Thomas Maltus - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Demographer



The English scientist Thomas Maltus was a member of the Royal Society of London, his ideas were distributed in the 1820s. Studies in the field of political economy, sociology and demographics were known in academic and cultural circles.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Thomas Robert Malthus began in Southeast England, he was lucky to become a member of the intelligent noble family. Parents who lived in the county of Surrey near the city of Gilford, at the time of the birth of the Son had five children.

The father of the future scientist Daniel received a classic education, rotated in the society of such thinkers as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and David Yum. Surrounded by a wealthy British and legitimate spouse, Henrietta appreciated the love of philosophical judgments and an extraordinary mind.

Thomas, being a younger child, knew all the charm of parents' care, was shouted from the day of baptism in the mid-1760s. From the young age, the boy communicated with the guests who were in the estate: writers, artists and authors of religious work.

Having received a home education under the supervision of experienced governers, Maltus entered the Academy of Warrington, full of professional teachers. When the institution was closed due to disagreements with clergy, the boy had to look for mentors and friends elsewhere.

For some time he supported contact with the philologist Hilbert Wakefield, which was engaged in translations from Latin and Greek. The author of the book Wakefield's New Testament helped to prepare for admission to Cambridge College in the middle of the 1780s.

At the first courses of the educational institution, founded in the XV century, Thomas showed the ability to mathematics and a number of humanitarian sciences. Prizes in the field of declamation and praise teachers have become an assessment of the level of intelligence and debut scientific merit.

More than other Malthus successes were interested in the Unitaria, writer, public figure and reformer William Friend. After the expulsion from Cambridge and the trial, a supporter of radical views came to the number of university legends.

The proven positive descendant of the nobility name did not share the views of the teacher to most social problems. He became a subject of the Anglican Church after the solemn ordination, and then a teacher who adhered to traditional systems.

Personal life

Having become a teacher in the college of Jesus, Thomas gave vow of celibacy, in his youth he was seriously thought about the continuation of the kind and about the family. After moving into the parish, located in the vicinity of the town of Albury, the priest planned alone to benefit the country.

At the beginning of 1804, the worldview has changed, Malthus, freed from the promise, acquired a legitimate wife. After acquaintance with Harriet, Ancolel, a resident of the town of Claveron House, the personal life of the future scientist became happy.

In marriage, the son of Henry and two daughters appeared on the world, the firstborn began in the footsteps of the parent - studied and received church san. Emily and Lucille gave a worthy classic home education, matured, the hear joined the enlightened noble circles.

Scientific activity

The English priest became the author of several scientific treatments, which were openly published in the late 1790s. Essay on population growth at the dawn of the XIX century laid the beginning of a number of economic work.

The author believed that the fertility directly depends on the state of the market, as well as the rimperics of events, both good and bad. An increase in the number of consumers in geometric progression inevitably led to the appearance of physically weak and patients.

Following the naturalist Charles, Darwin Malthus contributed to biology, considering the struggle for survival on the example of socialized people. The concept of excessive population in excessive economic proposals was considered as an example of bright modern evolutionary ideas.

The teaching, criticized by society, was created in the peak of optimism of philosophers of the Epoch of Employment describing the idealized world. The works of the English journalist and the William Political Store, Maltus, used as the main scientific anti-war.

The situation when the growth of the population is ahead of production growth, called Malthusian catastrophe (trap) representatives of economic schools. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who studied this problem, tried to find an innovation in an English essay.

Thomas Robert with like-minded people, protecting the main ideas, went on a trip to Europe and visited a dozen countries. The material collected by the researchers for a new demographic theory, after refining, hardly fit in the bulk road suitcase.

Data analysis confirmed the hypothesis on the reduction of the population of the planet by interfering with external factors - mortal diseases and war. The arguments of the economist represented by the London Royal Society are currently relevant and in most cases are true.

The intellectual discussion between Maltus and David Ricardo, who developed the ideas of Adam Smith, who were included in the quotation collections. The concept of general oversaturation against the background of the economic surplus in the correspondence was associated with the theory of rent and the instability of labor costs.

Professor John Ramsey Mc Culloch, who entered into fierce disputes, published a point of view in journalistic articles. After the stinging remarks, the scotsman picked up, Thomas's opinion lost weight in authoritative circles.


The recreation of a career provoked by unreasonable unfounded criticism led to a series of nervous seizures, weakened a strong organism. In the 68th age, the author of economic theories finally faltered with the spirit and has lost their best optimism.

The cause of sudden death was a sudden heart attack, in the winter of 1934 hundreds of people learned about this. At the funeral of the grave in the abbey of Saints Peter and Paul, relatives, like-minded people and closest friends were present.


  • "The people himself is the most important culprit of their suffering."
  • "When the spoilness becomes common and applies to all sectors of society, it inevitably poison the very source of family happiness."
  • "The rebellious crowd is a consequence of surplus population."
  • "A person who came to the already occupied world, if the parents are not able to feed him or if society is not able to take advantage of it, does not have the slightest right to demand any impregnation, and in reality he is superfluous on earth."


  • 1798 - "Essay about the law of population"
  • 1814 - "Observations on the effects of the law of corn"
  • 1814 - "Study of Nature and Progress Lease"
  • 1820 - "Principles of political economy"

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