The film "While Heart Beats" (2018) - Release date, Russia-1, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The serials and films of the melodramatic genre enjoy the continued success in the female half of humanity, despite the limited number of plot lines and the lack of entertainment and the dynamics of events on the screen.

The film "While Heart Beats", whose release date is June 19, 2021, the audience learn about the fate of a woman who collided with betrayal and other serious problems due to the fault of a beloved person. The premiere of the picture took place in December 2018 on the TV channel "Russia-1".

In material 24cm - more about the plot of the film, actors, their roles and interesting facts about the shooting.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of melodrama - a story about the fate of a woman named Maria. Until a certain moment, Masha enjoyed a happy life in a luxurious and cozy mansion along with a loving husband and a wonderful son. But one day, the spouse Igor decided to hire a new driver. Seeing him, Masha experienced a real shock, because Alexey once became her first unfortunate love. Then the relationships did not work out relationships: because of the betrayal of the guy they broke up, and Masha soon met Igor, for which he married.

Now Masha has to be found every day with a man who has hurt her many years ago and mental pain, and it will have to pretend that all is well. But, barely surviving this shock, the heroine faces new problems. Masha will find out the shocking details about the life of his beloved husband. It turns out that Igor, who has always been for a spouse with a model of courage and integrity, is associated with representatives of the criminal world and does not do business, but by drug trafficking. Now Masha and her child threatens a deadly danger.

The director of the melodrama became Ekaterina Dvigubskaya. The script wrote Elena Balandin. Alexander Kusheev and Egor Yuzbashev were engaged in producing. Composer Vladimir Saiko wrote music to the tape, and Nikita Schurbak and Alesy Cukuly were appointed responsible for the artistic design of the project.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the film "While the heart beats" played:

  • Olga Mikhailova - Masha;
  • Alexander Konstantinov - Igor, Masha husband, businessman;
  • Vladimir Gorislavets - Alexey, the new driver Igor, the first love of Masha;
  • Svyatoslav Astramovich - Vadim, the partner of Igor;
  • Andrei Davidyuk - Denis, Son Masha and Igor.
  • Evgenia Osipova - Diana, Secretary.

Also in the picture were filmed: Alexander Ilyin (Roman, Killer), Sergey Kozin (Gleb, Killer), Evgeny Nikitin (Nikolai Petrovich, stepfather Masha, Forester) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of Ekaterina Dvigubskaya is known thanks to other working in the cinema. She removed such films and TV shows: "Strong weak woman", "ghosts of the past", "dangerous dancing", "swing", "paying for happiness". Also, Dvigubskaya became the author of a number of scenarios and played several main and secondary roles in the paintings of its own production and in the works of their colleagues.

2. The filming of the film took place in 2017. Over the ribbon, cinematographers from Russia and Belarus worked together.

3. After the premiere, the audience left at the film films in the network reviews about the film "While the heart beats." Most users, the work of the director and screenwriters fell to taste, so they recommend the ribbon to view the lovers of melodram. Among the positive moments, commentators celebrated the clear and interesting idea of ​​the picture, the cast and the game. Some viewers called flaws in the plot of ribbons, allocation of the predictability of the behavior of the main characters and the lack of high mental abilities. The film rating was 5.4 out of 10.

The film "While Heart Beats" - Trailer:

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