Mattake Wood - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Artist, Scientist



If Machi Efendi's Mufflers lived in Europe, the heyday of the Renaissance, then Bosnian would call the universal creator. The statesman was an erudite, an excellent mathematician, historian, geographer. Together with the sciences, the man was equally well the art - Ottomans became acquainted through his work with thin samples of miniaturistics.

Childhood and youth

The exact data on the date of birth of the artist was not preserved. It is known that he was born in 1480 in Bosnia. According to one source, the Sarajevo has become a native city for him, others report that the Wood appeared in the Lighthouse. While as a child, Bosniez, who came from the Muslim family, went to the capital of Devroshem.

So called the Ottoman Empire tax with the "incorrect" population. The boys were chosen as the board, mostly from Christian families to raise at the court of Sultan and carry the service as personal slave ruler. In rare cases, Muslim children were included in the number of "superlines". The number of such fell and lampsch.

As a rule, pupils who fell into slavery worked in one of the four departments of the Empire: Palace, Office, Mosque and Army. Doodle hit the last group considered an elite. Teenager served for several years in the infantry case Janacar. While studying in Endorun, the palace training personnel, he mastered the art of fencing and shooting. Also, the young man was inclined to study foreign languages ​​- she mastered five, which helped him then hit the fleet.

Personal life

About personal life in Bosnian's biography is known. In some sources, it is reported that the sage was married to Mushin-Hatun, in others there are assumptions that the man approximate to the Palace of Sultan and has prospective, should have been a lot of wives. However, there is no documentary evidence of both the first and second points of view.

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The creators of the series "Magnificent Century" decided to "correct" this situation and invented several romantic plot lines for the hero-philosopher. So, the audience met with the first love of mathematics Garden. In the film, the beauty took by the maid of Ibrahim-Pasha, the Vizier of Suleiman's magnificent.

Over time, the scientist learned about the beloved terrible secret - she turned out to be a spy preparing attempt on the lord. After the execution, the traitor to Maltchechie remained long alone, without thinking about marriage. A man focused on science and service to the state. Later Ibrahim, wanting to take himself in the mistress of Young Nigar Calfu, ironically married the philosopher on the girl. A day after the wedding, the scientist divorced his wife.

Science and creativity

Having received an excellent education, Bosniez for a long time seriously engaged in mathematics and geometry. Based on the existing knowledge and own observations, the yoke wrote two times. At first, the books were presented to familiarize himself to Sultan Selim Yavuzu, and then began to use as teaching aids for students of endorun.

Over time, the third work of the philosopher has been added to the learning materials. In it, the researcher described the original multiplication methods. In particular, the popular lattice method, which began to use in the palace training center 50 years earlier than in Europe.

At the same time, the yum itself taught in endorun, but not mathematics, but martial art. Pupils of the warrior demonstrated impressive successes. So, it is known about the speech of young men on the festival on the occasion of circumcision of the sons of Suleiman I. The spectacular show so liked Sultan that he awarded a scientist honorary title "Main Master". Later for training of Ottoman warriors, the philosopher wrote the work on the use of various types of weapons and cavalry and infantry techniques.

In the works of Master, there was a reflection and history of the country. So, the researcher managed to describe the period of development of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1543. Also in two books, the man recorded events associated with the military campaigns of Suleiman Canoni.

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In addition to writing scientific treatments, Bosniez became famous for both a skillful miniature. The artist found his own unique naturalistic style. The main part of the picturesque heritage of the pump was geographical maps. Using a special technique, the Creator could present the paintings of the area in panoramic view with the exact image of the details.

In the famous work - Miniature of Istanbul - the streets and buildings available in the city at that time are reflected. In world art, a picture of the first Iran-Iraqi campaign of Suleiman I in 1534-1535 was paid special attention to special attention. Before the audience, the canvas appear in the canvas, through which the ruler's army was held. The only copy of this masterpiece today is kept in the library of the Istanbul University.


The sage lived to old age in honor and works. Death found a man in 1564, when Bosnitseu was 84 years old. The cause of death remained unexplained.

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