The film "Found awaits remuneration" (2021) - Release date, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The release date of the film "Found awaits remuneration" - June 6, 2021. The premiere took place on the TV channel "Russia-1". The main heroine of the melodrama is from a distant village to learn to adapt to life in the capital, get acquainted with new people and solve complex problems. In addition, the heroine is drawn in the ball of strange intrigues and is forced to obey certain rules in order not to lose.

In the material 24cm - more about the plot, cast, as well as a selection of interesting facts about the shooting of the tape.

Plot and shooting

The ribbon production in 2018 was engaged in the Russian film company. Alexander Kushaev and Irina Smirnova made the producers, and Valery Ninthilov took the director's chair in the project. The script for the film was written by Irina Revyakina, who used to worked on the films and TV shows "Clean Psychology", "Crossroads", "Cold dish", "live on".

In the center of the plot - the life history of the rural hairdresser Alena, who decided to go to Moscow to solve the accumulated financial problems. In the capital of Alena, meets happy in love, light and Gleb, who soon plan the wedding. Svetlana has a spectacular appearance, and Alain involuntarily envies a new acquaintance.

The heroine finds the telephone light, which she accidentally forgot about the table in the cafe, and answers the call of her beloved. Suddenly, Alena becomes a member of an incomprehensible and strange game. It takes from her to give out of his beloved Gleb, and her life from course unfolds in the opposite direction.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the film "Founding awaken awaits" played actors Galina Bezruck (Alena) and Ilya Korosko.

Also in the picture were filmed: Rodion Galluchenko, Sofya Ozersov, Lyubava Greshinov, Lyubov Germanov and Leonid Gromov.

Interesting Facts

1. The director Valery Ninthilles is also known thanks to other of its filmmakes: "Toxic love", "quite strangers", "bait for an angel", "Blue Lake" - as well as the cycle of films "Rural Detective".

2. The shooting of the film "Founding is waiting for a fee" took place in 2018.

3. Ilya Korosko, who played one of the main roles, was remembered by the audience on the works in films and TV shows: "Molodezhka", "Anatomy of the Heart", "Secretary", "Footers", "Music Roofs". In the 2021th, the actor is involved in the production of two paintings: "Syndrome" and "Curve Mirror".

4. Actress Galina Cheruk, who played the role of Alena, also starred in such paintings: "Show about love", "Sklifosovsky", "toxic love", "Rabcom", "Ip Pirogov", "Eleon Hotel". In 2021, fragrance is involved in the shooting of two new film projects: "rewrite love" and "Elizabeth."

5. Spectators are waiting for the premiere of the film "Founding awaits" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

The film "Found awaits a fee" - Trailer:

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