Mikhail Taratuta - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Mikhail Taratutu is called Russian Columbus. For 11 years, the journalist opened America to the viewers of one sixth of Sushi, telling first in reports for the "time" program, and then in the author's program on the traditions and the businesses of the US inhabitants.

Childhood and youth

The author of reports from the American depths was born in Moscow at the beginning of the summer of 1948. In 10 years, Misha Osapotel - the native father of Anatoly died. The boy brought up stepfather - the employee of the Moscow Philharmonic, Vladimir Yemelyanovich Zakharov, gradually rising through the career ladder and eventually the director of the Greater Hall of the Conservatory.

Dissidental conversations were not conducted in the Zakharov family, and Mikhail was positive about the Soviet power in his youth, writing off certain problems on the fields in the field. Taratut dreamed of travel and the only opportunity to see the world considered the receipt of the translator profession. After school, the young man entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Moris Torez.

Not yet completed the training of Mikhail sent to work by the translator to Egypt. Almost nothing has changed in the biography of Taratuts and after receiving a linguist diploma - the urgent service guy passed as an officer-translator to Bangladesh.

Personal life

The journalist is practically not divided by the details of personal life and does not post privacy photos. Marriage Mikhail Anatolyevich is durable and stable. Marina's wife (in the Maiden Sirnova) is a lawyer specializing in corporate and family law. In an interview with this Taratuatoy in June 2020, the Literary Gazette, Mikhail Anatolyevich told that his wife cooks very tasty borsch.

The only daughter of the journalist Ekaterina Taratuta went through the father's footsteps. Together with him, the woman produced the transfer of "Russian slides".

Now the main joy of Mikhail Anatolyevich - Communication with his granddaughter. Taratuta does not like talking on the phone, stupid and unceremonious people. The Moscow resident American was equipped with the overseas standard - demolished the extra partitions, combining the living room with the dining room.

From the colleagues predecessors, the journalist is most appreciated by Alexander Kaverznev, Vladimir Dunaeva, Vladimir Color, Alexander Bovina and Boris Kalyagin. Mikhail Gorbachev and Ilona Mask considers the great people of Taratut and Ilona Mask.


Mikhail received the first journalistic experience, still serving in Bangladesh. Tired of the translation of other people's boring, and sometimes stupid speeches, the guy realized that he wanted to write something his own. The result of the creative impulse of Taratuts became an essay on the life of residents of Southeast Asia. Mikhail experienced such satisfaction from creating material that after the completion of the service, it was settled to work on the Soviet Inovo, where all the career steps from the editor passed to the head of the US broadcasting department.

For the first time in the United States, Taratut was found in 1979 as not a journalist, but a translator. In the era of the discharge of the USSR began to exchange cultural projects with the "sworn ally". In several Soviet exhibitions helped to represent exhibits and Mikhail.

Once in mature years in the USA, Taratut not only did not find confirmation of the stereotypes of Americans who lived in his head in his head, but also realized that the broadcasting on the territory of the ideological opponent, to whom he gave almost one and a half decades of life, was technically meaningless: in the country of Cowboys and Jazz Population simply did not have shortwave receivers. Accordingly, potential listeners could not learn about the benefits of socialism, which Michael was told with colleagues.

In the autumn of 1988, Taratut became a correspondent of Soviet radio to San Francisco. And after 2 weeks, October 11, his own correspondent of central television in the United States Vladimir Pavlovich Dunayev died. Mikhail was entrusted to the Corakt, although the journalist did not own television azas and studied the installation of American colleagues. The reports of the new television driver were not traditional: the main emphasis was made on the coverage of the everyday problems of the Middle American.

On November 6, 1992, the first transfer from the "America with Mikhail Taratuta" came out on the Estankino channel. The program lasted 7 years until its author returned to his homeland in 1999. Return to Russia, a man explains the accumulated fatigue from the United States and English, the feeling that the Center for World Politics moved to Moscow, and America turned into a political province.

At the turn of the Millennium, the journalist came up with and created the Russian Gorki program about the citizens of Russia, developing new forms of management who know how to risk. The transfer went first on the NTV channel, and then on a RTR, however, the success of "America with Mikhail Taratuta" could not repeat.

Mikhail Anatolyevich - the author and leading cycle of films "America, with which we live," as well as a number of books, the most famous of which are "Russians and Americans. About them and about us such different. " In the chapter "Grad on the hill", Taratut explains, where the inhabitants of the United States took the idea of ​​national exclusivity: immigrants in the new light dreamed of building the semblance of paradise on earth.

Mikhail Taratuta now

Being at self-insulation due to coronavirus infection, Taratut writes a new book and leads a blog on the website of the Echo Moskvy radio station. Riots in the USA and the birthday of the Americanist prompted correspondents in June 2020 to interview Mikhail Anatolyevich. In a conversation with a correspondent, a man said that America occupies a disproportionately large place in the consciousness of Russians.

In the reference interview with the "literary newspaper", the journalist explained that if the "white" immigrants, receiving US citizenship, were remembered, then the dark-skinned citizens before the early 60s of the 20th century did not let the melting boiler, which caused the emergence of an African American subculture. Speaking as a political scientist, Taratuta expressed the hope that America would survive the crisis. A journalist with sympathy belongs to Donald Trump and with bewilderment - to excess political correctness. In particular, the page Mikhail Anatolyevich in Facebook was banned for alleged racist statements.


  • 2004 - "America with Mikhail Taratuta"
  • 2006 - "American Chronicles, or Introduction to Capitalism"
  • 2018 - "Russians and Americans. About them and about us such different "


  • 1992-1999 - "America with Mikhail Taratuta"
  • 1999-2001 - "Russian slides"
  • 2005-2011 - "America, with which we live"
  • 2014 - "Friends and Enemies of Russia"


  • "Playing according to the rules"
  • "Someone else's money"
  • "His Earth"
  • "Miami. Poned here ... in Miami "
  • "San Francisco. Immigrants "
  • "Las Vegas. From triton to family holidays "
  • "New Orleans. Corruption on jazz background
  • "Pittsburgh. Carnegie and others »
  • "Santa Fe. Under the wheel of history »
  • "Political becks of the Soviet era"

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