Einat Klein - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Andrei Makarevich 2021



"He was older than her, she was good," Prophest wrote Andrei Makarevich in 1997. The fourth official wife of the poet, musician and showman Einat Klein - energetic, beautiful and intelligent woman. And the difference in the age of spouses is 30 years old.

Childhood and youth

Makarevich's wife was born in Kiev in the last spring day of 1984. About Einat's early biography knows little, but called Klein in childhood Inna Kalinina.

Every Sunday morning, a young Kiev woman, together with his parents, watched the transmission "Smak" on TV, which was led by Andrei Vadimovich. Moldoval, Inna mastered the art of cooking, and now the photo of the person's own prepared dishes often appear in the "Instagram" account.

After school named "All-Union Strengths" of the Stalin's Times, Mikhail Kalinina, learned in Kiev University of Taras Shevchenko on a journalist. Then in the life of Inna, repatriation in Israel and study at the Historical Faculty of the University named after Bar-Ilan.

After returning to the historic homeland, the girl thought about changing the name. Klein in the language of Eastern European Jews Yiddish means "small." Einat in Hebrew - "Mountain source", and in the state language of Ethiopia (Amharic) - "Mom". The attention of the former Kievans to the language of the North African state is no coincidence: Inna Einat specializes in the countries of the Middle East and Africa, and the birthplace of Alexander Pushkin's ancestors became love of a woman historian.

Personal life

The wedding with the author of the phrase "is not worth bothering under the changeable world" is not the first for Einat. In 2011, already living in Israel, the girl married a scientist specializing in chemical physics, Dmitry Reznikov, also a native of Kiev. Husband with his wife lived in Haifa, Jerusalem, San Jose and San Francisco. After four years of marriage, the spouses broke up.

Happiness in the personal life of Dima gained with a programmer engineer Laura. A native of St. Petersburg, an employee of the Israeli bank Galina Dzumayeva, became a friend and cohabitant Einat. Women together went on gay parades, flew to Iceland and Paris.

Makarevich Klein met at the Addis Ababa airport. Andrei Vadimovich is an avid traveler who visited 120 countries of the world. Einat as a better guide on the former car "Machinist" advised the club Mikhail Kozhukhov. Competence, erudition and beauty of women delight Makarevich, and exotic landscapes added to the acquaintance of romance. The man showed the initiative and realized that she was also sympathetic Einat.

The wedding Makarevich and Klein took place at the end of 2019 in Jaffe in the Jewish rite. At the wedding photos of the bride just below the groom, that is, Einat growth is approximately 168 cm.

In addition to Ethiopia, travel, cooking and Jewish traditions, Klein loves cats and wine. A woman is endowed with an amazing ability to turn a hobby into a business and not lose interest in hobby.

The pandemic of 2020 separated spouses. Makarevich flew to Moscow, and his wife had to go to the Russian capital the next day, but the flights were canceled. Andrei and Einat are now everybody communicate in Zuma.

"We lived each other all your life, live and another quarter," they joke with a shade of sadness.


Klein not only drove excursion groups on East Africa, but also published a report on the traditions of countries visited. Einat, being Columnist "Snoba", joined the fight against the barbaric custom of female circumcision, headed by the model Varis Dirie.

Woman is financially independent thanks to not only the fees for excursions, but also business on wine tasting. Einat believes that the Israeli winery is undeservedly deprived by the attention of consumers, and meetings that reveal the aroma and the taste of drinks are not only profitable, but also patriotic.

Einat Klein now

The time released from traveling due to the pandemic, Einat uses to complete the dissertation on Jewish mystics. Part of the existent business of Kiev managed to move to the Internet. Klein conducts online tasting of Israeli wines. Subscribers are sent a set of three, six or nine bottles.

At the agreed hour, Einat enters the air and talks about the history, features of production and use of wine. Subscribers are collected in front of the monitor and competently enjoy a bouquet of drink. The project for which Makarevich drew a logo, Klein promotes on the pages in "Instagram" and "Facebook".

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