Series "Goryunov 2" (2021) - release date, NTV, actors and roles, facts


The release date of the comedy-dramatic series "Goryunov 2" on the NTV television channel - June 7, 2021. In continuing the story about the comda-submarine with an unemployed nature, the audience will see new adventures from the Hero's life, which was sent to the ship unsuitable for service. Pal Falch will be to return his former reputation, to defend the boat to be debited, and to send true nicudice sailors into submission to him on the path.

In the material 24cm - more about the shooting of the tape, as well as interesting facts about the actors, their roles and features of the film process.

Plot and shooting

The production of a multi-seater film was engaged in the "Producer Center Sergey Zhigunov". Directed by the project was made by Miroslav Malich, Vladimir Potapov and Sergey Zhigunov. The script for the film was written: Alexander Polesov, Andrei Zhtkov, Igor Esyukov, Sergey Rotov, Nadezhda Vorobiev, Kirill Zhorenekov. The author of the musical accompaniment was the composer Vladimir Saico. Alexander Burkov, Ilya Amur, Vitaly Trukhanchenko and Ellina Budo provided the project's decoration. Sergey Zhigunov and Gulnara Safulina were produced by producing.

The story of the tape continues the story, begun in the first part of the series "Goryunov", which came out on the screens in 2013. The main character, the station of Goryunov, is deprived of the posts of the division commander and receives a decrease in the rank to the captain of the 1st rank. The reason for this was the unsuccessful testing of the newest rocket weapons, the launch of which was carried out from the nuclear submarine K-333 "Lynx".

In addition, guidance as a punishment for non-transferability and rainstavidity fell PALLYCHE for the living space of the VEPER vessel, which slowly rusts, is subject to a quick write-off and has not been released in the sea. Here serve served the guilty sailors and the most worthless sailors.

Pavel Gorryunova prevailed the situation, because the subordinates always appreciated him for honesty and justice. Now, before the main character, it is difficult for a difficult task: from the gathering "Razbayev" and the victorious sailors the commander will have to gather a standing team to keep the ship and perform combat tasks on it. The situation is complicated by the opposition of Paul with a true "major" lech cream.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Goryunov 2" performed:

  • Maxim Averin - submariner Pal Palych Goryunov;
  • Yaroslav Boyko - Makhov;
  • Julia Marchenko - Polina, Spouse Gorryunova;
  • Alexey Shevchenkov - Minaev;
  • Dmitry Ulyanov - Gudinov, Head of the Chemical Service of the Ship;
  • Sergey Chirkov - Lech Creams;
  • Dmitry Blokhin - Korovin;
  • Ekaterina Vulichenko - Olga, Gudinova's wife.

Also in creating a picture participated: Yakov Shamshin (Arthuha), Sergey Uman (July), Victor Dobronravov (Thomas), Alexander Kudrenko (Kiyashko, Sobil), Anna Vardewanyan (Marie-Jean), Anna Tabanina (Ksyusha) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Sergey Zhigunov is also known as the author of the scenario, producer and actor. On his account, the main roles in such films and TV shows: "My beautiful nanny", "Niro Wulf and Archi Goodwin", "My General", "Shakespeare did not dream" - participation in the "Cadets" projects, "by knee", " Piranhas, "peppers" and others.

The author identified the project genre as "patriotic tragicomedy".

2. Preparatory work on the creation of the series "Goryunov 2" was started in 2016 in the capital. However, the process was then suspended for a number of reasons and resumed only in 2020. The start of the filming was scheduled for May, however, the process was launched only in the summer and lasted until autumn. The territory of the former plant was chosen as the main location, where the atomic submarine "Wear" was recreated by the specialists. The vessel was built of wood, the process took about a month.

The shooting was also held in the Crimea and the Moscow region, and the underwater scenes were filmed in Vladivostok. Experienced submariners advised cinematographers when writing a scenario and during the shooting process.

3. Costumes for actors playing representatives of the Navy are provided by the Technology Agency. For their storage, a separate bus was taken for rent.

4. The filming involved actors from China and Kyrgyzstan.

5. Alternative project name - "Goryunov. Ship slope. "

6. The scene of the series was based on the works of Marinist writer and the captain of the 2nd rank of Alexander Pokrovsky. Computer graphics and modern digital technologies are used in the continuation of the story.

7. The executor of the leading role Maxim Averin spoke in an interview about his character. According to celebrities, it is impossible to share people on good and bad, because it all depends on the circumstances in which the person falls. The performer is convinced that the characteristic of the hero should be given by learning how he copes with those or other difficulties and what a way out of difficult situations. Averin stressed that this is a movie about that "what are people for whom the profession, honor and debt - above all. And justice is a consequence of honor and dignity. "

8. Spectators who estimated the positive aspects of the 1st season of the multi-sized tape, were looking forward to continuing the narrative and followed the course of work on the second part of the picture. Work on the series "Goryunov 2" was dragged on many diverse reasons, the main of which was the bankruptcy of Sergey Zhigunov, which caused the grief of fans. Many commentators at the cinemamen expressed assumptions that Sikvel is already unlikely to enter the screens and the film will receive the status "was not completed", and also called him a "project with a challenging destiny."

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