TV series "Instalifif" (2021) - release date, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The release date of the TV series "Instalaff" in the genre of the Dramati - June 15, 2021. The ribbon will be available to PREMIER online video service users. The main characters of the paintings will tell about the influence of social networks on the lives of modern people, how the Internet addiction makes the heroes stop distinguishing the virtual world from the real and spend all their time for processing a photo for "Instagram" and permanent inventing hashtegov.

In the material 24cm - about the genre of ribbons, interesting facts about the plot, the idea of ​​the project, taken by the actors and their roles.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot tape - a story about the friendship of five friendships from the capital, each of which has its own story. Olga arrived in Moscow from the province and differs from friends with a breakdown character. Irina suffers from the next unrequited love. Good and cheerful Veronica every life dreams to get rid of extra kilograms and exacerbates itself with new-fashioned diets. The mother of a little child Alena madly misses the female decree and wants to go to work soon, and Katya met a man's dream, who, unfortunately, was already a legitimate marriage.

Friends know everything about each other thanks to the tape in the social network "Instagram" and do not notice how gradually begin to change their life in pursuit of a beautiful picture and are guided by what they saw on the network.

The production of tape was engaged in a film company "Vega Movie". Director was Julia Trofimova. Mary Schulgin and Elizabeth Tikhonov worked on the script. Irina Shakhov was engaged in decoration of the project, and Sergey Stern became the author of the musical accompaniment. Katerina Mikhailova, Julia Kim, Konstantin Pham, Timur Weinstein, Maria Dubova, Maria Yakubova, Ivan Borisov, Tatiana Moiseeva, Anna Gabrielyan, were engaged in producing project.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the TV series "Instalaff" played:

  • Lucheria Ilyashenko - Olga;
  • Irina Nosov - Alena, stylist;
  • Anastasia Ukolova - Katya;
  • Anna Kotova Dreyabina - Ira;
  • Julia Serina - Veronica;
  • Danila Yakushev - Cyril;
  • Alina Nobility - model.

Also in the picture were filmed: Ekaterina Stoolova, Anton Kukushkin, Maxim Lagashkin, Pavel Comiromakhin and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director Julia Trofimova also became the author of the short tapes "Commentator", "Huge speech by Denis Kostlift", "Tram". In addition, Trofimova took part in the shooting of the picture "Lonely Soul Microbes" and made the producer in one of his paintings.

2. The director director told in an interview that he felt the influence of social networks on a personal life. Yulia Trofimova noted that she had a feeling that "instagram" affects emotions and makes the actions that were not planned before.

The author wondered if it was possible to deal with it, when a desire appears to regularly flip the ribbon and lay out a photo boss. "As if you constantly lead a dialogue with someone, an infinite virtual competition." Also Trofimova called these feelings "strange, terrible and funny." So the idea was born to remove the comedy in an unusual genre.

3. The creators noted that in the 1st season of the "Instalaff" series, 8 short series are planned, which viewers will be able to look at the road or in small interruptions.

4. The shooting of the dramatics started in February 2021. The project's slogan became the phrase "series without filters".

5. Spectators are looking forward to the premieres of the "Instalaff" series with the participation of favorite actors.

The series "Instalifif" - Trailer:

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