Dominic Treadto (Character) - Photo, Furious, Film, Actor, Win Diesel, Machine


Character History

Dominic Treadto (house) - protagtonist Furious franchise, played with wine diesel. This acting image got the most popular in Brazil, South America and Spain, and fans even spend parallels between it and the terminator.

History of character creation

Thanks to the participation in this project, the Vin Diesel woke up the first magnitude star. The origins of the Sinkieopopese, which today has 8 films and 2 short films, go to the XX century. Few people know that the Li Raceer X article was the basis for the plot of the picture of 2001, published in the VIBE magazine in May 1998.

In the center of the story, the writer placed the New York street rider. Kenneth was colorfully described the life of a person who is experiencing a passion for cars and adrenalines. The author also gave assessment of a new movement, gradually exciting America, - Stritage.

The article came across the eyes of the producer and director Rob Cohen. He immediately attracted aesthetics of street racing. Soon the idea came to adapt the literary material under the scenario. For this work, Rob invited Gary Tompson and David Ayer to cooperate.

The initial concept was to talk about people who are trapped by thefts of jewels (diamonds). But in the future the authors decided to bring the story to reality, focusing the goals of the bands on trucks.

Several options for the name of the film were considered: Race Ware, Redline and Racer X. As a result, in English-speaking countries, the audience was looking forward to the release of the film The Fast and The Furious. In the Russian dubbing of the audience a picture "Fast and Furious" was presented.

The premiere of the 1st part took place on June 18, 2001. The expectations of the audience were deceived, and critics considered that the plot clearly lacked the very rage and speed. However, Rob Cohen noted that he was not going to shoot a high octane action.

The director wanted to show the life of street racers, not just the race and battle for incendiary music. Cohen also considered that this story was completed. True, cash receipses and rating of the film was shown: continue to be.

For the young American actor of wine Diesel (real name - Mark Sinclair), this project became a sign in his career. A man since his childhood dreamed of big cinema, even tried to shoot movies. However, he refused to participate in the sequel "Furçazha", motivating it with a low fee.

By the way, in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the Dominic franchise appeared in Kameo. And only director Justin Lina in 2009 managed to collect the star composition - Wine Diesel, Paul Walker, who played Brown O'conner (Brian O'conner), and Michelle Rodriguez, who performed the role of Letty Ortis.

The popularity of "Forsazha" grew with the release of each new part. The story that began with ordinary robbery was changed. Now the main characters have to not only oppose the guardians of the rule of law, but also fight with dangerous criminal groups and even to save the world from a nuclear threat.

In the plot, the films have enough space not only for street racing. More and more picture began to remind drama, in the center of which there are interpersonal attitudes of characters. Thanks to incredible turning in the scenario, the continued expectation rating and today demonstrates high indicators.

In April 2021, it is planned to exit the film "Forsazh-9", where the ticket will face the past - a person who is not inferior to strength, skills and experience himself. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is a native brother at home.

The image and biography of Dominica Treadto

The main character is an American by nationality, but with Italian roots - in childhood interested in cars. He lived together with the younger sister Miay and Father in Los Angeles. The family owned a small store, sold products. On Sundays it was customary to go to church and fry barbecue with neighbors.

Father Thoroughtto instilled his love for racing. The boy with admiration looked at him, dreaming to become the same. But one tragedy has changed everything - the house has lost his closest man. Without painting pain, he found and beat the culprit of the accident, in which the life of the parent broke around.

This led to imprisonment. 2 years the character promoted behind bars. And when it came out, then he had a younger sister in care. Therefore, in his youth, Dominic took responsibility for the family. The man began to work as a mechanic in the garage, and at night there was no illegal races, as he was forbidden to participate in such competitions.

Soon the Toretto stood up on a criminal path. He has formed a team: his girlfriend Letty, Leon, Vince and Jesse, with whom he robbed trucks with appliances. Miy at that time he was headed by a food store, trying to persuade the brother to stop engaging in illegal activities.

In the 1st part of the "Fasting", the police became interested in Dominica. Brown - a cop who entered the trust of the leader of the team of riders. And after the Treadto saved his life, he could not go against a friend. In addition, O'Conner fell in love with Miu, and it was even more brought him with a gang.

In the film, the main character said the phrase that he lives "a quarter mile at a time," and everything else does not matter for him. Subsequently, this quote was used by Cybercripper Saifer, convincing at home to betray the family and become free.

But the character of the man has undergone great changes for so much time. He managed to be combined with a marriage with a friend of childhood Letty, was convicted for 25 years in prison, managed to escape. And then heard the terrible news about the murder of his wife, which was subsequently not true. Although Ortis lost his memory, and the hero had to conquer his beloved confidence for a long time.

Such a complex biography did not save him from love for the barns. Nevertheless, the house understood that the most important thing in life is a family. Just together it is possible to overcome the troubles. As in childhood, Dominica necessarily collected around himself friends on weekends and fried the barbecue. And before proceeding with food, I invariably pronounced prayer.

The ambiguous characteristic of the character - a gangster and a criminal, a loving husband and a faithful friend, a deeply believer street rider - organically fit into the plot of therapy. In the 8th part of the "Forsazha", an unprecedented - Tortretto was forced to betray close.

But the reason was a good - the Saifer stole his baby's son with Mother Elena, with which the man had a novel when he thought that Letty died. For Dominica, the joy of thought about the appearance of the heir was frightened only by one: he would have to oppose his team.

Of course, the Final Film set all the places. And soon the Tortetto is surrounded by loved ones (including in the presence of a saved baby) was preparing a traditional barbecue. And in the end I introduced the rest with a new family member - Brown Marcus. He called his son in honor of Brian O'conner. The executor of this role died in 2013.

Interesting Facts

  • The age of the hero is not specified. But if you repel from year of birth (1976), as well as from other dated franchise events, then in the 1st part it was 28 years old.
  • On the screen, the racer certainly be on the chest cross. Soon, this accessory began to sell everywhere, which was accompanied by obsessive advertising like "Buy a cross, like a Dominica, and get a chain as a gift." Runet users made meme from this situation.
  • Win diesel in the youth was not only high growth (182 cm), but at the same time preserved a vanity body, for which he was called a worm. It motivated the actor to visit the gym and build muscle mass.
  • More often on the screen, the main character sits behind the wheel of the car model series "Dodge".
  • From the 4th to the 8th part of the "Fasting" of the elusive rider voiced Sergey Chonishvili - the actor who became the official voice of the CTC television channel in 1998.
  • Dominica zodiac sign - Virgo.


"The flight is not freedom." "Millions come, go, not in them happiness. The most important in the world will always be people in this room, here, now. "" You can not turn away from the family, even if she turned away from you. "" My life lasts only 10 seconds - between the start and acceleration. "" Life is simple - you You make a choice and do not regret it. "


  • 2001 - "Fast and Furious"
  • 2003 - "Double Forement"
  • 2006 - "Triple Fastsage: Tokyo Drift"
  • 2009 - "Fast and Furious 4"
  • 2011 - "Fast and Furious 5"
  • 2013 - "Fast and Furious 6"
  • 2015 - "Fast and Furious 7"
  • 2017 - "Fast and Furious 8"
  • 2019 - "Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Show"

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