Interesting Facts About Andrei Arshavina - Checkers, Football, Baranovskaya, Kazmin, Children


After completing the sports career, Andrei Arshavin found a call next to the young athletes "Zenith". He considers himself a good man, loves to relax in the Maldives and admits that he cries while watching the serials of the first channel. Other interesting facts about Andrei Arshavina, which was 40 years old on May 29, 2021, in the material 24cm.

Resentment coach

Contrary to the established stereotypes about athletes, Andrei Arshavin, from four years, knew how to read and adored the poems of Kornea Chukovsky, as well as Russian folk tales. And in the early years, the ex-football player showed interest in the game of checkers.

It turns out that up to 10 years the future striker was seriously fond of this sport and even became the champion of Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg. And when he stopped on football, the coach on the checkers was disappointed and persuaded Andrei to think.

Meanwhile, the traction to football from the future star appeared from the moment Andrei rose to his feet. Later, Tatyana Arshavin, the mother of the athlete, says that he did not prevent the enthusiasm of the heir and allowed the son to kick the ball at the door of the room in a communal apartment. And in order not to disturb the neighbors, a rag hanging on the door, making harsh sounds from the shock of the ball.

"My task was not to break his gift, his character," - confessed later to the parent, who is sure that the emotions and the child's temper is important.

By the way, and checkers did not pass for Andrei without a trace. Speaking for the English Arsenal, journalists were worried about the secret of the "brilliant passes" of the Russian football player. And Arshavin admitted that such smart thanks to the checkers.

Today in the life of Arshavin on a par with checkers, the place of ballet and television films remain. The athlete says that he likes the serials of the first channel and he gladly looked at the Russian television films "Method" and "Ugryum River". Andrei also monitors the British Motheric Drama "Acute Visors".


In interesting facts about Andrei Arshavin should be attributed to the fact that the athlete really appreciates the possibilities in life and does not like to build fantastic conjectures about the future. At the sunset sports career, the football player somehow confessed that the coach out of it will not work, because it is not restrained, and in mentoring it is required to control emotions and be a psychologist.

In the football career of St. Petersburg athlete turned out to be up and drops. However, the difficulties did not scare the famous striker. "There was never a desire to leave football due to failures. This, in my opinion, is akin to cowardice, "Andrei Arshavin confessed.

However, in the life of Andrey there is fear. As it turned out, Arshavin suffers from herpetophobia, or simply fear snakes. It is noteworthy that his ex-wife Julia Baranovskaya is also afraid of creeping reptiles. The origins of fears are usually fixed at the genetic level or provoke meetings with reptiles.

This fact did not affect the hobbies of children. The son of Arshavin and Baranovskaya, Arseny, contrary to the fear of parents, crazy about snakes and even tried to start a peculiar pet in the house.


A football player, characterized in a gaming field with non-standard moves, quickly won the army of fans. Later, the interest in the celebrity was heated by scandals, bold statements, failures in politics and business. Then, when the sports career went to the decline, about Arshavina began to speak in the context of parting with Julia Baranovskaya.

The ex-football player himself refers to the attention of fans of philosophically and suggests that media people are ordinary people who make mistakes. And since the love before hatred is one step, Andrei makes changes in the reaction of fans readily, although it is unpleasant to him.

So, in 2009, Andrei Arshavin learned from news in newspapers that the Cottage settlement "Arshavinka" is planned to be built in the Leningrad Region. The owner of the construction company turned out to be a fan of the striker and even planned to give an estate with a caviar and stables.

Then the footballer did not like the associations with his name. Arshavin stated that he was not interested in negotiations on this issue. However, later representatives of the athlete still came into contact with the developer, and then information appeared in the press that the voiced price was too high. As a result, the residential array was called "Otradnaya Lake".

A year later, the football player patented a corporate sign with a black and white image and pressed to her lips. The property also became an autograph and graphic sign Arshavin. The athlete stated that there were no restrictions on the use of the brand, but the main thing is that the quality of the products has satisfied the star of football.

Casual meeting

An interesting facts about Andrei Arshavina also includes the fact that the meeting with the chosenses turned out to be random, and the parting was loud and through the transfer of Andrei Malakhov.

The history of love with Julia Baranovskaya began with an unexpected meeting at the Nevsky Prospect of St. Petersburg in 2003. Julia walked with her friend, and the girls faced a athletically folded young man. After two months, the lovers had already lived together, and in a couple of years, Julia gave birth to the firstborn.

With the second spouse, Archavin's meeting was also random. Acquaintance occurred on a visit in 2005, but at that time Alice Kazhmin was married, and Andrei was in a relationship with Julia Baranovskaya. After 5 years, the football player met with Alice by chance in Miami, and already in 2012 in London there was a connection between lovers.

Meanwhile, Andrei believes that relations with chosenses who gave the heirs, were helpful. In the first parting it turned out a good start for the career, and the divorce with the second spouse became an attempt to put pressure on the football player.

By the way, Arshavin was repeatedly criticized for sexist statements. "Wives should work or learn, then they will have a less time to get a husband," somehow responded about the wives of football players, what caused condemnation.


Andrei Arshavin became the father of four heirs: two daughters and two sons. After parting from Baranovskaya, they spoke about the unwillingness of Arshavin to participate in the raising of children. The situation was accurately repeated after the divorce with the second wife Alice Kazmin.

After parting with Alice Arshavin, he refused to register the daughter in his homepoint, because of which the child did not take to the kindergarten. However, the photo of the daughter he stores on the screensaver in the phone.

With older heirs, the relationship was restored only 6 years after separation. Arshavin calls the sons "my clones", hinting at the external similarity.

Meanwhile, despite the criticism by the public, the ex-football player considers himself a good father, which can also be included in interesting facts about Andrei Arshavin. "All of me, I am always ready to do," the athlete admits, explaining his parental position. And adds that in the case of Julia, the mother created situations that prevent communication, and in the case of Alice, it fears provocations.

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