EVTERPA (EUTERPA) - image, muse, tool, poetry and music, zeus, erato


Character History

EVTERPA (EUTERPA) - MUSE OF LERIC POEMENT. The daughter of Zeus and Monsina is considered a patroness of poets that helps to add songs from the words, and from sounds - delightful music.

History of character creation

In the mythology of ancient Greece, nine art representatives appeared not immediately, and their images underwent changes for several centuries. Initially, the muses were abstract, did not have names and well-pronounced competence. Later, the singers and the poets began to allocate their "inspirationors", attributing them to the Divine power. An interesting fact: in Hinduism with similar functions, Apsar was performed - a semic industry.

One of the first preserved sources, where information about the adorable daughters of Zeus is "Odyssey" of Homer. But a detailed biography, including the names of the heroine, became the result of the work of the geosida in the Poem "Theogony". He also told that the patroness of the arts were born from the sturder and the Titanides of Monsina.

Translated from the Greek language "Muza" means "thinking", so initially each of the sisters was responsible for the sphere of reflection. It becomes clear why the goddess of memory was chosen by their mother, because the playback of knowledge and skills is unthinkable without reflection.

Subsequently, the competence of adorable sem truck switched to the arts scope. It was believed that these heroines also possessed the gift of predictions, because astronomy in the ancient period also ranked the type of spiritual production. But the painting and sculpture at that time were considered from the point of view of crafts, so these industries did not have inspirationors.

Each of the music of ancient Greek mythology was depicted as a beautiful woman with a specific attribute set. For example, Callopa (patronizing epic poetry) is a wax plate and a wand for a letter. Terraticor in the pictures and statues takes the pose of the dancer with Lear. EVTERPA (emphasis on the second syllable) holds an ancient tools in the hands of Australia or Sirring (Goboy and Flute Types).

More often than the daughter of Zeus stay next to Apollo. He is considered the leader, together they are fun of the gods wonderful music and dancing. Sisters treated benevolently and affectionately to "ward" - poets, actors and singers. However, angry patrons were brutally revenge for those who allowed themselves to do with them in no way.

An interesting fact: in ancient Greece, the temples were worth it for the worship of these heroines. The term "Museum" (namely, the objects of art are exposed) happened from this word.

The meaning of the name of EVTERP, according to the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Sicilian, is similar to the description of the enjoyment of the listeners. Therefore, this character is also called "giving pleasure."

Image and biography EVTERPA

In the legends of ancient Greece, the doctrine of muses as the nine mental power presented Orpheus. The famous hero of myths compared each of them with a note in Divine Melodies. In one of the legends it is indicated that the singer with the loss of his beloved Euridic was helped to cope with the loss of his beloved Eurydika.

The lovers of the patroness of lyrical poetry became masters of words and musicians. This semicline, as indicated in many sources, was different from the sisters sophisticated with beauty and special tenderness. And her poems under the musical accompaniment of Orpheus Gods listened not to interrupting, infinitely long.

A sensitive and inspirational heroine gave the skill to the skill to catch melodic sounds from chaos. But with all the goodwill, she could easily straighten up with rivals - about it tells the myth of the origin of forty.

Once the daughter of the Macedonian Tsar Piere called nine music to the competition. To judge adorable glirts became nymphs. According to the results of the competition, the victory was awarded the heirs of Zeus, whose voices and music turned out to be more pleasant, which led to the indignation of Tsareven. They began to attack the divine guests and even tried to hit them.

The sisters could not be satisfied. For excessive pride and coordination, they punished the daughters of the king, turning the girls in the crackle forty.

Everpa gave birth to a son from the river god of Strimeon - Resa. But the fate of the protector of Troy did not favor him. So, the young man killed the king of Argos, Diomed to pick up his divine horses. According to some information, the muse was still the son of Olinf, who also left life early - on his hunting attacked him and ripped the fierce lion.

Eutterp in culture

Despite the fact that the sebanium did not favor artists, they were dedicated to the ancient Greek heroin their works. In painting it was more often depicted with sisters (Erato, Meldoma, Calliopa and others) and Apollo. Some authors used only the image of EVTERP.

To such figures, for example, the Italian Francesco del Soba belongs. Interestingly, the authorship of the picture has been challenged for a long time. Researchers argued that the canvas belongs to the other - a little-known artist from Ferrara. On canvas, the sebodium stands in an elegant pose with a double flute in hand. Another author, Swiss Arnold Böhlin, demonstrated "giving pleasure" with a flower wreath on his head. Next to her a little deer, fearlessly earthenly eating fresh herb.

The huge influence of the heroine of myths was on the literature. Many poets devoted her works - ranging from Bairon and Homer and ending with Afanasius Fetom, Sergey Yesenin and Alexander Pushkin. EVTERP has become a valid character in the "Res" tragedy of an unknown ancient Greek playwright.

The statues and sculptures of the adorable patronage of lyrical poetry decorate the halls of the Louvre and Vatican. But one of the copies of the original creation can be found in Pavlovsky Park near St. Petersburg.

Muse and today inspires artists. Modern authors are dedicated to the daughter of Zeus and the poems of poems, draw pictures, erected sculptures. It is believed that the heroine is invisibly present at the evenings, on which ancient Greek poetry is covered.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the mythological character was called an asteroid opened in 1983.
  • The image of the patroness of lyrics and poetry is placed on the emblem of the Municipal Education "Black River" of the Northern Capital.
  • In Central and South America, a cabbage palm tree grows, also called Eutherp. The fruits of the tree resemble a blueberry.

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