Nikolai Statkevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Oppositionist 2021



Nikolai Statkevich is the head of the Party of Social Democrats called "People's Gramad", as well as the presidential candidate of Belarus in the 2010 elections from the Belarusian National Congress. Statkevich was among the founders of the Belarusian Association of the Military Organization, and was also a political prisoner, a prisoner of conscience.

Childhood and youth

Statkevich was born in the village of Lyadno, located in Slutsk district, August 12, 1956. His parents worked as teachers. The boy's childhood was typical for everyone who was born in the postwar years. After graduating from school, in 1973 he entered the MVISRV.

After 5 years, he became the owner of a diploma in the specialty "Military Engineer on Radio Electronics". After the distribution, the young man was in the Murmansk region, where for four years she was successfully serving and received the highest combat classification.

In 1982, Nikolai Statkevich returned to his homeland and entered an adjuncture in the Ministry of Education and Science. After a successful defense of the thesis, he was assigned the status of a candidate of technical sciences. For a while, the man taught in Alma Mater. Since 1991, he lectured in the Belarusian language.

Statkevich entered the doctoral student. His Peru owns about 60 copyrights on economic, socio-psychological and managerial topics.

Personal life

Politician is married. His spouse is called Marina Adamovich. The couple met in the early 1990s. The first meeting of young people occurred in the house of the writer at the birthday of a common friend after just a couple of weeks after the dismissal of Nikolai from the army. In 1996, Marina joined the Social Democratic Party and divided the views of their chosen one.

Prior to acquaintance with the future husband, Adamovich taught epidemiology in a medical university, then worked in a human rights organization. By putting a family in first place, a woman refused career and social activities. Due to the political activity of the spouse now, it is extremely difficult for her to be professionally implemented in his homeland.

Personal life of Nikolai Statkevich and Marina Adamovich developed in such a way that the union for both spouses was second. The first wife gave birth to a man two children. Daughters live in Germany. Both were educated in BSU, but applying to their talents found abroad.

Politics have an official website, a personal account in Facebook, as well as the author's Yutiub-Channel.

Career and elections

In 1991, demonstrating a protest position against military suppression of demonstrators in Vilnius, Statkevich came out of the CPSU. In the summer of the same year, he was the only Belarusian soldier who came against the Moscow coup.

The Belarusian Association of the Military "was organized by a politician to strengthen the independence of the country, affect the patriotic format of the upbringing of society and create a strong army. The adoption of the oath in the organization passed on September 8, 1992. Some cadets who taught the teacher with his filing were involved in the union, which caused a negative response from the commander.

In 1993, Statkevich spoke out against sending Belarusian soldiers to foreign wars under the Collective Security Treaty. Because of this, a month before the protection of a doctoral dissertation, he was fired from the army. Nevertheless, the public campaign in support of actual views attracted attention, and the compromise was achieved. Servicemen were not sent to hot spots.

Walking in politics, in 1995 Nikolai resigned and left the post of chairman of the organization. 5 years later, she stopped existence, since he did not pass re-registration. A public figure has become the leader of the People's Gramad Party, and a year later, he passed the second round of elections to the Supreme Council. True, they were canceled due to the adoption of the new edition of the Constitution.

In 1999, Nikolai took the position of Chairman of the Eastern European Forum of Social Democrats and spoke in the number of the organizers of the Marche of Freedom. A year later, he unsuccessfully ran into the ward of representatives. In 2003, politician became the leader of the European Coalition, and next year he participated in parliamentary elections. In 2005, he was convicted for 3 years in custody for organizing a rally, which refuted the results of the 2004 referendum and parliamentary elections. Subsequently, the man was subjected to amnesty and was recognized as a prisoner of conscience.

By 2008, Statkevich had a criminal record, but it did not prevent him from registering his initiative group before holding parliamentary elections. The collected signatures were invalid, and the policy did not assign the candidate status. But he managed to get it in the 2010 election. According to the total of voting, Nikolay Viktorovich managed to take the 7th place out of 10.

The biography of a political figure has not been accompanied by arrests. For participation in the rally in December 2010, he was detained directly in a taxi. He was sentenced, condemned the strict regime colony for 6 years. International amnesty again saved a man re-announced by the prisoner of conscience. In 2012, because of the contee for the presidency, under arrest, his initiative group was not registered.

While the politician was in conclusion, his like-minded people nominated the candidacy of the former serviceman to the presidential election of 2015. Already in August, the early liberation of Statkevich followed the decision of the President of Alexander Lukashenko on the pardon of several political prisoners, including the oppositionist.

To participate in the parliamentary elections 2016 Nikolai failed due to the presence of criminal record. A year later, he was among the organizers of protest in Belarus. In 2017, another brief 5-day arrest took place.

In 2019, Nikolai Viktorovich's candidacy was nominated for the presidential election on behalf of the Belarusian National Congress.

Nikolai Statkevich now

In 2020, the presidential elections were planned in Belarus, and the oppositionist Nikolai Statkevich again turned out to be in the thick of events. He was sentenced to arrest for 15 days due to participation in an unauthorized picket in support of other rivals of Lukashenko speaking in elections.

It is curious that the politician did not really attend shares. He simply did not have time to get to the place of her holding, to the Komarovsky market. Photo Statkevich again appeared in the media and news. In addition to him, the blogger Sergey Tikhanovsky and representatives of the Svetlana Tikhanovsky initiative group were detained.

Now Nikolai Viktorovich continues to fight for the implementation of ambitions. He opposes the association of Belarus with other states and describes its views in reasoning about Russia. The man also turned out to be among the public figures, violently responding to decision-making on restrictive measures during a pandemic of coronavirus infection.

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