Peter Drucker - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Management Theorist



Peter Drucker is the founder of modern management. It was believed that this is an accurate science, similar to mathematics, limited by the rules and postulates, to violate which is categorically impossible. The economist first realized that each separately took the corporation is a living organism, and it is necessary to select the control algorithms for it personally. To this day, the scientist is considered one of the most famous and most influential researchers theory and management practices.

Childhood and youth

Peter Ferdinand Drucker was born on November 19, 1909 in Vienna, one of the capitals of Austria-Hungary, in a secured family of a high-ranking state official Adolf Drucera and Medica, Caroline Bondi housewives.

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Education of theoretics of management began with dinner dinners. Three times a week, officials, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, scientists and philosophers were stayed in his parents' house. They discussed a variety of topics - from economics to psychoanalysis. Doors so useful meetings for Peter remained open.

"It was my education," he wrote later in his diary.

Among the permanent guests were economists Josef Schumpeter, Friedrich von Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, Tomash politicians and Jan Masarik, Social reformers Herman and Eugene Schwarzvald. It is their views that the young people were deeper into the mind, their own concepts were built on their main ideas.

After the end of the Debling Gymnasium in 1927, Dr., failing to find work in the victim after the First World War, moved to Germany. He worked as a journalist in Hamburg and in Frankfurt. And in 1931, he received one of the ten titles - a doctoral degree in the field of international and public law in the University of Frankfurt. Johanna Wolfgang von Goethe.

Personal life

In 1933, Peter Drucker moved to the UK. Here he gained not only an employment experience, but also to his wife Doris Schmitz, who studied at the University of Frankfurt. The couple played a wedding in 1934, and in 1937 moved forever in the United States.

Personal life proceeded calmly until the death of Peter in 2005. Four children were born in marriage. History did not save family photos. Most of the theorist's photoportines are surrounded by students or books.

Scientific activity

In 1934, Peter came to the lecture of John Meinard Keynes in the University of Cambridge. The record in the diary about that day serves as an initial point of 70-year-old management research:

"I suddenly realized that Keynes and all shiny economist students who were present at the lecture were interested in the behavior of the goods. I was interested in the behavior of people. "

One of the first Drucus spoke that the main thing in business is not the concept of "entrepreneur", but "consumer." It is from people that depends on demand, and with them the employment of workers, their salary, the level of economy. At the same time, the consumer image forms the entrepreneur for whom it creates a product to whom he is on his pocket.

Scientific articles on economics, politics and society, which man wrote over the next eight years, made it an interesting person for "General Motors" - one of the largest corporations in the world at that time. In 1943, the economist was hired for political audit.

The result of a 2-year study of the inner "kitchen" "General Motors" was the book "Corporation Concept" (1946). In it, the theorist of the management analyzed the role of leadership in a large company, described how the relationship between the employee and the employer is reflected in the effectiveness of what is social and environmental responsibility of the organization, etc.

In particular, the drover wrote that leadership is a fictitious concept, especially for a large corporation. After all, the result depends on how ordinary employees fulfill their obligations assigned to them. Effective leader is the one who can competently convey its position to employees and motivate them on a decent result. In the light of this, the theorist advised the "top" "General Motors" to reconsider its attitude towards employees, reduce the pressure on them, change the eternal whip on the gingerbread.

President and General Director of General Motors Alfred Sloan expected not such test results. And the "concept of the corporation" upset the magnate so much that he did the form that the book did not exist at all. According to the testimony of Peter, Sloan never allowed anyone to even mention it.

However, it is thanks to the "Corporation Concept", the Drucker became known in consulting. His audit ordered such large firms as "General Electric", W. R. Grace and Company and IBM. Later, the theoretical proposed his knowledge and non-profit organizations - for example, the Red Cross of the United States and the Salvation Army.

In 1954, the very requested book of Peter Drucker "Practice of Management" came out. In it, the author first used the concept of "management by goals". Under it it was understood that employees should follow the same goals to which the company is coming in general. Formally, the SMART method was born.

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The scientist explains that it is optimally set in front of an employee of 3-5 goals. The smaller number of them will lead to a downtime, more to the "replenishment". At the same time, the manager must provide tools to achieve these goals in order not to impose additional moral and physical costs to the employee. For the convenience of the process, it is recommended to draw up a tree goals - in other words, plan the steps to achieve the result.

Contribution to the management committed by the Drucker is difficult to overestimate. He broke the presentation of mankind about this area as an accurate science, united and systematized everything ever known about the economy, the art of management, marketing. And then enhanced words, understandable even to a novice leader.

Peter is the author of 39 books translated into 36 languages. The most famous of them are "practice practice" (1954), "Business and Innovation" (1985), "Management during the Great Changes" (1995), "Management. Calls of the XXI century "(1999).

Our main ideas economist promoted not only in books, but also from the department. From 1942 to 1949, he taught politics and philosophy in the private Bennington College in Vermont, and from 1950 to 1971 he was engaged in the management of students of New York University.


Peter Druker's biography ended on November 11, 2005 in Clermont, California. The cause of death is natural - the theorist did not survive 8 days before its 96th birthday. His wife Doris Schmitz also turned out to be a long-liver: she died in October 2014 at the age of 103.


  • "It is more important to make the right things than to do things right."
  • "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
  • "The secret of the Japanese is that they do not make reports on work, but work."
  • "At the sources of each successful enterprise stands once a bold decision."
  • "The quality quality indicator is ordinary people who make unusual things."


  • 1939 - "END OF ECONOMIC HUMAN: Totalitarian origins"
  • 1942 - "The Future of the Industrial Man"
  • 1946 - "Corporation Concept"
  • 1954 - "Management practice"
  • 1968 - "The Epoch of Ripple: Landmarks for our changing society"
  • 1973 - "Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practice"
  • 1982 - "The changing world of the executive power"
  • 1985 - "Business and Innovation"
  • 1990 - "Management in a non-commercial organization: principles and practice"
  • 1998 - "On Professional Management: About the Profession of the Manager"
  • 1999 - "Management. Calls of the XXI century "
  • 2001 - "Encyclopedia of Management"
  • 2002 - "Management in the Society of the Future"
  • 2002 - "Effective Manager"
  • 2004 - "Dr. for every day. 366 Soviets Successful Manager »

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