Interesting Facts About Victor Drobysh - Career, Pugacheva, Dmitry Koldun, Childhood, Valeria, Wife, Children


Composer Viktor Drobysh, who was 55 years old on June 27, 2021, considers himself a non-conflict man. The musical producer does not tolerate loneliness, compares the birth of a hit with a miracle and prefers communication with artists in the format of "second warning will not be".

Other interesting facts about Victor Drobysh - in material 24cm.

Priescent Alla Pugacheva

In the life of Victor Drobysh, the path to the musical Olympus was opened due to a happy coincidence. Without this, no significant event in the career was done. Alla Pugacheva was opened the road to the show business to the talented musician. Although at that time, the musical paths of the Primadonna and the composer were far from each other.

Drobysh lived in Finland and was concentrated on local projects. Quite by chance at one of the festivals, Victor met the head of a major record-company. The overseas colleague from Holland boasted a contract with a Russian singer, popular as the president.

In a conversation, Drobysh shared with a Dutch guess that it was about Alla Pugacheva. And then the colleague asked Viktor a rhetorical question about why Priaudonna does not perform the songs of the composer. This idea came across Drobysh to suggest the singer's songs. Pugacheva appointed a meeting, looked at the material and agreed to take everything.

The meeting was so impressed by Drobysh that he still remembers such details as a slight ailment of Alla Borisovna and his discomfort from what he would stick to the star.

Alla Pugacheva bought everything, and the material appeared in the repertoire of Christina Orbakayte. Later in the transfer of the "Fate of Man" Drobysh said that he was ready to give songs and so, since he did not even expect a fee.

By the way, in one interview, the composer gave an invaluable advice to musicians and said that he should not try to sell songs expensive. "The main thing is to write hit for many years, and the author's money from his execution will replenish the family budget," the producer summarizes.

Later, relations with Alla Borisovna were upset by a ridiculous misunderstanding, which was inflated to the scandal when Drobysh expressed his opinion on Eurovision-2004 participants. Having distorted the phrase, the composer was accused of insulting the Primateonna.

Trying to justify and show the level of Alla Borisovna, Victor stressed: "This contest is not enough Pugacheva!". But the word is not sparrow. "For me, the incident is the most unpleasant of what happened to me in show business," the producer said later.

Resentment on the sorcerer

In the habit of a composer to give an immediate response to the question or the event that happens, which can also be attributed to interesting facts about Victor Drobysh. "I always always react, and then I regret," says the musician, in whose life more than once, ambiguous situations arise with interpretation not in his favor.

In an interview with his characteristic habit, the question about artists, in which he launched hopes, but they did not meet expectations, the producer calls Dmitry Koldun.

As it turned out, to pull the pupil of the "stars factory" to the leading position, Drobysh at his own expense invited the Scorpions group. By the way, Victor does not shine the cost of the visit of the team to Russia, which cost the producer of $ 200 thousand.

Dmitry Sordun managed to sing a song with cult Scorpions, and a joint tour of the tour was intended, where the young performer had to sing on heating with his program. However, Philip Kirkorov intervened in the situation. And Dmitry Koldun went to Eurovision 2007, and then ranked his niche not in the fateful direction, as the producer expected, and in the "pop".

However, Drobysh accused a song contest in the current situation. Producer noted that Dmitry is endowed with the talent, but that singer who could take place, did not work.

"It was his choice," the composer summarizes and emphasizes that this is the saddest story in his creative life. "So I first encountered a betrayal for the first time," adds a musician.

Sacrifice of the Father

Victor Drobysh is ironically recognized that he grew up in a "very musical family." Mom worked as a nurse, father - tokarem. However, when relatives gathered at the table, the grandfather took the harmonica.

And at the age of 6, when Victor walked in rubber boots on the puddles, he met a neighbor with his son, hurrying to the introductory test of a music school. Drobysh from curiosity went to the other end of the city and sat in line for the exam.

Then Victor managed to withstand the competition approximately a hundred people in place and even put on the fact that he had a piano. The son of the son was waiting for a crying mother, who the heir informed the joyful news: she needs to buy a musical instrument.

Victor's father heard the child's request and refused to turn on the car in favor of buying a piano from which the musical career of the composer began.

In childhood, Viktor tried to drive out of the "music", but the letters from the contests outweigh the director's desire to deduct a talented student. And already at home was conducted by an educational conversation, accompanied by tears of Mom and the father's belt.

The beginning of the creative path was not easy. Routine in a music school helped overcome mom. And when Victor became interested in football, then the father first asked the question: "Music or Sport?" "And, watching the illness of the child, made a choice for the heir, putting off the sibling for the piano.

Once again, parents broke the piggy bank when the synthesizer was needed. And already at 11, Drobysh played in the music team on dancing.

Main man in life

Life led the musician to a winding path. But the fateful seemed to be creativity with the singer Valeria, about working with which he dreamed. "I still consider it a major person in life," the maestro admits.

This interesting fact Victor Drobysh comments on what to write a song for Pugacheva is not difficult. She will fulfill the composition - and het will be born. And when the song makes the artist cooler, then these moments become truly valuable.

Today, not only Valery, but also Stas Pieha with Gregory Leps, are collaborated. These artists, the celebrity considers friends.

However, Victor does not deny the show-business cruel. The greed and arrogant colleagues on the workshop annoy the musician. And the producer sharply comments on the occurring events. "I always express my opinion, and then I find myself a bunch of enemies," comes the result of Drobysh.

Unhappy marriage

As it turned out, and family happiness drobysh found from the second attempt. The first time Viktor Yakovlevich married in 20 years. Elena Stuf, a poetess with Finnish roots became elected. The family in the 90s moved to Finland, the spouses had two children: the sons of Valery and Ivan.

However, vital troubles turned out to be stronger than feelings, and after moving Drobysh to Russia, the spouses divorced. This fact from life Victor comments on irresponsibility, which is characteristic of young age. According to Maestro, in the first marriage, he did not feel a happy man. Creative personals with difficulty found mutual understanding, the claims and resentment over the years.

Elena and Viktor after the divorce managed to maintain civilized relationships. The ex-wife welcomed the chat of the Father with the children, and the producer tried to support the sons.

However, according to Victor Drobysh, he deserved respect for sons. The eldest son Valery has already become a large father and raises three heirs. He went to the footsteps of the parent, choosing a composer career. The younger work drummer in the Finnish group and prefers not to advertise the details of personal life.

In 2007, Victor Drobysh met the second wife Tatiana Nosinov, with which she tries not to part. Now the producer does not endure loneliness. When Tatiana came to the hospital with a child, he wrote in a notebook: "Loneliness is a bastard." This phrase later lay down the basis of a popular song. Inspiration does not leave Victor Drobysh.

After the second marriage attitude to the career and success in Viktor Yakovlevich changed, and he realized that the family is more important than money. An interesting fact Victor Drobysh reinforces the action: Now the musician at 21:00 tries to be at home to kiss the daughter's daughter Lidia and Son Daniel, who were born in marriage with Tatiana Drobysh.

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