Interesting Facts about Maxim Galkin - Children, Wife, Parodies, Career, Parents


On June 18, 2021, the Russian artist, actor, humorist and TV host Maxim Galkin noted its 45th anniversary. Creative career of the spouse Alla Pugacheva takes the beginning in 1994, and from 2001 at its concerts - unchanged alglags. Talent Partial voices and manner of people behavior manifested itself at the future star at a very early age. Parents drew attention to the artistic abilities of the child in time, and the atmosphere of mutual understanding, love and good, who reigned in the family helped him and become a celebrity.

In material 24cm - these and other interesting facts about Maxim Galkin.

Family crisis

Alla Pugacheva became the first spouse perodist in 2011. At a party dedicated to their marriage, Primaudonna expressed the hope that marriage with Maxim Galkin (which became the fifth in the science of the singer's biography) will be the last. What the newly made spouse hurried to add that he has a similar opinion about this.

Celebrity family, despite regular rumors about divorce, is considered one of the strongest in the Russian show business. In another conversation with journalists, the artist admitted that he was just once once visited the thoughts about the divorce with Pugacheva. According to Maxim, after some time after the start of the family life, they were severely collapsed with Alla Borisov and he was seriously preparing for the divorce.

Avoid a family drama helped the accident. At that time, the artist just had to go on tour, which allowed the spouses to cool and think about what had happened. Relationships managed to establish, and conflict to resolve a peaceful way, avoiding serious victims.

Since then, Galkin has not thought about the divorce and confesses in an interview that Pugacheva is his first and only wife, he does not even admiss the thought that he can once marry another woman. Maxim says he does not represent his life without his beloved Alla, does not get tired of confessing to her love, even after 10 years of marriage, and does everything to be happy. And the chief of artist confirms that words correspond to reality: Primadonna lives in a real castle, which for her a loving spouse briefs children and enjoys life.

Psychic abilities

The interesting facts about Maxim Galkin include the fact that the friends of the humorist did not in vain invented him the nickname M. A. G., which is formed by the initial letters of his full name. According to Maxim himself, he has long noticed extrasensory abilities that are mostly manifested in everyday life. However, the artist assures that there is no positive emotion from this. Sometimes Galkin dreams of dreaming with predictions of life events, most often heavy and tragic, associated with death: there were cases when he had known knowledge about some catastrophes before they had happened.

In an interview, the artist shared that he regretted that he could not consciously manage his gift, because he could go for the benefit of people. Most often, such events occur retrospectively, that is, after time, Maxim comes to the realization of what the dream, which he seen some time ago. Most dreams artist decipher immediately, although it understands that this is some kind of sign over.

First parody

Like many little children who love to imitate adults, Galkin at an early age demonstrated the parody's talent around. The first person, whose behavior he has made funny and who admired his abilities was Mom. The little Maxim took care of how mother talks on the phone, and then showed her how it looks from the side. Close relatives appreciated the young talent. Later, Maxim began not less talented to copy the mother's girlfriends, being a schoolboy, classmates and teachers, and later parodies appeared on celebrities and public people.

Also note a curious fact from life: In school years, the future artist took an active part in concerts and theatrical productions, played diverse characters, and in the 6th grade he independently organized a puppet show, in which various voices voiced all the acting characters.

Joke over Grachev

In the selection of "Interesting Facts about Maxim Galkin" it is worth adding such a case from life. Once Galkin frightened Pavel Gracheva, saying hello to him by Voice Boris Yeltsin. Ex-Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation invited Maxim's father with his family to swim to her dacha in Sochi. Nearby was located and the estate, which belonged to the then president, whose arrival was expected in the near future.

When Grachev walked with relatives in the garden, Galkin was sorely sinking toward them, welcomed and said a couple of phrases, coping his voice and maker speech politics. Parodist confessed that the effect of his joke was stunning.


Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva brought up twins, Harry and Lisa children. The artist on his page in "Instagram" is divided with subscribers funny moments from the life of the heirs, regularly publishes fresh photos and videos.

It is noteworthy that Pugacheva spoke the first birth of children, and not her spouse. Immediately after the wedding, Alla Borisovna confessed to her husband, which had long frozen eggs and dreams of again to experience the happiness of motherhood, despite the age and status of her grandmother. Despite the fact that Galkina had no serious plans and strategies on this occasion, he gladly supported his beloved spouse: In September 2013, Alla Borisovna and Maxim became happy parents. Maxim admits that neither a drop does not regret this decision and insanely loves the heirs.

In conclusion, we will add such an interesting fact about Maxim Galkin: in the upbringing of children, the Star Chet decided to adhere to Italian techniques, according to which the natural development of the child should not be suppressed in any way and detain. On the contrary, it is required to give the heirs complete freedom of choice. The artist considers his wife the best mother from possible: according to him, the children grow in absolute love. Galkin also noted that his wife had taught him many useful things, for example, to talk to children and behave with them.

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