Gaya (goddess) - Image, Greek mythology, goddess of land, sons


Character History

Gay is a goddess mother in ancient Greece. The ancestor of the whole living, the guardian of the wisdom and the advisers of the inhabitants of Olympus became one of the periodulations in cosmogonic myths.

History of character creation

Information about antique mythology has been preserved in written literature monuments. Sources for studying the legends were the works of Homer "Odyssey" and "Iliad". In them, an ancient Greek historian has exhibited legends as objective phenomena.

A completely different attitude to the beliefs of the geoside, which considered the cosmogonic system in relationship with the biographies of the deities.

The ancient Greeks perceived the process of life in a randomly chopped form. The world appeared an immense platform inhabited by incomprehensible forces. And the Earth seemed an animated monster, cyclops and other disproportionate and clumsy creatures on the light. At the same time, he was perceived by his mother and the breadwinner, personified the Lono of the world.

Gay is the goddess of land, possessing a unique birthday from himself. Being a first-mention with chaos, Tartar and Eros, became the leading heroine of cosmogonic myths. Such characters are traced in other cultures.

At the Romans, the analogue of the ancestor was Telllus. However, she was also considered the goddess of death, being essentially a grave for living. In Slavic mythology, people worshiped mother raw land, the spouse of the sky.

Traditions about the origin of the Universe are filled with symbols found in many cultures. Earth and sky are two hypostasis, parts of a single whole, who gave life. At the same time, the first in myths stood higher thanks to the birth function.

The meaning of the gay - "Earth", but the origin of this word is not known. Researchers develop several theories according to which it has pyranceo-European, attic, doric or mykey roots.

Image and biography goddess gay

The first child produced by the heroine on the light was uranium, personifying the world of starry sky. Subsequently, he became a reliable shelter for the majestic Olympians. He was destined to cover the earth, sprinkle the soil with fertile rain and become a spouse of gay.

But already the first generation of heirs made uranium frightened. These creatures were high like mountains, strongly physically and ugly outwardly. Each of the three born hactonheyars had 100 hands and 50 heads. The sky was frightened that the descendants pose a threat to power, and hurried to sharpen monsters to Tartar.

It was hard to heal to keep in her cluster monster, but she decided not to go across the will of her husband. The following children who have emerged also did not cause positive emotions from the Father. The frightening cyclops divided the fate of the firstborn.

However, Titans (6 sons and 6 daughters), according to uranium, should have been imprisoned in the dungeon. Mother could no longer put up with the fact that her children are in Tartar, because it brought her physical suffering.

At the same time, she began to teach Titans to rebel against the father and overthrow him from the pudest of the ruler. A kronos responded to the request, taking a parent and slept him with a sickle. The hero deprived of male strength was shedding blood - terrible and vengeful Erynia appeared on the light. And the seed, which fell into the ocean, gave the lives of the most beautiful Aphrodite.

After the overthrow of the spouse, the mother continued his childhood. Antey appeared on the light from Poseidon, Athenian King Erichtonius - from Hephasta. The fertile goddess gave life to the Pypone, Echidne, Typhon, Dragon Palon, Titia and Argos. Almost all the descendants of the ancestors were terrible, wild and strong, differed in disproportionate and disproportion, were like animals.

The overthrow of uranium gave the beginning of the tradition of replaceability of power and fatherly. So, many gay children were also destroyed by the Olympians - the grandchildren of the Divine Mother. The great war between the frightening giants and the gods of Olympus began. To help the first, the ancestor appeared on the light of Typhon. The serpent monster had only one goal - to destroy humanity and take revenge on the death of the giants.

Gradually, the effect of land began to decrease. Its main role focused on giving wise advice. At this time, Zeus, Uranus's grandson turned out to be at the throne. Gay asked the heir to release Hektonheyirov. Subsequently, a conflict situation also occurred between them, due to which the Help of Athens and Hercules took.

Greek mother-Earth did not differ in sufficient humanity towards others. And it's not only in humanity or kindness, but also in manipulative effects on children.

Initialing the Kronos to oppose the Father, she laid the beginning of the usurpation of power. Subsequently, such a line of behavior was pursued by the Olympians, and the mother showed passive-aggressive traits of character, was concerted secretly, inciting the descendants to Bunta.

The goddess did not take direct participation in the life of offspring. However, suggested the daughter of rehe, how to deceive the spouse and save the newborn Zeus. Also appealed to the Kronos to prevent him about the danger emanating from the Son.

Her position was to support women mothers. Similar motives are traced from demeters, which researchers have repeatedly compared with gays. Greek goddess fertility welcomed only daughters, daughters and mothers in the family.

Gay in culture

The ancient Greeks identified this heroine with female, because she was the keeper of ancient wisdom. In Oraclaces Apollo broadcast the Pythia of the Prophecies of Mother Earth. Her image was also associated with the benefactor forces of nature, which subsequently borrowed Demeter.

Gay was revered in Delphi, Olympia, Sparta and other parts of the state. The description of the temple in Athens is preserved, as well as several shrines in different parts of Greece.

The image of the initiative used the ancient poets. So, the mythological character is devoted to the XXVI Ophthesky Anthem and XXX Homer Anthem.

Some sculptures, statues and vases are preserved with the image of the goddess of the earth. Mostly the heroine appeared in two hypostatas. So, on some art objects, she acted as a cormal or educators. Nearby are children, animals and trees fruit. In the hands of gay, a constant attribute - a horn of abundance.

Another version of the Ancientary Pratcher testified of communication with the underground world, Tartar. In this case, she appeared to a woman located half above the ground.

The image of the goddess did not find a wide reflection in painting and sculpture. You can mark the picture of the German artist Anselm Faierbach, which shows the creation of the Earth (1875-1876).

As for the modern influence, the name of the ancient heroine was used by Lynn Margulis and James Lavlock. Biologists in 1972 put forward the theory - gay hypothesis, in which we considered the idea of ​​"living earth" capable of maintaining the necessary conditions for life on the planet.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of an ancient Greek character carries the largest crater of Jupiter.
  • Rick Riordan in the cycle of Romans Perscy Jackson and Olympians gives the biography of the goddess, and also claims that she can take a human-like shape. So, she walks in a green dress, with fluttering long black curls along the hills, valleys and mountains.
  • An antique ancestile in some sources is called chtonia.

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