Elman Pashaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lawyer Mikhail Efremova 2021



Mikhail Efremova's appeal for legal aid to lawyer Elman Pashayev Many experts call the second fatal error of the artist. The first to be the decision of the representative of the creative dynasty to sit behind the wheel in a drunken form: At the beginning of the summer of 2020, in the center of Moscow, the actor caused a resonant accident, as a result of which the driver of the counter car was killed. Sergey Zakharov. The lawyer had a reputation "solutions", and his name is associated with a series of scandals.

Childhood and youth

In the biographies Pashayeva, it is said that the future lawyer was born on the day of winter solstice in 1971 in the village of Sishkaya Basargera district of Armenia. However, 2 years before the emergence of a small Elman, the district was renamed Vardenis.

The patronymic of a lawyer Maggeram-oglu does not leave doubts about Pashayeva's nationality: Elman - Azerbaijani. In 15 years, the guy of Osapotel: Father, mother and two young men were killed in the automotive accident.

Although the culprit of the Transcaucasian accident was drunk, the relatives of Elman, having learned that the driver had a minor siblos, had every effort, so that the man was not planted. Natives helped Syrote to make it easily at school, in the Certificate of Elman, according to him, there were only five.

Overall Pashaev for some reason did not hurry to enter the institute. The guy passed the urgent service in the Odessa Military District and even in the hot spot - Transnistria. After demobilization, Elman worked in Azerbaijan by a journalist and an employee of the Ministry of the Interior, and at the age of 26 she moved to the capital of Russia.

Personal life

About the personal life of Elman Maggera-ogla knows a little. In "Instagram", the native of the Caucasus lay out not shots of his wife and children, but their photos near the buildings of Moscow courts and the scans of information reports on a referendum on amendments to the Russian constitution.

Like Mikhail Efremov, a lawyer - a large father. The elder son Elman is the name of Elvin, and his wife is Alain. In honor of Parashayev's first-mention, the tourist firm "Elvin-Tour" called his first Moscow business.


Elman Maggeram-oglu boasts a large collection of diplomas about higher education (for example, a specialty "jurisprudence" a man received twice - in the first Moscow Law Institute in the Strong Alley of the Russian Capital and the O. E. Kutafina Law Academy in Garden-Kudrinskaya Street).

Among Pashayev's awards, there are nontrivial, in particular, the "70 years of the Tanker's Day institution" and "Honorary Lawyer of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug". The lawyer without tired improves the qualifications, passing additional education on the legal system of Japan, then to protect the interests of Russian cinema in the UK.

However, Pashayev's specialization is broken-water processes. The lawyer represented the interests of Artist Alexey Panin for care over a minor daughter and singer Katy Lel on the property section with a former husband. Sometimes customer property passed to their defender. It happened in the litigation between the assistant deputy of the State Duma deputy Alexander Hagni and the former spouse of the lawmaker Anna Lavrentyeva, whose interests were represented by Elman.

According to Pashayev, in 2017, a blogger traveler Alexander Lapshin was addressed to him for legal assistance, who entered Nagorno-Karabakh without the sanction of the Azerbaijani authorities. Although the disputed territory is now controlled by Armenia, the state of Ilham Aliyev considers Karabakh illegally occupied and struggled with the visits of the unrecognized republic.

Elman, being a patriot of Azerbaijan, rejected the request of the arrested blogger. After that, the flow of slanders allegedly collapsed on Pashayev and his family. According to Lapshin himself, the outcome of a loud thing was predetermined and did not depend on the competence and efforts of a lawyer, and for help to Elman he did not appeal.

The law has repeatedly deprived the law status. In July 2018, Pashaev was detained on accusations of fraud and extortion. Customers of a lawyer argued that Elman took large amounts of money for solving problems in court, but the promises did not fulfill. As a result, Mytishchi court retrained the case under the article "Self-government" and, sentenced Pashayev by the year of imprisonment conditionally, freed a man from custody.

Elman Pashaev now

In June 2020, a terrible tragedy occurred: actor Mikhail Efremov, being driving in a state of intoxication, crashed into the car Sergei Zakharov, who, unfortunately, died. The artist himself was not injured. At the fact of the accident, a criminal case was brought, Efremov's lawyer became Elman Pashaev.

After some time after Mikhail Olegovich, Olegovich recorded a video in which he recognized himself guilty of what had happened, but soon, on the advice of Pashayev, changed the testimony. New and new details began to appear in the case.

Elman Maggeram-oglu almost daily made contradictory statements, putting into the despondency of his friends. According to Pashayev, Efremov has already suggested adopting the children of the deceased Zakharov and experienced an attack of epilepsy during an accident. According to one of the statements of a lawyer, Mikhail Olegovich was managed by an actor, but some other.

The lawyer of the victims Alexander Dobrovinsky in an interview with the Echo Moscow radio station said that he was sorry for the artist, but, knowing how to save Efremov from criminal punishment, he deliberately began to defend the heirs of Zakharov and does it for free.

On August 21, it became known that the actor decided to refuse to cooperate with a shocking lawyer. But after three days, again accepted him to work. Representatives of the victim regarded this act as another farce from Efremov and his defender.

The court took place on September 3. During the hearing, Mikhail Olegovich admitted guilt in what had happened and read the poem, which dedicated to the dead Sergey Zakharov. The accusation side declared that he insists at least 8 years in prison for artist.

The court decision was made on September 8: the artist was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the colony of the general regime, deprived of rights for 3 years and obliged to pay 800 thousand rubles to the eldest son Sergei Zakharov as compensation. Elman Pashaev reported on the intention to appeal the sentence.

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