The series "In the rhythm of life" (2021) - the release date, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The series "In the rhythm of life", whose release fell on June 18, 2021, is a musical comedy with a feminist promise, reminding women that the fate of the housewife is not a sentence. Actors, roles and interesting facts about the project - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

The development of the plot occurs in the sunny San Diego of the 80s. Sheila Rubin is a housewife, living in a sharding series that makes spinning like a squirrel in the wheel. Installations Start a new life in the morning do not work, the husband is annoying, and the internal self-esteem fell below the plinth.

Dissatisfaction with himself and confidence that it is not good enough, accompanied by accumulated tension, which risks from the inner criticism of the events of developing events to grow into ambitious scandals. Sheila finds consolation in the hotel's room where fast food sufferings. And later the heroine discovers aerobics studio at the local shopping center.

A new hobby becomes for a stunned housewife, and then turns into a way to earn until the spouse is busy with the election campaign. As a result, the heroine managed to build his own business, turn into fitness tycoon and help her husband with elections. And everything would be fine, but the inner demons still pursue Sheil.

The series

Annie Wisman, known to work on the project "Desperate Housewives", was made by the screenwriter. The director's chair was divided Craig Gillespi, Lisa Johnson, Stephanie Coon.

Authentic costumes in the spirit of the 80s created Cameron Lennox, which developed a collection of swimsuits, and then made the artist leadership for hours of creating models.

Actors and roles

  • Rose Byrne - Sheila Rubin, housewife, who managed to go through the path of self-knowledge through aerobics;
  • Rory Skovl - Danny Rubin, Sheil's spouse, Professor, planning to run into the state assembly;
  • Dirder Friel - Greta;
  • Jeffrey rent - Jeremy;
  • Ashley Liao Simon.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the Craig Gillespi project is familiar to the audience on the sports drama "Tonya against all" and blockbuster "and hit the storm."

2. The project is created for Apple TV +. Preparations for shooting started in January 2020. Meanwhile, the series "In the rhythm of life" also switched to "for a remote." Actress Rose Byrne had to do aerobics with choreographer Jennifer Hamilton on Zoom. Training lasted two months to 2 hours a week. According to the leading role, this fitness style turned out to be tightened.

3. To get to the atmosphere of the 80s helped bright swimsuits with high cuts on the hips, leggings and hairstyles. Showrannels wanted the head of the main character to filter the frame completely, which initially did not like the artist. However, to complete the filming of the series "In the rhythm of life", the magnificent mane liked Byrne, and she wanted stylists to add a hairstyle.

The series

4. Showranner and screenwriter Annie Wisman noted that in the film crew, the advantage was on the side of women. This emphasized the feminist promise of the project.

5. Actress Sheila Byrne was previously starred in the TV series about the Women's Movement Miss America, dedicated to Phyllis Schlafley, which launched a campaign on the adoption of an amendment relating to equality.

6. Musical accompaniment is the hits of past years of groups A Flock of Seagulls and Quaterflash.

7. The original name of the project is Physical, which is translated as "physical." The series is declared by the creators as a black comedy, but criticism is confident that there are more drama in episodes than comic moments.

8. The series "In the rhythm of life", according to foreign film referrals, is gaining rating of 6 out of 10. And the Russian audiences celebrated the leadership of the leading role. Fans of aerobics plot show reminded Jane Foundation and her sports programs. Among the critics of the project, men were disappointed with the fact that televofer is probably designed for the women's audience and they will not join the viewing.

The series "In the rhythm of life" - a trailer:

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