Konstantin Batyushkov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poet



Russian poet Konstantin Batyushkov stood at the origins of domestic poetry. He began working on the cleanliness, simplicity and grace of the Russian word even before, for it, his great fellow according to Peru Alexander Pushkin. Becoming a prominent poet of the 19th century, a man also showed himself as a prose, literary critic and translator.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Nikolayevich was born in 1787 in Vologda, but the poet's childhood was held in the childbirth estate by the Danilovsky Tver province. The noble genus of Batyushkov got into opal under Catherine II, and therefore Father Nikolay Lvovich had to endure the echoes of royal disfavor. He led the service in the judicial department, where he reached the rank of provincial prosecutor. Together with his wife Alexandra Grigorievna, he created a big family: four had at least six children, the fifth of which was Konstantin.

The boy has lost her mother early: she died when he was 8 years old. The woman suffered from mental illness, which was inherited to the son and the eldest daughter Sasha. Left in childhood without the care of the mother, Batyushkov received an education in St. Petersburg guesthouses. By the age of 16, the young man left their walls and focused on reading. The spectrum of his interests was wide thanks to Uncle Mikhail Muravyev, who cleaned the nephew Love for Latin, the ancient myths, ancient poetry and the desire to follow in the life of sublime ideals.

The passion for poetry near the young man with prominent writers of his era of Gabriel Derzhavin, Vasily Zhukovsky, Peter Vyazemsky, Nikolai Nitalich, Nikolai Karamzin. By the way, the service in the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, Konstantin, has begun in 1802. There, Batyushkov brought acquainted with the progressive cultural figures of his time and expanded this circle while working in the Office of Moscow University.

Under the influence of the comrades, the young man dared to demonstrate the public poems that were first published in 1805. Without leaving a passion for poetry, Constantine had dreamed of serving his homeland in the Army rank and in 1807 entered the ranks of the national militia. Despite the resistance of the Father this intention, Batyushkov participated in several foreign campaigns, was wounded and for courage was awarded the orders of St. Anne 2nd and 3rd degrees.

Personal life

The poet was a man impressionable and in love, and his personal life found echoes in creativity. So, recovering from military injuries in Riga, the poet fell in love with the merchant daughter Emily, but a couple of poems remained the only fruit of these feelings. A serious drama in the biography of Batyushkov occurred after a meeting with Anna Furman, whom a man in love made an offer.

She could not answer the love of Constantine, although at the insistence of guardians was ready to accept his proposal. But the pride and nobility of the poet did not allow Anna to marry by agreement, and not in the call of the heart. The lack of reciprocity has shuffled a man in the despondency, which aggravated the sincere disorder began.

Suffering from hereditary mental illness, Batyushkov watched with horror, as the "black spot" inside over the years is becoming wider and wider. In search of protection against the darkness of the darkness, the poet appealed to God and became deeply religious, but it did not help get rid of spiritual longing, feelings of self-esteem and, as a result, suicide attempts.

In 1824, Konstantin Nikolayevich was placed in a psychiatric clinic in Germany, where he lived for 4 years, not approaching healing from the ailment. The only way out of the closed circle of depression was creativity and letters of friends who convinced a man without casting poetry.

Career and creativity

After graduating from military service, Batyushkov settled into the public library of St. Petersburg, which gave him means of existence. All spiritual powers he focused on poetry. Being a master of Epicurean lyrics and delicate Elegia, for the first time Konstantin widely became famous in 1809 due to the satirical pamphlet "Vision on the shores of the Letya". In the work that was not published, but diverged in the lists, the guy walked with criticism of colleagues-poets, huzzling both unfriendliers and admirers.

The only published book in the lifetime bibliography Batyushkov became "experiments in verses and prose", published in 1817. The compilation included the best works of the poet "Arbor Mus", "My Genius", "Shadow of Friend", "My Penates" and other poems. The prosecutic creations of Konstantin Nikolayevich entered the "Tale of Russian Vityazy", "On the best properties of the heart", "Evening of Cantemir".

Lyrics Batyushkova became one of the first bright pages in the history of Russian poetry. It is characterized by sincerity, elevation, rich imagery, embodiment of the harmony of the word and forms, cleanliness and correctness of the language. Vissarion Belinsky considered the poet "Forerunner Pushkin".


The recent years of the poet were overshadowed by aggravated mental illness. Since 1833, he lived in the Vologda house of his nephew, breaking all the threads with the outside world. The cause of the death of Batyushkova was the title, from which he died in the summer of 1855. Konstantin Nikolayevich's grave with a portrait carved in the profile on the monument is located in the walls of the Savior Prilutsky Monastery near Vologda.


  • "Live as you write, and write how you live: otherwise, all the echoes of your lira will be false."
  • "Each language has its own wonder, his harmony, and it would be strange to be Russian or Italian, or to write the British for the French ear and vice versa."
  • "Looking: this cypress, like our steppe, freezing, -

    But fresh and green it is always.

    Can you not, a citizen, like Palma to give the fetus?

    So booby with cypress similar:

    How he is secluded, Osanist and free. "


  • 1817 - "Experiments in verses and prose"

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