Henry Bauers (character) - Photo, "It", film, actor, book, Stephen King


Character History

Henry Bowers - Gang leader of hooligans, terrorizing children in Derry. The Hero of the Roman Stephen King "It" falls under the influence of the mysterious creation, which launches the chain of tragic events in the work.

History of character creation

The main antagonist of the book is a cosmic creature that can take various appearance and calling himself clown penny. A handful of young guys unite together to confront the murdensive mongrel. Adults cannot help them, because they are not able to see the villain. Therefore, the "club of losers" has to cope with the mysterious creation alone.

However, adolescents are forced to unite not only to resist it. The most important idea of ​​the novel is that schoolchildren suffer from children gained injuries. For example, the main character of Bill Denbro feels guilt for the death of George's younger brother, who killed Pennivez.

In addition, the characters have to repeatedly face Bowers and his gang. Secondary antagonists of the book mock the guys, seeking to demonstrate their superiority in physical strength.

Nicolas Hamilton in the role of Henry Bowers

However, attacks of hooligans in the plot of the novel symbolize the external threat, which only helps the main characters in the idea of ​​unification. Since the monster could only be defeated together, Henry even played a positive role, strengthening the friendship of adolescents.

Stephen King in his work described the moments that worked himself. Including the influence of psychological injuries on the nature and formation of a person. In the novel, these nuances paid a lot of attention, so critics even negatively responded about the excessively tightened plot.

Also negative feedbacks scored scenes with sexual subtext. Including intimate moments between Bowers and Patrick Hamsetter, through which the author handed the characters homophobic moods. However, in the screening of the novel, this side was not covered.

Image and Biography of Henry Bowers

In many ways, the sadistic tendencies of the boy took the origins in the family. Hero's father - Oscar - in the past, marine. After he was released from military activities, he began to drink. In addition, he was distinguished by racist sentiment that she sought to convey the teenage son. Mother was forced to even escape and leave the child next to the father-tyrant.

The parent was not begged to raise the heir to physical strength, gradually killing in it every sympathy and kindness. The boy since childhood understood that respect can only be achieved through the humiliation of others, so he quickly became a hooligan in school, which was constantly offended by more weak.

Hatred to African Americans contributed to the fact that Henry chose the main target for mockery of Mike Henlon. However, the other members of the "Club of Losers" suffered from attacks.

Bowers managed to be led around himself a team, Viktor Crsiss, Ryal Haggins, Patrick, Peter Gordon and Steve Sadler. Together with them, he waited for children to once again asserted. So, one of the victims of a young psychopathy sadist became Ben Hen, who hooligan tried to cut his name on his stomach. The list of "achievements" of the character also entered the Fracture of the hand of Eddie Kasplinka and the face of Stanley Uris broken into the blood.

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In school, the teenager studied disgustingly. Once he even asked Ben to give him a written exam, but he refused. This led not only to even greater binding Henry, but also to the fact that he was left for the second year.

According to quotations from the book of Stephen King, the schoolboy constantly smelled later and the JUICY Fruit chew. The guy was high height, thin, but strong. On his body, the traces of "Education" of the Father - Shrama appeared. Wore a short hairstyle.

His mind, full of hatred and fears, became bait for it. Pennivez was able to penetrate the teenager and inspire the necessary thoughts. So, with the help of a knife, he killed his own father, to which he also had negative emotions due to endless attacks.

Then the guy got the team from the monster to continue bloodshed. Of course, we are talking about the "Club of Losers" - only its participants are a threat to clown. In order to harm Bauers, he begins to pursue six friends (among them Beverly march) in collectors under the city.

But he does not manage to fulfill the mysterious creation. After the guy himself kicked Victor Crassa himself and witnessed a bloody massacre over the rest of the gang, he Strestil. And at the exit from the canalization of the hooligan, the police have already waited. The schoolboy was charged not only in the killing of his father, but also in a series of mysterious deaths, rushing in Derry during the summer.

Henry Bauers in the film

According to the results of medical examination, Henry was recognized as a patient and sent to a psychiatric clinic. But the antagonist briefly disappeared from the plot, again becoming a weapon in his hands after 27 years.

On May 29, 1985, the patient of the hospital Juniper Hill escapes. The appearance of the character has changed much. From a high and slim guy, he turned into a fastened fat man with large wrinkles and small, pouring eyes.

Pennivez reincarnates him in High Doberman, and he tall a guy a medical institution to death. Bringing out to freedom, the psychopath first meets Mike in the Public Library and attacks him. Hanglona manage to escape, although the knife cuts the femoral artery.

Under the leadership of Pennivez, Henry penetrates the house of Eddie and again breaks his hand - just as in childhood. But Kaspbrak finds the strength to kill the man who was crazy, using a broken bottle.

Henry Bowers in films

The popularity of Roman Stephen King led to the fact that the plot was shielded twice: in 1990 they showed a mini-series, and in 2017 the first part of the Dilogy "It" came out. Equally, as in the book, 2 temporary segments were demonstrated in the cinema, between which exactly 27 years have passed.

Many plot branches remained behind the scenes, for example, some details of cruel murders. This affected several moments relating to the secondary antagonist. However, the creators of the films managed to transfer the main thing - the nature of the cruel sadist, without remorse of the conscience of the whole school in fear.

In the series 1990, the role of a distraught teenager played Jarred Blancar as a child. The role of an adult Henry, escaped from the shelter for mentally ill, embodied Michael Cole.

In the 2017 film adaptation, the image of Bauers presented Nicholas Hamilton. A young actor, when he was invited to take part in the new screening of the novel, phoned with Jarred Blancar. Nicholas received a consultation from a person who had already tried on the role of a young sowing. The tested hero played the grant tich.

Interesting Facts

  • Nicholas Hamilton has once ever participated in the screening of Roman Stephen King, playing a hooligan in the painting "Dark Tower".
  • The date of birth of the hero is not specified. In the book he 12, but in the films he is an order of magnitude older - 15-16 years old.
  • According to one of theories, each member of the gang personifies some sin: Patrick is envy, Victor - greed, Peter - lust. The leader of this team demonstrates anger.
  • Hero's knife in King's novel and the screening of 1990 - Italian style. In the 2017 Kinolent - Angel Blade's Arsenal.
  • The biography of a character on the screen and in the book differs: it dies in three different ways.
  • It is believed that Stephen King called the secondary antagonist of the work in honor of the policy of Henry Francis Bauers.


From one look at the starry sky on the skin, goosebumps ran: too much, too black.


  • 2017 - "It"
  • 2019 - "It 2"

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