Bill Denbro (character) - Photo, "It", film, actor, book, Stephen King


Character History

Bill Denbro is the protagonist of Roman Stephen King "It", speaking in the narration also by a narrator. Founding the "Club of Losers", the boy challenged the dangerous and mysterious monster, living in his hometown of Derry.

History of character creation

The novel of the popular American writer was published in 1986. Stephen King in the narration touched on an important topic for him: the influence of children's injuries on the well-being, memory value, the power of the team. Interestingly, the plot of works is carried out in two time intervals. So, the heroes have time to meet with mysterious it in childhood, and then in adulthood.

The book received various reviews - both negative and positive. A number of researchers spoke about prolonged narration. Others, on the contrary, praised the author for the interesting supply of literary material, bright characters and a memorable antagonist in the image of the clown of Penniveza (in quotations from the novel, there are names of Robert Gray and Bob Gray).

The main characters of the work of diverse. And the creation that terrorizes the city has become a certain embodiment of adolescents. Stephen King demonstrated on the example of a victory over the terrifying creature overcoming the guys of his own phobias associated with the events from childhood.

Therefore, for each character, the monster appears in his guise. For example, for Beverly Marsh, he manifests itself in the form of a bloody leaks - so the writer portrayed the fear of the girl harassment from the father.

Also, the heroes of the work in their own way overcome their own weaknesses. For example, Bill suffers from stuttering, but fighting with this progress saying. In general, William Denbro (this is the real name of the boy), readers caused persistent associations with King himself.

The main idea of ​​the novel is the power of unity. So, the "club of losers" takes hands, which symbolizes not only a circle, but at the same time friendship and love. Together, the guys are an invincible team that can cope not only with evil creation, but also with acquired fears.

Image and biography Bill Denbro

In the novel, Stephen King, a character was born in 1946 (the other year of birth was indicated in the films - 1947th and 1976 in the first and second screen vendors) in the city of Derry. His parents, Zac and Sharon, brought up two sons - William and his younger brother George. At the age of 3, the hero got into an accident, as a result of which he had developed a speech defect. Because of this, he became an outcast in school.

The main scene events come at the time when the boy has already been 13 years old. Father and mother was not at home, and their eldest son lay in bed due to illness. But his brother George wanted to walk. Then William made him a paper boat and let go to the street, taking the promise to be careful.

In the courtyard, the boy did not follow the toy, and that washed into the waste canal. Suddenly, clown Pennivez appeared near him and called George to himself. The crying cry of a cry meant only one thing: bloodthirsty it was saturated with flesh, and the child will never return home.

The parents of the deceased son began to blame in this tragedy of Bill. A teenager and so could not forgive the death of his brother, and the cold attitude of the mother and father only added him reasons for self-vacation. The defect of the speech Denbro was only intensified, he became even more closed and unhappy.

It was not the best things and outside the school, where he received the nickname of Zaica. And when, together with another Eddie Kaspwerman William built a dam, became an object for bullying local hooligans - Henry Bowers, Viktor Cryssa and Roggy Haggins.

Gradually, the goose find each other and call themselves the "Club of Losers". Pennivez, one way or another, pursues everyone, and soon the guys understand that they are destined to stop the Terrible Monster. In this company, only one girl - Beverly, with which Bill has a romantic relationship.

Each of the guys feels fear of the inevitable meeting, but also experiences no less suffering for other reasons. Eddie Caspbrak cannot do without an inhaler, because they suffer asthma. In fact, the disease is psychosomatic nature caused by excessive care of the mother.

Beverly regularly subjected to the beatings of a father who cannot be released "his girl". As for William, it is diagnosed with explicit post-tramatic stress, referred to as a sense of guilt of the survivor. Therefore, the boy in the sewage sees his brother George. And again it is forced to "kill" him, understanding that this was a skillful illusion of Penniveza.

However, to defeat the mysterious monster of the guys does not come out. They manage to hurt him strongly, but no one is sure that the evil will not be revived. Therefore, everyone gives a promise: if it wakes up, the team will be united again and applies a crushing blow.

Follow years. William chose the profession of the writer and published novels in Gorror genre. Old love Beverly remained in the past. The man married an actress Odra Phillips. Only one of the "Club of Losers" remained in Derry - Mike Hanlon. When he realized that inexplicable murders began to occur in the city, then caused childhood friends.

The request responded everything except Stanley Uris. He understood: To kill it, you need to cope with my fears. And this did not have done this in 27 years. Therefore, a man preferred to commit suicide to give the rest of the chance to survive.

On the eve of departure to Derry William quarrel with his wife, who does not want to let go of the spouse. Subsequently, Odra follows him and becomes a live bait in the hands of a cunning Penniveness.

Having matured heroes have to come together with phobias. But now they know how to act, because it converts, using his weapon. Odra from what he seen is crazy, demonstrating signs of catatonic syndrome. But William managed to cure a spouse from a psychological disease than and ends Roman Stephen King.

Despite stuttering, Bill has repeatedly demonstrated a reckless and impulsive character. The character remained persistent and brave, could combine friends when they were ready to disperse forever. In many ways, thanks to his strength of the Spirit "Club of Losers" managed to resist the horrors.

Bill Denbro in films

In the book, the boy is described with red hair, with blue eyes, has a vanity body. When the hero matured, he began to wear a short haircut and glasses, significantly scored in weight. In the screen vessels, the appearance of the character is different. So, in the serial of 1990, William ash-blond hair, and in the remake - brown.

In the first film adaptation, Jonathan Brendis played the bar, and Richard Thomas played the role of Mature Bill. Two actors were also involved in the film 2017 - Jaden Martell (Jayden Liber) and James McEvoy. In Russian dubbing, William-teenagers, Maxim Chikhachev, was voiced, the voice of the writer became Evgeny Valka.

In the remake, the full birth date of the character is indicated - January 4, 1976 (Zodiac sign - Capricorn). There are striking differences in the plot. So, on the film Bill only pretended to be very sick, not wanting to go with George to the street, because of what his feeling of guilt was shown even more. So that the teenager convinced himself, as if his brother was alive until she faced face to face with Pennivez. In addition, some facts from the biography were changed in the film: Odra's spouse is generally removed from history.

Interesting Facts

  • One of the popular ideas of the story fans was that the same actors who are starred in the remake as in the 1990 screening. But by that time the executor of the role of Denbro - Jonathan Bandy - died.
  • The character is mentioned in 2 works of Stephen King - "Bone Bag" and "11/22/63".
  • James McEva in the program "Good morning, America" ​​admitted that he did not love clowns since childhood. And the image of Penniveness performed by Bill Skarsgard was afraid not only it, but also most of the acting.


Maybe people are not so changing as we think. Maybe ... maybe they simply become hard. We have matured. We did not imagine what this could happen, in any case, then, in any case, with us. But it happened, and if I refer the threshold, the secret is clear: we are all adults. This is an instinct, crumb ... And, if I went, I believe that the instinct is an iron skeleton under all our ideas about the freedom of will.


  • 2017 - "It"
  • 2019 - "It 2"

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