Interesting Facts About Nikolae Slichenko - "Roman", Childhood, Wife, Children, Songs, Theater


On July 2, 2021, the main gypsy of the countries of Nikolai Slichenko died. He stretched to art from ornamental years, played the guitar and piano, not knowing the musical letter, and dedicated the life to the ministry at the Roman theater. Interesting facts about Nicolae Slichenko - in material 24cmi.

Help Father

They say the birthplace of Gypsies where the kibitka stopped. Nikolai Slichenko, who recognized: where they smashed the tent, there is a homeland.

His motherland Slichenko considered Russia, where the folk songs who became destiny first heard. And then, adding temperament and passion to classic romances and passion, appeared compositions that were forced to dance without tired or sob from the failed hopes.

And the childhood of Nikolai Alekseevich took place in Kharkov. When the future artist was 6 years old, her father killed in his eyes in the occupation. The fascists entered the city began to shoot Jews. Surrounded by Slichenko, a friend of his father Uncle Sasha, who threatened the danger. Parent, wanting to help a friend, gave it his passport, thanks to which he managed to escape.

And after two weeks, the father was arrested and dried to the shooting. The execution passed on baptism, stood frosts, but people went to the square to say goodbye to close at least from afar. However, the fascists were taken to the arrested cars in the bodies of cars, not leaving the chance of the last look.

The Siemovtsy watched sentenced to shoot so that they did not move. However, suddenly the hand appeared from the body, throwing a hat. The guard immediately hit the man with a butt, and he fell dead.

The crowd rushed to the head desire, but no one could identify the hat. Only Nicholas family could know her. Then people in the cars were taken to the forest park, where they shot. "And the dad was killed even earlier - a blow to the go of the head. It happened in my eyes ... "- Nikolay Alekseevich was recognized in an interview with bitterness.

In the war years, the Slichenko family suffered from hunger, the grandmother died from a lack of food. Survive helped a happy case. To the house where Slichenko lived, drove up a truck with potatoes, and in the cockpit that the most uncle Sasha, who once saved his father. He helped with food, and in 1943 Nikolai sent to the Gypsy collective farm so that he would eat a little.

Song for Brezhnev

In the collective farm, the guy accepted as a native, seated at the table, gave her shelter and spiritual heat. Good promise then Nikolai Alekseevich gave people from the scene.

And the fans of the singer's creativity were high-ranking officials, including Leonid Brezhnev, which can also be attributed to interesting facts about Nicolas Slichenko. It is saying that the singer could even be called with a tour if a concert was planned in Moscow with the participation of influential persons.

He performed a vocalist and a few days before the death of Brezhnev. Before the start of the concert in the dressing room, the USSR culture minister was sunk and asked to fulfill the song "Letter of Mother" for the Secretary General.

Nikolai Alekseevich has not sang this composition for a long time and was afraid to get bored during the performance. However, the minister gently asked not to refuse. Slichenko fulfilled the request and sang a song that Leonid Ilyich wanted to hear.

Brezhnev at that time was quite weak, he was supported by his arms. However, the Secretary General found the strength to get up, greeting his hands over his head and with tears to thank for the performance.

Victims of Gypsy

In an interview, Nikolai Slichenko confessed that the return from the auditorium for him was always colossal, and the love of the public felt at the physical level. It was this respect for the Gypsy culture and the love of music once and saw the Tsygana of the collective farm in which Slichenko worked. In the difficult post-war years, employees on Earth paid a salary, and sometimes checklocks.

Old Gypsy, who discerned in the young Nikolae Dating, turned to collective farmers with a request to help the guy to get to Moscow. Clence heard, and in the talent of Nicholas believed. Flusted wheat cramped, sold grain and paid a ticket to the capital to one side for the revenue money.

On June 19, 1951 at 7 am, Nikolai had already stood at the gates of the Roman theater, full of desire to become an artist. The teenager was explained that the doors open only from 11 o'clock. It did not stop the stubborn young man.

The future People's Artist of the USSR stood and waited when he was heard. Musicians held past him who took accompaniate the guy. On listening to Slichenko asked to sing, dance, read the poem. And then the troupe applauded the new artist, which was accepted into the auxiliary composition.

Treason Female

The young actor was initially kept in the secondary positions, until they heard Akapelno Nikolai Alekseevich performed "Black". The theater "Roman" became a native home for Slichenko.

A year later, from the beginning of a creative career, he met the cinema with the first wife of Setara Kazymova. The girl was worried if Nikolai will not steal her. And only the news that she meets with an artist, a little calmed the chosen. Young soon got married, and the couple had a son Alexey. This period of Slichenko recalled with tenderness and love.

And in June 2021, the facts about the details of the first marriage emerged in the "direct ether" program. Setar Ahmedovna shared memories of the attractiveness and popularity of the singer. And then the story of the lovers of Slichenko's women, ready to invite an artist to a restaurant.

However, the audience in the studio did not believe these facts from life and began to insist that Nikolai Alekseevich Alfons was not. The outrage is not surprising, since Tamilla Agamirova became the right companion of the artist, the passion for which he burned the singer from the inside, and he could not deceive the first spouse.

True happiness

In an interview, Nikolai Slichenko shared an interesting fact: the first meeting with Tamilla forced to go to the insane seventhrough condition. It was five years old to seek the location of the beauties. And when young people explained, the artist seemed that he flew on the wings.

By the way, Tamilla is Azerbaijanis by nationality. And in this marriage, according to the celebrity, he became a little Azerbaijanis, and Tamilla is half a gypsy.

Spouses were able to carry love through the years. The couple had three children. Daughter Slichenko called in honor of the beloved woman Tamilla. And then the favorite name went and granddaughter.

The family of two bright artists did not stand about jealousy or distrust. An interesting fact Nikolai Slichenko commented: "If two halves are really finding each other, on this, as a rule, all the fumes and ends: there are no problems, no questions ..." And when it began to pronounce a popular statement about love That lives for three years, Slichenko frowned from discontent, confident that over the years there is only stronger feelings. "Family for me is the most expensive in my life," the actor admitted.

On July 2, 2021, the artist, singer and artistic director "Roman" did not. "We will keep the memory of it forever in our hearts," the publication says on the theater website, which Nikolai Alekseevich gave 70 years.

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