Bill Burr - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Standap 2021



June 2020 was issued for the popular Standap-comic-comic Bill Burr rich in the events in both personal life and professional. First, a man at the beginning of the month was his father for the second time. Secondly, the 12th day saw two new projects with his participation at once - the 4th season of the animation series and a semi-friendly feature film. And all this happened in continuous work on their own weekly humorous podcasts.

Childhood and youth

In the 10th June 1968 Day in the family of doctors who lived in the Massachusetts city of Canton, a joyful event was happening. Son William Frederick appeared on the world, having Irish, German and French origin. Father Robert Edmund worked by a dentist, mother Linda Ann (in Virgin Vigen) - nurse. It is also known that Bill has a brother - the namesake of the head of the family, engaged in politics and almost who did not occupy the place of Ted Kennedy in the US Senate in 2009.

The man recalled that in his childhood he was a timid and shy child with a quiet voice, which was insecurity prevented to realize many opportunities. For example, it is easily to start a girlfriend or succeed at school. As for the secondary educational institution, in the first year of stay in it, the young man thought to continue their education at the University of Notre Dame and become a lawyer. By the end of study, the young man reflected on the construction of construction.

However, everything happened otherwise. In 1993, the guy graduated from the Boston Emerson College, to acquire the degree of bachelor's radio, and soon moved to New York. Before the beginning of the dizzying comedy career, the stand-comic worked in stock and served his parent as a hygienist.

Personal life

Burr in numerous interviews mentioned that he had fun in his youth and carelessly spent time and used a lot of alcohol. Then the opposite sex representatives seemed to him with a psychic robot, who lacked the battery charge. And such a relation was an explanation. According to the American, he himself was extremely unbalanced at that time, accused of his personal troubles, besides himself, communicated with unnecessary people, and even was even afraid of the conversation.
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Acquaintance with the future wife of NIA Reni Hill (now she serves as a frequent guest of her husband podcasts) occurred at the party of friends. In the final of the entertainment event, Bill got courage, walked up to the woman you like and rightly said that he wants to kiss her. After that, the couple leaned the holiday together and took one taxi for two.

"I think about this moment in good and bad marriage days. In bad days, I wonder: "Why did I do it that evening?" But then the daughter runs into the room and rushes to me. And I answer myself: "Oh yes, that's why." And believe me, my wife does the same, "said Celebrity.

In October 2013, the lovers were combined with marriage, and after 4 years, January 20, 2017, they took congratulations on the birth of the daughter of Lol. In June 2020, as already mentioned, the spouses became parents for the second time - the long-awaited heir appeared. By the way, to the role of the father, a man belongs to extremely positively and sincerely regretted that he did not reincarnate in her before.

The "indisputable heavyweight champion weight champion in humor, fastening rage, how did the rolling stone comedian, a lot of advantages. The artist (height 178 with a weight of 75 kg) demonstrates a good game on the drums, calling John Bonmem the main source of inspiration, has a license to control the aircraft, the fanats from AC / DC, loves Hevi-metal and cigars.

As for political views, the Standaper gave his voice for Ralph Nidera in the presidential election - 2000.


The statement that the talented person is talented in everything, as it should not be better to Burru. In addition to truly funny and hard stand-concerts, a man has become famous as a film acter, and as a wizard.

In 1996, Bill first appeared on the television screen in Townies, then flashed in the episode "two guys and girls". In the middle of zero, the filmography was enriched with "Law and Procedure" and "Apassionate".

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In 2011, the artist was invited to the project, increased its popularity: in the criminal drama "In all serious", he performed as Patrick Kuba - Sola Gudman's attorney assistant. Next, "Blonde on the air", "new", "how not to become president", etc.

The celebrity and his voice did not regret the characters of the animation serials ("Simpsons", "So Family") and video games (Grand Theft Auto IV).

Other projects

Trying the forces on the humorous field Bill began in 1992, while still a student. The desire to mix people in the end turned out to be so strong that the guy moved to New York.

In his speeches, he is not shy in expressions and is not afraid to seem rude, tough, cynical, eternally somewhat dissatisfied and completely fooling. Burr laughs and jokes absolutely above all - feminists, representatives of sex minorities, women, children, famous personalities (from him and Donald Trump, and Michel Obama, and Steve Jobs, and Arnold Schwarzenegger).

He managed to turn to the well-known facts and force the audience to look at them from a new unexpected side. The comedian admitted that his teachers and inspirers were Richard Praior, George Carlin, Sam Kinison, Patrice O'Neill.

In 2008 "The next large comedian after Louis Si Kay," according to Anthony Jesiesel, released the debut naked "why am I doing this?". Behind him followed "Let it pass", "all of you, people, the same", "It's a pity that you think so" and "go rag up."

Podcasts, the first of which came out back in 2007, play the professional life of the celebrity an important role. He releases both the (Monday Morning Podcast and Bill Bert Podcast), and willingly participate in the ADAM BUXTON PODCAST, THE NERDIST PODCAST). Like-minded artist generally supports and is often removed in their shows and projects (Shapella Show, "Roll Show", "Gaffigan show", "Show Jim Jeffreys").

Bill Burr now

2019 was fruitful for one of the significant figures in the American stand. This year, the premiere of the sixth in the account took off the "paper tiger" (in Russian voicing, the name is presented and as "do not make an elephant fly") and the space western "Mandalorets", over which Burr worked fruitfully.

In the 2020th comedian, continued to voice the heroes "with the following family," the "King of Stateit Island" lit up and released new episodes of their own podcasts.


  • 2010 - "Mad Date"
  • 2011 - "In all serious"
  • 2012 - "Real Guys"
  • 2013 - "Cops in skirts"
  • 2014 - "Blonde on Ether"
  • 2014 - "Bobras-Zombie"
  • 2014 - "Black or White"
  • 2015 - "Hello, Dad, New Year!"
  • 2017 - "Hello, Dad, New Year! 2 "
  • 2018 - "How not to become president"
  • 2018 - "Mandalorets"
  • 2020 - "King of Staten Island"


  • 2008 - "Why am I doing this?"
  • 2010 - "Let it pass"
  • 2012 - "All of you, people, the same"
  • 2014 - "Sorry you think so"
  • 2017 - "Go ragble"
  • 2019 - "Paper Tiger" ("Do not make an elephant fly")

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