TV series "Son" (2021) - Release date, Channel One, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


On June 16, 2021, the audience of the First Channel saw the mini-series "Son", which tells about an acute social problem that does not lose relevance. The release date of the dramatic film in the Russian Federation - May 2, 2020, and the premiere of the picture in the world took place in the spring of 2016.

The main characters of a ribbon based on real cases becomes a married couple from Finland, which faced severe trials. To return the most valuable thing that they have, save family and love, husband and wife will have to go through a series of tests, as well as make a difficult choice.

In the material 24cm - interesting facts about the shooting of the ribbon, the plot and acting in it in it.

Plot and shooting

The film takes place in modern Finland. In the center of the plot - the family of a young policy that participates in the current election campaign as a party leader. Timo Kuusinen is married to a Russian woman named Anastasia. The guardianship bodies receive a message from an unknown person, which refers to the ill-treatment of the child in the family of a political leader. Mother boy becomes the main accused.

Employees of state social services are forced to respond: 6-year-old son take away from family to shelter. It's impossible to return the Vanya to return vanya: it is pointless to fight the state apparatus. Tim will have to do a difficult choice: his family and political career are on the scales.

The production of the picture was engaged in the AMALGAMA Studio film company. The director and co-author of the project scenario made Slava Ross. Andrei Faofanov, Sergey Novikov, Vladimir Schegolkov, Alexander Sotnikov engaged in producing. Gregory Pushkin was chosen by the director, and Vsevolod Saksons and Nikolay Dobkin became the authorship of musical accompaniment.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Son" played the actors:

  • Maria Mironova - Anastasia Kuusinen;
  • Andris Keeshs - Timo Kuusinen;
  • Arseny Romashin - Ivan Kuusinen;
  • Yooooz Bruditis - Johan, Timo's father;
  • Gundars Abolinsh - Mark, Chef Timo;
  • Mirdza Martinsone - Martha Merry;
  • Lydia Bayrashevskaya - Svetlana, teacher in the shelter;
  • Andrei Merzlikin - the investigator Andrei Safronov;
  • Olga Sutulova - Sofia;
  • Dina Korzun - Masha, activist of the movement "Russian mothers".

Interesting Facts

1. The director of Slava Ross is also known in the world of movies as an actor, producer and screenwriter. His creative career began in 1994 with the role in the picture "Shadow Alangasar". In 2006, he played in the comedy melodrama "stupid fatty", in which he made and as the author of the script and director. Also, the audience was remembered by other works: "Siberia. Monamore, "Only a serious relationship", "Operetta Captain Krutov".

2. Shooting the series "Son" took place in 2014. In the preparatory period, the director met and communicated with his mothers who fell into similar situations. Also consultants made human rights defenders. The story of Irina Bergset, the paintings of Irina Bergset, and the history of Norway selected children, and the woman did not see justice, despite the broad publicity in the media. Irina also helped the tips of the film crew. Initially, the premiere of the picture was planned for April 2019, but was transferred.

3. According to Irina Bergset, who survived a similar tragedy in his personal life and became the coordinator of the "Russian Mother" movement in Norway, such a story can happen with each. "Children take away from their native mothers without the right of correspondence in peacetime," says Irina.

4. The executor of the leading role Maria Mironova told in a conversation with journalists about the castings and the main theme of the film project. According to the actress, the role of the boy Vani only at the last stage was the 130 young performers. The authors were looking for a child, externally similar to on-screen parents, and Arseny Romashin satisfied this requirement of producers and director. Mironova noted that the boy is really similar to her and her colleague on shooting, Andris Keeshsa. In addition, the young actor, according to the authors of the project, brilliantly coped with such an in-depth and emotional role that not every adult artist will play.

5. Maria Mironova also noted in an interview that the problem affected in the series "Son" does not lose relevance. According to celebrities, it is difficult for her to believe that such situations happen today in a civilized European society. "The fact that the state does not trust parents and considers it necessary to protect their children from them, simply does not fit in the head," the actress emphasized.

Initially, Mironova, after reading the script, there was a feeling of "artistic hyperboles", but later she met women who experienced such situations, and realized the "whole horror of what was happening." The performer also expressed hope that in this way the necessary attention will be attracted to this problem.

6. The scene of the 4-serial film was based on real events, the history of families who collided with the juvenile justice abroad, as well as the literary scenario of Tigran Agavelyan.

7. Producer Andrei Faofanov called the authors of the film like-minded people. They are united by a position that is expressed in the thought that the family is the most important thing, and it needs to be preserved.

8. Kininarik Susanna Alperin believes that the film "Son" of Ross's glory "gives hope, instills faith and brings love." The author of the article published in the Russian Gazette called this project the first artistic ribbon telling about the problems of Russian mothers in the West. The text also states that the picture shows each other's support by Russian people who moved to other countries. The critic expressed the hope that this movie will "affect the juvenile justice system in Russia."

9. The Mini-series "Son" became a member of several film festivals and received rewards for the director, the best debut, the best male role and a prime of auditoristers.

Series "Son" - Trailer:

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