Aaron Beck - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



In the end of the spring of the 2020th, the Daily bills correspondent raised an extremely curious topic in his article, describing a scientific explanation of the phenomenon when someone seeks to surround themselves with a large number of our smaller brothers. Pathological accumulation of animals (or Handing) related to behavioral personality disorders was first characterized by the famous American psychiatrists Aaron Beck and Duli Worth back in 1981 in a joint report, interviewing 31 people.

Childhood and youth

In mid-July 1921, the 18th, in Providence in a large family of emigrants from the Russian Empire, the Jews for Nationality, the younger child appeared - the son of Aaron. Harry Beck (Herchel Bull) was born in Proskurov (now it is Ukrainian Khmelnitsky), he worked as a publisher and moved to the United States in 1906.

Elizabeth Tekkin arrived in the United States of America from Loveman (in the past - the oldest city on the Dnieper) and was engaged in public activities. Lovers got married in 1909.

Subsequently, the man recognized that, despite the had difficulties that had arisen (the media argued that the mother, and without having recovered from the death of his daughter from influenza, was in a state of depression), he grew up in an atmosphere of love and care. From an early age, the boy did not have problems with studying, which cannot be said about his health.

In childhood, the misfortune happened: the hand fracture led to Sepsis, the hard state was anxious of the doctors. The young patient survived that it turned out to be akin to the miracle, but what happened did not pass without a trace: numerous phobias developed. For example, Beck was afraid to get injuries with bleeding, publicly act, suffocate, the need for surgical intervention, etc. Fortunately, with time he managed to cope with them, partly due to the study of medicine and appeal to the desessitization method.

In 1942, the guy graduated with honors from Brownov University, and after 4 years, the Yale school of medicine with a degree. Then, passing an internship, got into Austen Riggs Center and was held military service at Valley Forge Army Hospital. In the future, there was a turn of a research university in Pennsylvania and APSAA.

Personal life

With a personal life of Aaron, everything is in order. Back in 1950, he happily married Phillies Whitman, who became the first woman-judge in the appellate court of Pennsylvania and always supported her beloved husband in his endeavors. Four children, swarm, Dan, Alice and Judith were born in marriage.

By the way, the youngest daughter went in the footsteps of the famous parent, very successful in the study of cognitive behavioral therapy. In 1994, she, together with the Father, founded the Institute of Cognitive Psychotherapy and Research, located in Philadelphia.

"When I just started practicing, I had to rush to each client, to explain the essence of the method to give recommendations. Today my daughter heads the institute named after me. Is it not proof that cognitive therapy really changes life for the better? " - joked Beck.

As for individual preferences, it is known that the celebrity loves to collect butterfly ties and does not get tired of replenishing their impressive collection with new specimens.


At first, neurology attracted a young man, but, in touching with psychiatry, he was disappointed in her. In his eyes, seriously ill was slowly faded without proper treatment: bloodstream drugs to loss of consciousness, turned into zombies after lobotomy and used electric shock. Aaron realized that it was necessary to look for a more peaceful solution to this issue.

Beck turned to the megapopular psychoanalysis in those years, but soon came to the conclusion that he does not bring due effect, especially if we were talking about depression. Therefore, they soon created their own depression model and on the basis of behaviorism and conditionally reflex consolidation - a new method of treating affective disorders called cognitive psychotherapy. Its main provisions of Beck formulated regardless of Albert Ellis, who proposed the direction of Rapt.

"Refusing consulting according to Freud's method, the first thing I felt is anxious for my material well-being. When I started practicing cognitive therapy, the financial situation was dramatically shaken. After ten sessions, satisfied customers left, and my incomes melted in front of the eyes, "said celebrity in an interview.

However, the time put everything in its place, and the ability of an innovator in the shortest possible time to deploy patients from the oppressed state to positive thinking made it incredibly popular. The contribution to the psychology of the Beck is huge. The professor has enjoyed two theories of deep beliefs (associated with helplessness and with rejection), introduced the term "automatic thoughts", developed a kind of "neurotic code", the depression scale (test for depression), etc.

His rich bibliography consists of books, benefits and articles on the use of cognitive therapy in order to prevent suicide and with emotional violations. These include, for example, especially quoted "anxiety and anxiety: a cognitive-behavioral approach", published in co-authorship with David Clark, and "cognitive psychotherapy of personality disorders", written together with Arthur Fremen.

Aaron Beck now

Despite the honorable age, Aaron Beck works fruitfully. In 2019, the creative biography of a talented author enriched an article called "60-year-old evolution of cognitive theory and therapy." Two years earlier, the Medscape Medical Site placed the titled psychotherapist on the 4th place in the list of the most influential doctors of the last century.

The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research created by them continues its work. The activities of the institute can be monitored by photographs and information posted on the official website and on social networks.


  • 1967 - "Diagnostics and treatment of depression"
  • 1972 - "Depression: Causes and Treatment"
  • 1975 - "Cognitive therapy and emotional disorders"
  • 1979 - "Cognitive depression therapy"
  • 1993 - "Cognitive therapy of alcoholic and narcotic dependence"
  • 1998 - "Integrative cognitive power of therapy"
  • 1999 - "Prisoners of Hate: Cognitive Basics of Wright, hostility and violence"
  • 1999 - "Scientific basis of cognitive theory and depression therapy"
  • 2003 - "Cognitive psychotherapy of personality disorders"
  • 2005 - "Alarm disorders and phobias: cognitive perspective"
  • 2008 - "Schizophrenia: cognitive theory, research and therapy"
  • 2010 - "Cognitive therapy of alarming disorders: science and practice"
  • 2012 - "Group cognitive therapy of dependencies"

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