-owner of textile manufactory. Having moved to New Lanarka, Owen decided to embody a social experiment, the base for which was the former factory of his testing.

Reducing the working day and increasing wages, the reformer has also introduced the system of "patronage", aimed at raising in workers of a more advanced nature. According to the pedagogical ideas of Robert, a person forms a medium, and labor becomes a prerequisite for its comprehensive development. The purpose of education is the formation of a person who can think independently and rationally.

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The author embodied his ideas in the New Institute for the formation of a character, open in 1816. The organization was engaged in the formation and cultural enlightenment of children, adolescents and young workers. Following this, a man created a project of cooperative settlements and called for a reorganization of production relations in the communist basis. The Englishman actively tried to fight unemployment and made the first steps to form factory legislation.

Like Charle Fourier, Owen was considered a utopian, but it did not bother Liberal to try to embody bold ideas. Having moved to America, 7 years old Robert dedicated to the creation of a communist social community operating on the equal basis. Despite the fact that the experiment failed, a man continued to implement bold projects. So, returning to England, in 1832 he opened the "Birja of Labor Exchange", where he tried to abolish money and establish a direct turnover between manufacturers. However, this undertaking was not crowned with success.

Owen owns many ideas and projects ahead: he spoke about the restriction of child labor and compulsory school education, on the introduction of standards for the duration of the working day, the organization of trade unions and cooperatives. The ideas of production cooperation in the future developed another Englishman William King.


Owen lived a long saturated life, by the end of which the basic ideas were subjected to skepticism. However, Robert had a circle of faithful followers inspired by its economic theory and dreams of socialism. Keeping the bright mind, kindness and charm, the man still attracted people to himself, but they were often not perceived seriously the elderly person, who also became interested in mystics and spiritualism.

It did not prevent Owen to write articles, promote pedagogical ideas, engage in the organization of the next community and participate in rallies. At one of these speeches in Liverpool in 1858, the "Apostle of Cooperation" was bad. Having survived the attack of the alert, Robert went to the native city of Newtown, where November 17 died at the age, when the causes of death are no longer replenished.

According to philistine standards, Owen died as a loser, lost in a series of failures and the surrounding state, and the favor of the public, whom the attempts of his grandiose transformations seemed rather than Blezhu and Country. At the same time, the man himself realized his way as the fulfillment of the Great Mission.

The ideology of the Englishman was reflected in the books, and his thoughts gave inspiration to converters of subsequent generations, in the number of which Karl Marx. Biography, experiments and achievements of OUNA became a page in textbooks on the history of the economy, management and socialist thought. In the tribute to a man of fellow citizens, a monument was established in Manchester, who, judging by the photo, looks monumental.


  • "A man now nor on iota is not closer to happiness than in those times, from whom the first news of people reached us."
  • "I'm waiting for the great of your homeland, you have a cleaner field, you have no priests so strong, the prejudices are not so signed ... And the forces ... And the forces!"
  • "Thanks to the upbringing in a long-time future, imperfect humanity will turn into a new race of people - such is the power of education."


  • 1815 - "Notes on the influence of the industrial system"
  • 1817 - "Further development of the plan contained in the report"
  • 1820 - "Report of the Graphic of Lanark about the Plan of Facilitating Public Disasters"
  • 1833 - "Appeal of the Congress of Cooperative Societies"
  • 1833 - "Speech by Robert Owen in the institution on Charlotte Street"
  • 1844 - "Book about the new moral world"
  • 1850 - "Revolution in the consciousness and activities of the human race"
  • 1893 - "On the formation of a human character"

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