Olivia Williams - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Filmography of the actress Olivia Williams is full of paintings of different genres. Among them are romantic dramas, political thrillers, superhero militants and others. The actress works organically on the screen, playing both the images of the lady's last centuries and modern ladies. No less known to fans and its role in theatrical productions.

Childhood and youth

Olivia was born on July 26, 1968 in London in a wealthy family. Parents worked for barristers, high rank lawyers. Williams graduated from South Hampstead High School, and after arrived in Newem College in Cambridge, choosing the specialty "English literature". In his youth, the girl had an interest in the theater.

To plunge into the atmosphere of theatrical life, learn the process of creating productions from the inside, student 2 years studied dramatic art at the courses of the Bristol theater school. Then 3 years collaborated with the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Personal life

At 17, the girl began to meet with Radoslav Sikorsky, who later became a famous politician, foreign minister in Poland. The fate of young people in England, where the guy came to study philosophy and political science in Oxford. The novel lasted for several years, then the couple broke up.

After the actress, relations began with a colleague on the creative workshop by Jonathan Keik. They met for seven years and planned a wedding. However, 2 weeks before the celebration, the couple unexpectedly declared a break.

In 2003, Olivia found happiness in his personal life with her husband - American playwright Rashan Stone. Two children were born in marriage - daughter Esme Ruby (2004) and Roxan Mei (2007).


In 1995, an important event took place in the Biographies of Williams - it went to the United States in the Royal Shakespeare Company, where, together with Troupe, he participated in the production of Richard III on the play of William Shakespeare. On the shooting area, the Englishwoman met the world movie stars, such as Ian McCellen, Maggie Smith, Annette Bening and others.

The debut actresses in the movie took place a year later in the film "Emma", created based on the novel Jane Austin. In the romantic tape, the girl appeared in front of the audience in the image of Jane Fairfax. The work of the artist was assessed as critics and the public. No less successful in the early career of Olivia became the postpositional drama "Postman", where Kevin Kostner was fulfilled the main role.

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In 1998, the film "Academy Rashmor", where the heroine Williams, a teacher of Rosemary Cross, was in the center of the love triangle, which became the industrialist Herman Blum, and the second - schoolboy Max Fisher. In the same year, the artist starred in two episodes of the series "Friends".

A year later, the British filmography was replenished with a mystical thriller "Sixth Sensitude". Here the actress embodied on the screen the image of the wife of the chief hero - the Children's Psychiatrist Malcolm Crowe, who played by Bruce Willis.

Among the works of Olivia appeared films for the children's audience. So, in the film 2003 Pitter Peng directed by P. J. Hogan fans saw the lady as Mrs. Darling, Mother Wendy and the Girls brothers. And in the animation tape of the 2004th "Valiant: Pernation Special Forces" she announced Victoria, the beloved of the main character.

In 2006, the artist tried herself in an unusual role - starred in a blockbuster "X-Mans: Last Fight", where Dr. Moir Maktaggert played. The Broadcasting British was the work in the film "Ghost" directed by Roman Polanski. The role of Ruth Lang in this exciting detective brought Williams a few awards as the best actress.

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In 2012, the performer, together with other Hollywood stars, appeared in the screening of the masterpiece of Russian classical literature - the novel of the Lion's Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". Here the lady appeared in the form of the Countess of Vronskaya, the mother of the beloved of the main character of the dramatic narration.

In subsequent years, the Englishwoman continued to regularly film. Among these works, films of fiction genre were prevailed, such as "last days on Mars", "Seventh Son" and others.

Olivia Williams now

In 2020, Olivia appeared in the painting "Father", where Anthony Hopkins became its partner. Free time the lady spends with his family.


  • 1997 - "Postman"
  • 1998 - "Academy Rashmore"
  • 1999 - "Sixth sense"
  • 2003 - "Peter Peng"
  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2009 - "Education of Sovers"
  • 2009 - "Puppet House"
  • 2010 - "Ghost"
  • 2010 - "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll"
  • 2011 - "Hannah. Perfect weapon "
  • 2012 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2013 - "Recent days on Mars"
  • 2014 - "Sabotage"
  • 2014 - "Star Map"
  • 2015 - "Seventh Son"
  • 2015 - "Be a man"
  • 2017-2019 - "On the other side"
  • 2020 - "Father"
  • 2021 - "Navers"

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