The film "Need a bride with accommodation" (2021) - Release date, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


"Russia-1", wanting to satisfy the aspirations of his permanent spectators, thirsting new prime ministers, launched the feature film "Need a bride with accommodation", whose exit date fell on the last other Sunday of the spring of 2021 - May 23. Twistering melodrama in the best traditions of the genre will tell about love and betrayal, choosing a life path after the personal tragedy and search for happiness.

The plot of the paintings associated with it interesting facts and actors who played in the tape of the main characters are in the material 24cm.


Human existence, as a rule, is the most diverse events, the most of which are in independence from the ongoing or negative, people do not pay special attention. I am waiting with your hand, it happened to them something fleeting, and do not give any importance, continuing to live as if nothing has happened.

However, sometimes something happens that it is possible to change further fate once and forever, crossing the past, sharing life for two segments - before and after. In most cases, something tragic and extremely unpleasant for an individual becomes such a turning point, which makes rethink for the previous spiritual values ​​and in a new way to schedule a plan for the future.

So Natalia Spratakova, whose adventures tell the film "Need a bride with accommodation," falls into a situation where all the hopes and aspirations of women are flying out into the pipe. After all, the beloved, the closest to the heroine of a person, care about the happiness and well-being of which Natalia devoted all herself, sometimes forgetting about personal interests and needs, she betrayed her romance on the side.

Having learned about the treason, the heroine gathered her belongings and left the house, hoping to start life again. Only for this you need to first find it, that for a woman, shortly after receiving the formation of the nurse's profile has become a housewife, not so simple. After all, employers are not burning with the desire to take into the staff of people without experience and skills.

After a number of failed attempts, find a case on the skills of Natasha, the last chance is converted. The heroine draws attention to the announcement and decides to become a nurse for an elderly person - this is a solid earnings, and the roof above the head. True, the ward itself is categorically against the presence of it nanniki from among random people, not relatives.

Fortunately, the son of a rash old man knows how to circle a father around the finger. And in his plan, Natalia Sprup to play the first violin.


The production of the picture was occupied by the film company "Russian", familiar to the Russian spectators on the projects "Sklifosovsky", "Black Cat", "Curve of the Mirror of Love", "Strying" and "Zulecho opens eyes." Alexander Kusheev ("Boomerang", "Bloody Baryna", "Last Bogatyr", "The Last Bogatyr", "The Last Bogatyr: Evil Root", "Hop") and Irina Smirnova ("Weddings will not", "Heart failure", "Torgsin" , "Farmer").

The selection of actors was headed by Natalia Tretyakova, as a casting director, put his hand to such pictures as "time of daughters", "poor relatives", "right to love", "Line of Fire" and "Happy Gray Mouse". Above the musician corrupt, the composer Alexander Privov, information about the participation of which in other film projects in open access is not found.

Anna Andreeva, who worked in this capacity also spoke by the director, who worked in this capacity also on the shooting sites of Dubler films, "Moms" and "Peak Lady: Black Jite." The picture was based on the scenario of Alexander Childkov, who is obliged to the plots "Angel on the roads", "My Rodna", "Moscow Zhigolo", "Comrades Police" and "Forester".

Director of Melodrama - Klim Poplavsky.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the painting dedicated to the grand, wagoned son for the well-being of the elderly parent of the spectlip, the final of which turned out to be unexpected and for the organizer himself, performed the following actors:
  • Olga Mikhailova - Natalya Ostricajakova, the main character, a medical medicament, which has not worked as a profession since the end of study, becoming a housewife, with the heat of a loving woman caring about its own overly windy chosen one. After parting with the wrong boyfriend, it is satisfied with the nurse to a problem elderly man who does not want to nursed someone outsider with him.
  • Alexander Pashkov - Andrei, and did not make an offer to the girlfriend of Natasha's companion, who, without assessing the care and love of a woman who was devoted to him with all his heart, started his lady on the side. Correspondence with the last one is not the most pleasant day for myself and discovered the heroine.
  • Artem Alekseev - Dmitry, the violinist, who gathered to leave on tour and strive to find a nurse for his own father, who, however, the desire of the Son does not share. Having become acquainted with Natasha and hiring her, the musician decides to smear, in order to deceive the forever displeased parent, and represents the heroine of his bride - so the dad will not have the reasons to drive a young woman from herself. True, Dmitry and Natalia and did not expect that fictional feelings would be redesended by the present.
  • Vasily Mishchenko - Sculptor Boris Evgenievich, father of Dmitry, stubbornly refuse to admit that he needs a constant care - the man's health is no longer that before. So in the absence of Dmitry, the care of his dad should lie on the shoulders of the hired nurse - Natalia.

Also in the film starred: Igor Chripunov, Polina Lazarev, Sasha Kosiaov, Albert Bartosh and Sofia Nikitchuk as Kati.

Interesting Facts

1. The film "Need the Bride with accommodation" by Klim Poplavsky - the son of Yana Poplavskaya, famous thanks to the lead role in the painting "About the Red Hat", and Sergey Ginzburg, who created the "Vurdalaki" tape, "stepfam", "Zorge". By the Klima, the extensive filmography as a filmmaker cannot boast - on his account there are only four works, among which "Happy New Year, Moms!" and "decent people." But the cinematographer took off a lot of music clips.

2. It is noteworthy that the completion of the filming of the picture on the Russian "Russian" reported in the summer of 2018. However, for the first time, the audience saw a two-series melodrama only in April 2020. Moreover, the premiere took place by no means on Russian television - first the ribbon was presented to the Belarusian audience, having launched a show on the channel "Belarus-1" channel. Before Russia-1, the film "Need a bride with accommodation" got only one more year.

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3. The path to the hypocrite career among the main role of Olga Mikhailova was extended by the main role in the picture. After all, before entering the acting branch of the Schukinsky school, the girl managed to get a diploma in the specialty "Programmer". And while studying also worked as a model. Olga began to be filmed since 2006, and the fame found already by the mid-2010, starring in the 2nd season "Sword" and the series "Chef. New life".

4. The film "We need a bride with accommodation" the audience was appreciated neutrally, noting both dignity and disadvantages. Critics stressed that the picture is far to the title of masterpiece, for the work cannot boast neither the originality of the plot or the realism of what is happening on the screen or an outstanding game of actors. But at the same time, the tape leaves a pleasant impression to the ease and saturation of the narrative, not too tightened with a timing of 1.5 hours and the presence of humor.

The film "Need a bride with accommodation" - Trailer:

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