Roman Carmen - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, director



Like the French director Claude Lelouch, Documentalist Roman Carmen began to shoot in early adolescence by the camera given by the Father. The founder of Soviet film published was able to capture the funeral of Vladimir Lenin and the return of Chelyuskintsev, the captivity of Friedrich Paulus and the Nuremberg process. Roman Lazarevich removed Luis Korvalana and Enver Khoja, was friends with Fidel Castro and Ernest Hemingway.

Childhood and youth

Documental was born in November 1906 in the family of Writer Lazari Carmen. Roman's father called Odessa Maxim Gorky. The man was friends with the root of Chukovsky and Alexander Cookin and first in the family began to use the pseudonym Carmen instead of the name Korenman. Roma was orphaned in incomplete 14 years. The cause of the death of carmen-senior was the exacerbation of tuberculosis caused by finding the Denikin Anton's dungeons.

After the death of Lazar, Osipovich his friends published a collection of stories of the writer and gave the fee of the widow. A woman with two children moved to Moscow. So that the family is not starving, the novel, barely recovered after the raw typhus, went to work as a receptor in Lombard. The young man unsuccessfully tried to enter the Moscow Technical School, now the name of Nikolai Bauman.

The mother of the novel began to print texts for the revived magazine "Spark", which was popular before the revolution. According to the editor of the editor Mikhail Koltsov, so that the publication is interested in and illiterate, it should have been as many photos as possible. Looking at the pictures of Carmen, Mikhail Efimovich issued a guy a certificate of photocrust of the magazine.

Roman quickly became an excellent reporter. The young man for a spectacular frame was not afraid to risk and experiment - removed from the lifting cranes and roofs of moving cars. For the first fee, he bought a good suit, realizing that good clothes opens the doors before the correspondent. When Lenin died, Carmen managed to get all the imaginable skipping into all commissions that organize farewell with the leader.

Soon the novel was closely in the profession of the photographer. In 1932, the guy graduated from the Faculty of Cinematography Institute of Cinematography, and 2 years before receiving a diploma already worked at the "Soyuzucinochronic" studio.

Personal life

Personal life of Lazarevich's novel made unthinkable pyruetics. The first companion of the life of the documentalist, with whom he met in the summer of 1929, - the daughter of the revolutionary Emelyan Yaroslavsky (Mineya Suskhellman) Marianna, whoever lived in marriage with Carmen, left him to the diplomat Marseil Rosenberg.

When the second husband was repressed, the woman learned on the sculptor and went to the Siberian outback. The third love of Marianna was the young Foreign Worker Vasily Voronkin, who later became a professor, the pioneer of the Soviet rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

Roman Carmen and Nina Orlova's wife with son

The second wife Nina Orlov, with which cinematographer lived for more than 20 years, a man "beat off" from the son of the peoples of Vasily Stalin. The third wife of Maya Ovchinnikova has changed Carmen with another Vasily - the writer-dissident Aksenov, for whom after the death of the documentalist married. About Ajulter, who stirred up the whole Soviet God, wrote himself and the author of the novel "Island of Crimea", and its numerous biographers, including Alexander Kabakov.

Roman Lazarevich was friends with the literary father of Stirlitz - Writer Julian Semenov and wrote afterword to the collection of works of a friend. Carmen is the author of several books, from under the pen of cinematographer, "the car crosses the desert" and "under the machine-gun fire. Notes of the front operator. "

Both Sons of the DocuMalist (Senior, Born in First Marriage, named after the Father and the Parent's footsteps, and the youngest, tied biography with international journalism) died in 2013. The grandson of the novel Lazarevic Maxim Carmen became the operator and producer.


According to Konstantin Simonov, the role of Carmen in military film investigator is equivalent to the contribution of Ilya Ehrenburg to journalism. Roman Lazarevich passed all the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The eyes of the operator, the whole world saw the blockade of Leningrad and the battle for Moscow. The experience of shooting fights Carmen received back in Spain, captured civil war on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

Roman Carmen and the second wife of Maya Carmen (Aksenova)

The operator was distinguished by courage and resourcefulness. At the beginning, Carmen's career removed the flight of the balloon. The aircraft began to fall, but the novel, risking to be crushed, did not stop shooting. At the front to capture the courage of the soldiers, he ran along with them into the attack. With no lesser courage, the operator showed himself when shooting marine battles - the frames later entered the series "Battle of the Sea" of the Skyopopoeia "Unknown War".

Fostomy Docunerist showed when he wanted to get into the flaming Spain. Roman wrote a letter to Joseph Stalin with the words "The Soviet operator is obliged to take a civil war. It is the Soviet operator. " After 2 weeks, Carmen flew by a military aircraft to Spain.

When familiar men began to be in prisons in 1937-1938, the operator began to ask for long and even foreign business trips, in particular to China. Repressions, like front-line injuries, passed Carmen. In 1955, the filmography of Roman Lazarevich was replenished with a picture of China's neighbor - the artistic and documentary tape "Vietnam" came out.

Critics often accused the documentalist in cruelty (the operator was rented by the Mothers, mourning children) and provocativeness (allegedly, capturing the hard work of oil workers, the film crewing group for spectacular personnel herself set fire to oil). Roman Lazarevich rejected accusations, but emphasized that the film consuming is not identical to objectivity and impartiality. The operator shows the audience only those frames and angles that correspond to its position or task.

Curious case in the Nuremberg process. Carmen raised the moment for a long time when the defendant Herman Gering hurts her neck to accompany the frame with a comment - "The accused feels that the rope is waiting for him." Newsreel with these words came to Soviet screens, and the Nazi criminal escaped the gallows: the wife was able to transfer the man capsule with poison.


In 64, Roman Lazarevich had the first heart attack. Despite the heart and problems that began to disturb the heart and problems, caused by the treason of the Third Wife, Carmen continued to work. The last work of the director was the joint series of documentalists of the USSR and the United States "Unknown War". The last series of the project "Unknown Soldier" came out after the death of a native of Odessa.

Documental passed away on April 28, 1978. The grave of Roman Lazarevic is located on the Novodevichy Cemetery of Moscow. After a quarter of a century, the first spouse of Carmen Yaroslavl, who lived 88 years old was buried there.


  • 1933 - "Parade on Red Square in Moscow"
  • 1936 - "Salute Pioneers of Spain"
  • 1940 - "Lviv City"
  • 1946 - "Court of Peoples"
  • 1946 - "On the process of the main German criminals in Nuremberg"
  • 1947 - "Leningrad"
  • 1950 - "Sports of Bold"
  • 1955 - "Friendship of the Great Peoples"
  • 1958 - "Washing Country"
  • 1961 - "Flaming Island"
  • 1962 - "The state is we"
  • 1965 - "Great Patriotic War"
  • 1967 - "Grenada, Grenada, Grenada My ..."
  • 1972 - "Flaming Continent"
  • 1978 - "Unknown War"
  • 1979 - "The Great Patriotic War. Allies »

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