Ryan Heurst - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Ryan Hearst is an American actor, which consists of full-length cinematic projects, as well as from the TV shows. Often, the directions offer artist to embody the images of brutal characters in the frame, because its appearance corresponds to such an amplua.

Childhood and youth

Ryan Douglas Hearst was born in the US state of California, in Santa Monica, June 19, 1976. He was lucky to be the son of creative parents: Father Rick Hurst is a professional actor, and Mother Candice Kanachka worked as a teacher of dramatic art. Due to this Ryan, it turned out to be fairly early in cinema processes.

Hearst's debut took place when he was 13 years old. The young man was invited to shooting in the youth series "Saved Call". After graduating from Santa Monica's older school, the guy dedicated himself to acting and tried to realize ambitions in the profile direction.

Personal life

Ryan Hearst is married to Molly Kukson. The couple met in 1994. For a long time, they experienced relations on strength, and in 2005 a long-awaited wedding took place.

The personal life of the artist has developed successfully, because the wife has become not only a faithful companion, but also a business partner. Ryan and Molly, together opened the producer company, which Fast Shoes called. The organization is engaged in promoting independent cinema. In 2013, Herst bought a mansion in Woodland Hills.

Despite the prejudice of people of a strong physique, with an increase in 193 cm and weighing 88 kg Ryan - a good-natured person with an excellent sense of humor. This is understandable even by his profile in "Instagram". In addition to the photo from the set and promoter materials, the actor will post pictures, imprinted funny moments, as well as images in the company of their favorite dogs.


Career artist began with fleeting episodic roles. At the very beginning of the professional path, he starred in the serials "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Copy on Campus", films "Postman" and "Healer of Adams".

In 1998, Herst was invited to participate in the work on the ribbon "Save Private Ryan." The artist got an episodic role. In the frame, he embodied the paratrooper, who, despite the contusion, reports the leading location of the main character.

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The creative biography of the artist developed gradually. The following large projects for him were films "Fight Rules" and "Remembering Titans", the premiere of which took place in 2000.

In 2002, he worked on the creation of the painting "We were soldiers", depicting Sergeant Ernie Savasha. Two years later, the premiere of the picture "Gentlemen Games" with the participation of Ryan, and the 2005 brought roles in the TV project "Wanted" and "Dr. House".

Then for two years, the actor was involved in the filming of the series about the supernatural called "Medium". He portrayed a secondary character named Michael Benoit.

A large breakthrough for Ryan Herest was an invitation to the project "Sons of Anarchy." The series started in 2008 and quickly collected fans. The artist got the role of Harry Red Winston. His hero, herself in prison for 5 years and being free, makes a decision to live honestly. The lack of money leads to the need to return to the criminal world to provide a family.

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At first, the hero of Ryan was secondary, but the Contractor had achieved that the character was among the main actors and became the favorite of the fans of the series. For this work in 2011, Hurst received the Satellite Prize in the category "The Best Men's Role of the Second Plan." During filming, he became friends with Charlie Hannem partner. Men support warm relationships and now.

In the same year, the artist presented his voice to Jedidia from the Rango animation project. Then followed the shooting in the series "Law and Order: Special Corps", "King and Maxwell", "Motel" Bates "", as well as the successful passage of casting to participate in the shooting of the "Ruery" project. In 2019 Ryan made his debut on the set of "Walking Deads". His partners in the frame were Norman Ridus and Jeffrey Din Morgan.

Ryan Heurst now

The actor was involved in the shooting of the 10th season of the "Walking Dead" series, whose premiere was held in 2019 and 2020.

During a coronavirus infection, the creative activity of Ryan, as well as most artists, has suspended. Folloviers appealed to a man in social networks, recalling his image in a popular TV project and numerous jokes associated with a zombie apocalypse.


  • 1997 - "Postman"
  • 1998 - "Healer of Adams"
  • 1998 - "Save Private Ryan"
  • 2000 - "Fight Rules"
  • 2000 - "Remembering Titans"
  • 2001 - Venus and Mars
  • 2002 - "We were soldiers"
  • 2002 - "Stack of Lonely Star"
  • 2004 - Gentlemen Games
  • 2006 - "Noble Cases"
  • 2013 - "CBGB Club"
  • 2013 - King and Maxwell
  • 1995-1996 - "Copy Copies"
  • 2008-2012 - "Sons of Anarchy"
  • 2016-2017 - "Rubber"
  • 2019-2020 - "Walking Dead"

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