Interesting Facts about Mikhail Derzhavina - Wife, Babayan, Vasilyeva, Surname, Life Rules


On June 15, 2021, Aktera Mikhail Derzhavin would have been 85 years old. The feast man went to the audience with a smile and assured that the main place on Earth is the theater, refusing to the cinema proposals in favor of work on the scene. Other interesting facts about Mikhail Derzhavin - in the material 24cmi.

Love at the airport

Before Roxana Babayan in the life of the star had two spouses and both of the outstanding families. Ekaterina Rykin became the first chief, the daughter of Satirik Arkady Rykin. Student marriage lasted for a long time, and the cause of parting was the work in different theaters.

The second spouse was Nina Budenny, the daughter of the seeds of Budenny. This marriage lasted about 20 years, and after the spouse broke up by mutual agreement.

In interesting facts about Mikhail Derzhavin, it is worth attributed to that nuance that the artist has retained friendly relations with ex-spouses. And even the mother-in-law responded exclusively in a positive way.

And in the late 70s, a fateful acquaintance happened to the "Heavenly Half", as Roxana Babayan Colleagues called Roxan. By the way, the meeting occurred in the sky, or rather, on the plane.

Mikhail Mikhailovich and before heard the last name Babayan, but imagined the fatal lady. He even happened to declare the singer in the music program. Meanwhile, he did not occur to the star. Only after a personal acquaintance Derzhavin saw that Roxan was "a thin charming woman, which in his taste.

It is curious that for the marriage union, the spouses thanked the "Seat toilet". As it turned out later, Mikhail Mikhailovich managed to get the necessary subject in the house for Shuris Boris Vladimirov. And he as a sign of gratitude invited a son-in-law on tour, where a fateful meeting took place.

By the way, at that time both were incomprehensible and were in a state of divorce. And in the life principles of Mikhail Mikhailovich, it worked the rule not to make novels on the side, although only ruins remained from the second marriage.

Four months after the acquaintance with Roxanian Derzhavin, he still presented a new passion Alexander Shirvind. Speaking, he heard from each other "I need to take," that he pushed the fastest to settle things and inform the beloved about the divorce.

"We are happy that our love did not destroy any disagreement of anyone," the Derzhavin confessed anyone later, "he admitted later, and added the Lord at that moment" laid the solitaire "correctly, and the spouses were able to legalize relationships without any extra drama.

Hiking wife

Mikhail Derzhavin remained a gallant man and confessed that he liked the charming partner. He even allowed that women fell in love with him. But Ajulter in the open actor did not allow.

The fact that Derzhavin became interested in the partner on the "Ordinary Miracle" on Tatiana Vasilyeva did not even know Alexander Shirvindt, as it turned out in the transfer "Far-close". The actress admitted that the colleague was "unusually good" and released joking comments on her address.

Later feelings deepened and meetings became regular. In the absence of Nina, Budenny Derzhavin often climbed into the dormitory window to Vasilyeva. Tatyana met mom and her beloved sister. Colleagues went to visit together, walked around Arbat, listened to Frank Sinatru. For the eyes of the actress began to call the "hiking wife."

Later, the actress with the warmth recalled these relationships and admitted: "I loved it without memory. We had a very long novel ... "However, this fact from the life of Derzhavin hid not only from each other, but also from wives.

After the lovers were able to part friends. Vasilyeva and Derzhavin intersected in the comedies "My Sailor" and "Night Visit". Mikhail Mikhailovich asked the phone of the artist's girlfriends, called, learned how it was, and then washed the room.

After a time again, Tatiana began to search again and asked the phone number. He was advised to preserve the numbers, but Derzhavin was advised and repeated that it was afraid to offend Rockshanka.


It so happened that from childhood Mikhail Derzhavin grew next to creative people. As I joked Alexander Shirvindt, the wall of the bedroom of the native house adjoined the toilet of the Schukinsky school.

As a child, Mikhail was immediately in a bohemian environment, and the neighbors were famous people who gathered children growing in the house for holidays and played performances. Therefore, after school, the choice of profession was obvious, and Michael from one entrance went to another to learn from the artist.

By the way, this event turned out to be associated with an interesting fact about Mikhail Derzhavin. When submitting documents, it turned out that Zakharov (this is the real surname of the actor) turned out to be several. And so that the confusion did not arise, the future celebrity had to choose a pseudonym.

I did not have to break your head. Father remembered that the great-grandmother turned out to be a serf in Gabriel Derzhavin. The peasants were then called "Derzhavinsky", which later passed the name of the ancestry in the maiden.

So there was a sonorous pseudonym Derzhanin, who over time the actor made the last name in the passport.


Alexander Shirvindt somehow confessed that over many years of friendship no sorry did not have. "He is so all solar ... Crane for the conflict with him is absolutely impossible, he always lines on time ..." - admitted to each interview. In the company, the company and called - "Linal".

This trait of nature was noted by the other colleagues Mikhail Mikhailovich. The case is known when, in the play, Andrei Mironov, who spent the director, proposed the role of Derzhavin, was known. And then changed his mind and stated that he would fulfill the main character himself in memory of the Father Encourana Alexander Menacher.

Outwardly, calm Michael agreed and lost his role, however, hypertension began with the actor's internal experiences. Then the theater intervened in the situation and insisted in order to adhere to early agreements.

Rare quarrels happened to Natalia Selezneva, but after half an hour, Derzhavin called and apologized that "Pumidly".

"I am too agreed, I can not" send ", refuse," the actor admitted. And in confirmation of his words, he was told how his peace-loving was used for mercenary purposes and tied patients or unnecessary animals. Mikhail Derzhavin with Roxana Babayan helped four-legged, and then left the pets to themselves or attached to good hands.

Attitude towards money

In 2017, a year before the death, Mikhail Derzhavin prepared a book "I am lucky. I remember, I smile, a little sad, "where he introduced fans with his own rules of life.

Mikhail Mikhailovich advised to deliver a good mood, do not swear with friends and do not make nasty.

An interesting fact about Mikhail Derzhavin was the attitude of the star to the money. The rule of life sounds like this: "To be satisfied when the money appears, dissatisfied when they are not at all." Mikhail Mikhailovich's close people were learned this wisdom.

After the death of the celebrity on January 10, 2018, there was no loud section of the property. The daughter of the second marriage of Maria and the spouse Roxan Babayan support family traditions and remained in good relationships.

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