Interesting facts about Tome Hanks - Abraham Lincoln, fans, hobbies, illness, wife, children


On July 9, 2021, the actor with an impeccable reputation of this Hanksu was 65 years old. The presence of the star in the project promises cash receipses and success film. He proved that after the "Oscar", creative life does not stop, I will hear a good person and rides the subway with pleasure. Other interesting facts about Tome Hanks - in the material 24cm.

Reliability with president

Colleague for the frame of Clark Duncan after the drama "Green Mile", wanting to emphasize the exclusiveness of the celebrity, said: "Someone likes this fact or not, but in modern Hollywood there is Tom Hanks and everyone else."

Indeed, the work of the actor remains in demand, and the films involving Hanks are still gaining ratings and continue to be interested in viewers.

The exclusiveness of Hanks manifested itself in orphanage. Tom was born a third child in the family. Childhood seemed cloudless. However, the parents did not ask family life, and they divorced, and then divided children among themselves.

Tom and two older heirs, his father took to himself, and Mom left with the younger brother. In search of happiness, the Father moved from the city to the city. The children followed him, changing school, friends and hobbies. By the age of 16, Toma remained in the past 10 houses and 5 schools. He was able to consider the parents of three moms and four fathers. In this life case, lesions were saved in theatrical circles.

Later, the hobby became a profession. But this fact from life Tom commented on problems with concentration of attention. The actor said he was lucky to turn the "Haltur", which he once found, to work, delivering joy. "That is, I mean that I have no ability to concentrate and sufficient intelligence for doing something else," added Hanks.

By the way, the artist is sincere and good-natured in communication with journalists, and such revelations fastened the glory of King Hollywood for Hanks.

Interesting the fact about Tom Hanks: It turns out that the actor's core flows "Blue Blood". The Maternal Artist is related to the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln. The mother of the greatest politics is a great-grandmother of the artist in the fifth generation.

Love for fanam

The descendant of the president also remains the most decent and sociable person among the stars of Hollywood. Sincere acts Tom tries not to advertise, but good things are so impressive that they remember them without too much PR.

Hanks does not remain aside if people need help. So, during the recording of the radio fleet, Tom noticed that the carpet in the studio was unusable, and immediately discharged a check for a new one.

And during the filming of the film "Angels and Demons", the bride with his father got lost in the mass ame on the road to the altar and was late for the ceremony. Then Tom stopped the shooting, took the bride at hand and spent happy people to the chapel.

Hanks has been repeatedly seen as a passenger in the subway, he is ready to pay a stranger lunch, standing in line after him, and helps emergency services in the fire season. And journalists have examples when Hanks helped beginner reporters and with patience answered questions. By the way, both journalists, as it turned out, Tom respects.

Having learned that the employees of the press service of the White House do not have coffee machines, Hanks acquired a fashionable device for $ 2 thousand. And in the note stressed that the gift is intended for employees so that they continue to be the struggle for justice and national ideas. For the good heart and the role of a positive person Tom Hanks in the people's name "American Dad".

Decent attention and communication stars with fans. In Twitter, the celebrity often publishes the photos of the things discovered by him. And the losses find their owners.

The actor also knows how to be grateful. Somehow the celebrity at night could not catch a taxi, and then the artist threw the driver to the house. As a sign of gratitude, the actor invited a good man for the theater's scenes on Broadway.

And one day, a married couple came up at the refueling to that Hanksu. The husband was disappointed with the film of the celebrity "Larry Kraun." His spouse, wanting to soften the awkwardness, added that they were counting on more from the work of her beloved stars.

In response to criticism, the artist said that he was fascinated by the current situation and asked for spouses permission to return money for a ticket to the movies. The lady was confused, and the satellite took $ 25 from Hanks's hands, and the spouses retired.


Twice Oskarone actor is not deprived of passion, which can also be attributed to interesting facts about Tome Hanks. Star is passionated by collecting printed machines.

The first copy in the collection of Hollywood celebrity appeared in 1978, when he brought his plastic car for repairs. The Master refused to take an order to work and explained what the real typewriters from the "unfastern toy" are distinguished.

In the new millennium, the volume collection reaches more than 200 samples. And the unusual passion began to develop a literary talent. In 2017, a collection of stories Tom Hanks "Unique copy" was released.

Hanks admits that it is much more convenient to print on the keyboard. However, the knuckle of the printed machine is so significant that it pushes to the writing of a literary masterpiece. It turned out that for Tom it is important to "have a very special tool, which is suitable only for one case and is suitable ideal."

Favorite specimens of typewriters travel along with Hanks. It is concerned that, especially for Tom, the programmers even developed an application for smartphones, imitating the sound of the radi-devices keys.


In 2013, Tom Hanks told that sick diabetes of the 2nd type. It turned out that the celebrity suffered from sugar jumps from 36 years. Doctors convinced that the reason was the instability of the weight, because for the roles, the actor was dropped by 25 kg for the roles, it was getting up for 15 kg.

Doctors assured that if Hanks returns to the weight, which was at school, he could not take medicine. However, the artist resigned with the situation and decided that she could not lose weight to such numbers, and took the disease under control thanks to medicines.

But the cinema in his problems the performer of religious roles does not blame. He is confident that diabetes earned due to uncontrolled nutrition. "I am from that generation of Americans who dance to the last parties to the last parties, eat what it fell, and then recognize that they are sick. I was an idiot, "resuming the loves of the public.

Friendship with wife

The sad story of Parents Hanks repeated and personal happiness found not from the first attempt. At the time of the novel with Rita Wilson, Tom was married, and at home they waited for two children. Three years later, the secret novel and painful divorce lovers were still married.

For 30 years of marriage, the acting couple is not seen in the treasures, intrigues or loud scandals. When there are no rita nearby, Hanks take pictures for the lover event of the day to the smartphone and sends the photo reports to his wife.

"I understood at least one secret of a successful marriage: Do not marry while you have not turned 30," the most faithful Hollywood husband confesses in an interview.

Feelings of spouses sincere and do not cooled in secular events. At the Tony Awards 2013 awards ceremony, the stars posted for a gloss, and Tom Hanks at that time photographed his wife, not noticing curious views of reporters.

Tom calls Rita the best friend. "True, believe me, we have idyll ... just our feelings are so strong that I find it difficult to define Rita," Tom Hanks explained. And added: "She is more for me than a wife, girlfriend, mother, mistress!"

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