Interesting Facts about Alexei Navalny - Wife, Children, Sports, Prison, Education


On June 4, 2021, he noted the 45th anniversary of the scandalous Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. His career began in student years, kneaders experience in various fields and areas, participation in political parties and the organization of public movements.

The opposition will rarely speak in an interview about himself, his wife and daughter: journalists are much more interested in his attitude towards the situation in the country, the future of Russia, corruption and other important aspects. In material 24cm - interesting facts about Alexei Navalny.

Family traditions

Oppositionist's wife Julia Navalny told in an interview about the period when Alexey was in a coma in 2020. Then she came to his spouse to the hospital and included him certain musical compositions, which in their house received the status of "family". In this repertoire, there are both romantic works, such as Perfect Day performed by the British Sinti Pop Group Duran Duran, and funny: "You look so increasingly next to me", the author of which became the group "Cinema".

Julia also noted that a curious fact is connected with the last composition: along with her husband, they did not decide to whom these words are more and therefore regularly fool each other.

In addition, Navalny's spouse told about family traditions, which they held at a time when they lived in the capital. Once a week, Julia and Alexey, together with children, daughter Daria and the son of Zakhar, tried to dine somewhere all together. Dasha, according to Mother, often tried to see from such gatherings, but his father forbade her and constantly reminded that this is a "family business."

After the daughter went to learn, support this tradition was already problematic. In addition, 2020, which became difficult not only for all Russians, but also for citizens of other countries of the world, made their own adjustments to the usual routine of the life of many people. Navalny's spouse also noted that earlier they met the onset of the new year by an expanded family team, along with children and parents, but from the 2020th and this tradition was broken.

Slimming in prison

Of the interviews, there are several interesting facts about Alexei Navalny, who relate to his weight loss and weight gain in different life periods. So, during his home arrest, the politician acquired extra kilograms: a ban on communication with people, walks and the absence of serious physical exertion was affected.

Despite the fact that the opposition leader has acquired a special sports simulator-ellipse for cardionargoes, the main entertainment has become the food, access to which he was at any time of day in unlimited quantities. The maximum weight of Alexei Navalny at that time was 101-102 kg. And the simulator was not safely used for its intended purpose, but as a fitting device for clothing.

During his stay in prison, Alexey Navalny, on the contrary, threw overweight. After all, there is no refrigerator in the chamber, in which you can look freely when it wants, and destroy its contents in your pleasure. But, according to Alexei, under arrest he did not give up in sweets, cookies and other food rich in carbohydrates, which was allowed to transfer prisoners in any quantities. Therefore, to get rid of extra kilograms in such conditions, it became not quite an easy task. The maximum that he managed to lose in prison - 7 kg.

It is worth noting such an interesting fact about Alexei Navalny, who became known from his conversations with journalists: during the years of youth and student, the future politician regularly went to the gym, as well as his peers, but not to acquire a relief and slim figure, and mainly for In order to like girls.

Hatred for run

Alexey Navalny said that since the school years, all his soul hated the occupation of running, unlike other children. At the same time, it was pleasure to pass the standards for short distances for him, and if the distance exceeded 800 meters - refused to participate in the race, agreeing on a twice in the journal for a lesson, unfolded and left.

Already in a mature age, politician began to engage in this sport more consciously and seriously. This was facilitated by the pressure from the surrounding and example of friends who persuaded Alexey to change their principles and join the head. Looking at sports and tightened buddies, Navalny decided not to lag behind.

But later, he confessed that he sometimes regrets that he had amented to persuasion, after all, he had never happened to love the run. During each race, he recalled the names of those who persuaded to follow their example. The main task in this regard the opposition politician called the ability to enjoy sports, but it was not possible to achieve this goal at that time.

Relationships with alcohol

Despite following the principles of the zoom, the attitude to alcohol at Alexei Navalny is the same as the majority of Russian citizens. The main opponent of the President and the Russian authorities does not deny that a glass of wine or beer could drink once a week and does not see anything reprehensible and abnormal about it.

In his biography there were cases and strong alcohol intoxication, which, according to Alexey, are not uncommon and in the lives of most of his compatriots. So, the oppositionist remembered the celebration of his birthday from the youth period, when the wife of Yulia had to literally carry her husband home on his own shoulders. Navalny considers strange people who did not have such incidents. "It follows to each to get such an experience at least once in life in order to do it anymore," the politician is convinced.

Reliable rear

The spouse of the opposition leader Julia Navalny became a reliable rear for the spouse. She supports her husband in everything, with sympathy treats what he does, and always becomes on his side in difficult and controversial situations. Alexey values ​​such an attitude and repeatedly recognized that her opinion is extremely important for him.

The opposition leader calls his wife fearlessly, because she truthfully answers any question and honestly expresses his point of view. At the same time, Julia believes that, if she was a politician, her judgments would be more cautious and weighted.

Foreign education

Among opposition oppositions and those who are supported, it is common that the politician has received a higher education in the United States. However, this fact from life Truthful is only partially: in fact, Alexey Navalny spent 6 months in Yale University, being a member of the Yale World Fellow program. The founders of this project collect 15 talented students from around the world, and experienced professionals teach them the foundations and principles of approaches to global problems.

In conclusion, we will add a well-known interesting fact about Alexei Navalny: the main education opposition was received in 1998, after graduating from the Law Faculty of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples. In 2001, he in absentia received a diploma in the specialty "Securities and Exchange Business" in the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

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