Uranus (God) - Image, Greek Mythology, Romans, Gay, Kronos


Character History

Uranus is the oldest Greek god, famous for hatred for his own children. In antiquity, they did not particularly read the progenitor of titans, cyclops and hecanthera - evidence of the cult of this mythological character practically not found.

History of character creation

Myths about the origin of uranium refer to cosmogonical, that is, explaining how Chaos was converted into order. Legends say that initially there was some shapeless matter, the personification of infinite world space.

Cosmogonical antique legends were influenced by the Sumerian culture, for which the understanding of the act of creation as the creation of the order of the disorder was characteristic. The ancient Greeks also dealt with the doctrine that at any time there may be circumstances that will lead to the opposite: the world will plunge into the state of chaos.

Such myths described the Gesiod in the Poem "Theogony". The work of this poet became one of the few, where the biography of the deity is revealed, symbolizing the sky.

There are several hypotheses about the appearance of an ancient hero, the consistency of which is questioned. For example, the Frenchman Georges Edmon Dumezzil, famous for the theory of three functions, believed that Vedy Varuna was the prototype of an ancient character. Other researchers noted similar in descriptions between him and Ana in Sumero-Akkadian mythology.

With the search for an analogue of the deity in the Romans arose problems. Judging by biographical features, then they had to become a father of Saturn. Cicero has an indication that his name is Caelus.

The meaning of the name of the hero, symbolizing the sky, is interpreted as a "rain rate". Such a conclusion was made on the basis of the analysis of the word, in which the protogreic forms "rain", "fog" and "urinate" were identified.

Image and biography of God uranium

According to legends, chaos appeared in the universe. Outwardly, he resembled a black mist in the form of revealed giant grazing. In it, as in a certain vessel, fire, air, water and earth were mixed.

The first after chaos was born Gaya - the goddess of the earth, then Tartar (this place was considered an underground abyss), as well as Eros. The latter, God of love, became the driving force that he subordinates the feelings of animals, people and celers.

Soon there was a selection of darkness and nights that spawned ether and day (hemer). Not left away from the work on the light of offspring and gay. The first of her son and became Uranus - a limitless starry sky. According to other information, hemer and ether became the parents of the rulers.

When he matured, he took his own mother in his wife. The mighty land spread out, grown high mountains, trying to touch the lover. He looked at his spouse with tenderness, and soon shed her life on her.

The irrigated soil gave life to lovely colors and trees. Rivers and lakes appeared, the first living creatures on the planet.

Many children were born in marriage, because Uranus was distinguished by excessive fecundity. The first generation of descendants were terrible monsters. These were giants, to grow to getting up to the mountains, as well as having 100 hands and 50 heads - they were called hakatonheira.

He looked at his father for what he was on the light, and was terrified: first of all, from the exorbitant power of offspring. I decided to send them to the bowels of the Earth and forbade out. For gay, it was a blow - the severity of children pressed on her, but she did not dare to oppose the will of the spouse.

The following Divine Family born cyclops - creatures with one big eye on the forehead. They were also giants, but with a normal number of arms and legs. And this offspring did not recognize Uranus, sending off offices to Tartar.

The third generation of children was called titans. It was six sons - Hyperion, Koy, Japet, Cry, Ocean and Kronos. And as many daughters, including Titanide, Monsina is the mother of nine music, patroness art.

The newly exorbitant strength of the heirs frightened the celestial. For gay, the suffering from finding loved ones in Tartar was becoming everything painful. I could not stand the goddess and asked them to rebel against the Father.

But Titans were afraid of wars. In addition to the youngest, Kronos. He slept a mighty parent and one sickle movement deprived his male consistency. Although even blood drops that fell on Earth, gave life to the goddess of messenger - Eriniam. And the seed, which fell into the ocean, was on the light of beautiful aphrodite.

The overthrow of the celestial marked the further change of generations of the gods. In the spirit of anthropomorphism and orderliness, there was a change in power.

The myth of uranium is full of characters. First of all, the character is identified with the male and son. Heaven and Earth are one whole, which is subsequently divided into two entities. Each of them is impossible without another. Therefore, he was so desperately needed a hero of legends in the village of perception of his fruitful strength. And that, in turn, the tired of the rapid continuation of the kind, contributes to the elimination of the spouse.

It is known that after the overthrow of the ruler of the sky Gaya continued to give rise to offspring from other husbands. This indicates the initiation of the Earth in cosmogonic ideas.

The further fate of the father of Kronos remained unclear. In some myths, the theory is traced that he, like children, was sharpened in Tartar. In other legends, the Heavenly Patron died in the ocean, and after was buried in the fictional fortress of Avlakia.

Kronos went to the footsteps of the parent. He just got rid of offspring, thinking that he was a tricky traitor among his heirs. But to escape the newborn Zeus helped his famous grandfather.

Uranus in culture

Information about the oldest cults appear due to the preserved art objects. Unfortunately, no one has a single sanctuary or the temple, which gives the heaven for the honor of the Greeks of the God.

For an unknown reason, uranium did not deserve a special attitude towards himself, despite the status of the progenitor of all living on the planet. The proof of this is the fact that archaeologists did not find any images of Gay's husband on ancient Greek ceramics. Therefore, there are no additional information about the mandatory attributes of the mythological character or the peculiarities of the cult.

The only exception to this curious tendency was the description of the Euripid of a kind of carpet, on which there were images of antique gods, including the spouse of gay. True, the artifact itself is also not detected.

As for modern culture, this character was mentioned in the Roman Jackson and Olympians' cycle of the American author of Rick Riorudan. In the books, the narration is conducted on behalf of the main character: the history of the origin of uranium is revealed, including its relationship with children and his wife.

Interesting Facts

  • In honor of the ancient character, they called the planet of the solar system, open in 1781. Initially, the heavenly body wore the name of the English king George III.
  • In a computer game, God of War uranium is depicted by a powerful man with gray hair and a long beard.
  • The chemical element with the atomic number 92 also bears the name of the majestic ancient Greek hero of the myths.

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