The series "The monster must die" (2021) - the release date, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The series "The monster should die" with the date of release on May 28, 2021, will affect the topic of justice and revenge. In the center of the story of the English detective - the history of the mother, who started the perfect murder against a man who knocked her son to death.

Actors, roles and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the plot of the six-year-old child knocks the car. The criminal leaves the scene of the accident, leaving the boy to die on the side of the road. A dishwasher mother stopped trusting justice and intends to achieve justice on his own. It turns out that a powerful person who does not know the barriers and annoying his negative charisma turned out to be a random.

The woman finds a rascal, falls into the range of his proxies, and then plans to kill the perpetrator of the tragic incident. For helping the parent comes a detective amateur-lover of a straightjace, which is something to hide. However, to realize the plans of the heroine interfere with painful emotions. Characters drawn into the investigation will be confused, because conceived intentions will suddenly begin to come true, but without the participation of the mother and detective, thirsty of retribution.

Over the script of the screening of the novel of Nicolas Blake from the series about the investigation of the Strajnjuise detective, Gabi Chiappe worked. The screenwriter is known as a faction activist, which stands for equal opportunities for male and female authors in cinema. Chiapp participation promises that the project will be affected by the topic of equality and feminism.

The director's chair took the house of Kaugoski. The project producers were made by Nataniel Parker, for whom the series "The monster must die" debut work as an organizer of the show, as well as Emma Broton, Joanna Black, Gabi Chiapp.

Actors and roles

  • Cas Jambo is a luckless mother, who in search of justice goes to the path of the war and hunting a criminal who left the child to die after an accident.
  • Billy How - Detective and Literature Nigel Strejunduies, who knows how to see the insignificant details of the causes of crime. The detective is taken for the cases from which the police refused.
  • Jared Harris is a charismatic criminal who shot down the child on the road.

The series also starred the following actors: Maeve Dermody, Aasiya Shah, Nathaniel Parker, Geraldine James, Rick Warden.

Interesting Facts

1. Kavokoska's house is among the top ten, whose films are recommended to look at Variety magazine, covering events in the world show business for more than a century. In addition, this is the first Finnish director, whose debut works at the beginning of the career were nominated for prestigious cinematographic premiums. Family in the filmography of Program, in Tolkin and Lion Heart filmography.

2. Shooting the project took place on the island of White.

3. Actor Jared Harris, who had previously performed James Moriarty in the film "Sherlock Holmes: The game of Shadows," admitted that I was hoping to say goodbye to the role of the heroes of detective drams, but the prospect of playing in the screening of the novel "The monster must die" turned out to be too tempting.

4. The events of the book tell about the tragedy in the life of the writer of detectives, and the actions occur in 1938. While the series carries the audience today, and instead of a man, a woman becomes the main acting person.

5. The series "The monster must die" is the re-screening of the detective to Nicholas Blake. Prior to that, in 1969, the Franco-Italian film "Let the Beast dies" directed by the director Claude Shabrol came out. The criticism to the premiere are expressed about how difficult Kaugosks had to compete with the classic of cinema.

6. Judging by the reviews of the audience for the TV series "The monster must die," the premiere is expected by a tightened story for five episodes, where most of the time will be considered reflection and frames of the angry sea.

Discussions and about the relevance of the detective serials of the UK production, since they are inferior to the American show on the dynamism of events. Meanwhile, the fans of the detective series about the investigations of Niphel Strajindjuis intend to see the project and expect from the premiere of pleasant impressions.

The series "The monster must die" - Trailer:

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