Andre Giant - Photo, Biography, Death Cause, Personal Life, Westler, Actor



As a child, Andre gigant was distinguished from peers with great weight and rapid growth, which eventually helped him make a career in wrestling and in the cinema. However, the place for this feature and glory of the stars of screens became the life that the wrestler lost too early.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Rene Russov was born on May 19, 1946 in the French city of Kuluje. He was a middle child in a large family and grew on the farm with the brothers Antoine and Jacques, as well as the sisters of Helen and Moricett.

The teenager Andrei was not placed in the school bus, so the neighbor volunteered to carry it to classes on his truck. But the parents did not see the problem, because the heir looked healthy and strong and could perform more work.

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Although the young man demonstrated the ability to study, especially for mathematics, he did not continue their education after graduating from high school. Instead, Russians studied joinery, and then worked in a factory for collecting engines.

In the youth, Andrei wanted to go to the army, but did not pass the commission because of his gigantic sizes, since there was no suitable form. He continued his work and once was noticed by the head of the local school of struggle, convinced him to move to Paris and play on the ring.

Personal life

About the personal life of celebrity knows little. The man was never married, but as a result of a love connection with Jean Kristensen, his daughter Robin Kristensen-Russomyov was born. The athlete admitted the girl at once, because he considered himself fruitless, but paternity was confirmed after the genetic test. As a result, it was she who inherited most of the fighter property.

Wrestling and films

After moving to Paris, the guy got a job as a loader and started training. He performed under the pseudonym Geant Ferre, cooperating with Promoter Frank Valua, who organized fights for him in Germany, Great Britain, Australia and African countries.

In 1970, Russimes debuted in Japan, where he received a nickname Monster Andre. During the passage of the medical board, the fighter was randomly diagnosed with "acromegaly" is a disease in which the enhanced production of growth hormone does not stop even after reaching maturity and leads to an increase in body size. Similar problems were found in celebrities such as Igor Vovochinsky, Big Shaw and Giant Gonzalez.

Doctors immediately warned the guy that if you do not make an operation to eliminate the problem, it is unlikely to live even up to 40 years. But Andre was too afraid to lose the features that made his star of Wishlings, so I decided to live how much dime.

He took the alias to Andre Giant and began to cooperate with wwwf. In the ring, the athlete appeared in the image of a large and resistant giant, which is almost impossible to defeat. A man managed to attract the public with rivalry with Hulk Hogan, John Stadd and Killer Khan. The latter on the script even broke the star to the ankle, although in fact he damaged her when in the morning I got up from bed.

The disease progressed, and the rest was more difficult to resist the ring, because of which he was often attracted to the team show. The man tried to stroke the pain of alcohol, for which he was awarded the informal title "The Greatest Drinker." According to the stories of friends, he could have a drink from 119 to 156 cans of beer for the evening.

In parallel, Andre was filmed in the cinema. He replenished the filmography of the Bright Rings of Nestor Vargas in Zorro and Dagota in the "Conne-Destroyer". The most beloved and memorable way actor was Fesque from the "Bride Princess". According to the plot, the giant was to catch the heroine Robin Wright in his hands, but due to the transferred operation on the spine, it was necessary to use insurance, which eventually did not change the impressions of the film.


The athlete died on May 19, 1993, the cause of death was heart failure. It weighed 255 kg with a height of 224 cm, and the body could no longer withstand such a load. The wrestler did not speak in the ring, after completing his career in 1992.

Natives wanted to bury the giant next to the grave of the father, but according to the testament the body was cremated, and the dust dispelled on the ranch in Ellerba. Andre loved to spend his free time, causing animals and playing with dogs.


  • 1977, 1982 - The most popular wrestler of the year
  • 1981, 1988 - Member of the Year
  • 1981 - FUD
  • 1988 - the most hated wrestler of the year
  • 1989 - the most awkward wrestler
  • 1993 - PWI Journal Editorial Award
  • 1993 - Hall of Fame of International Wrestling Federation
  • The international federation of wrestling puts it under No. 8 in the list of the best wrestlers in history


  • 1976 - "Man for six million dollars"
  • 1979 - "bi ji and bear"
  • 1982 - "Cascaders"
  • 1982 - "Brilliant"
  • 1983 - "The greatest American hero"
  • 1984 - "Conan-Destroyer"
  • 1985 - "Mickey and Mod"
  • 1987 - "Princess-Bride"
  • 1991 - Zorro
  • 1994 - "I am looking for mom"

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